
zài yě dǎnɡ
  • opposition party;party not in office
在野党 [zài yě dǎng]
  • [a party not in office] 指资本主义国家中不执政的政党

  1. 利用外脑和在野党等体制外资源,增强决策的科学性;

    Utilize resources outside such as opposition party to enhance scientific policy making ;

  2. 南非主要在野党指责总统公然抵触政府关于预防艾滋病的信息。

    South Africa 's main opposition party has accused the country 's president of contradicting the government 's message on HIV / Aids prevention .

  3. 就在政府试图收拾乱摊子时,在野党自由民主党(LDP)通过挑毛病来替民众夸张的愤怒辩护。

    As the government has attempted to deal with the mess , the opposition Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) has picked on minor gaffes to justify exaggerated displays of outrage .

  4. 在野党要求民主党(DPJ)取消引入儿童抚养津贴和取消公路收费的承诺。

    The opposition will urge the DPJ to abandon pledges to introduce a child-support allowance and eliminate toll-road fees .

  5. 在野党社会民主党党首SigmarGabriel(2009年10月份之前他一直在政府就职)认为银行和金融市场“极力破坏公共利益”,因为是受政客们所使。长期的,全球化组织AttacDeutschland参加了“占领法兰克福”运动。

    Sigmar Gabriel , leader of the opposition Social Democrats , said banks and the financial markets had worked " massively against the common good " - because politicians let them . ( He was in government until October 2009 . ) Attac Deutschland , a longer-standing anti-globalisation group , joined up with Occupy Frankfurt .

  6. 在野党议员不准总理在议会发表讲话。

    They did not allow him to make a speech in parliament .

  7. 部长在议会上抨击在野党的领袖。

    The minister made a tilt at the opposition leader in Parliament .

  8. 反对是在野党的任务。

    It is the job of the opposition to oppose .

  9. 他是在野党的一员。

    He is a member of the out party .

  10. 在野党谴责首相是个没有原则的人。

    The opposition parties are branding the Premier ( AS ) a man without principle .

  11. 特别地,他希望能和决意令他下台的在野党合作。

    In particular , he wants collaboration with opposition parties mostly bent on ousting him .

  12. 政府正在酿造挽回人民对危机的信心,但是在野党坚持,国有化并不能解决问题。

    A crisis of confidence was brewing but the opposition insists nationalization is not the answer .

  13. 这为在野党提供了半个世纪来推翻自民党政府的最佳机遇。

    That provides the opposition with its best chance of unseating the LDP in half a century .

  14. 本月有33名在野党的高级成员被捕,罪名是有意破坏公物与纵火。

    This month 33 senior members of the opposition were arrested on charges of vandalism and arson .

  15. 你认同在野党于此事的立场吗?请在表达意见时说明理由。

    Do you agree with the opposition 's position on this issue ? Please explain the reasons why .

  16. “辞职!当然得辞职!”,在野党和其他一些评论员因“沙范事件”窃喜不已,大声嚷嚷道。

    Resign , of course , bayed the opposition parties and other commentators in an ecstasy of schadenfreude .

  17. 所有这一切应该为在野党6月12日大选前的竞选时期提供素材。

    All this should provide fodder for the opposition in the run-up to a general election on June12th .

  18. 大多数乌克兰人将审讯当做是政治化的,但是他们太灰心,以至于无法相信在野党领袖。

    Most Ukrainians see the trial as political , but they are too disillusioned to trust opposition leaders .

  19. 统治印度,印度的总理,真的太老了,甚至在野党的领导也太老了。

    The Indian prime Minister is very very old even the opposition leaders are very old to rule India .

  20. 如果在野党联盟“自由/国家党”支持交易,那么小政党的抱怨就无所谓。

    Complaints from small parties would not matter much if the liberal / national party opposition coalition backed the deal .

  21. 在经过数月耐心地对阿赛德施压迫使其改革后,土耳其对叙利亚在野党打开了大门。

    And after months of patiently pressing Mr Assad for reform , Turkey opened its doors to the Syrian opposition .

  22. 而在中日邦交正常化的准备过程中,日本在野党更是发挥了特殊的桥梁作用。

    Especially , in the preparing process of normalization of Sino - Japanese diplomatic relation , the Japanese out-parties played a unique bridge role .

  23. 在野党认为菅直人在徒劳挣扎,他本在地震之前就不牢固的首相职位现在更是岌岌可危。

    The opposition thinks Mr Kan is flailing and his prime ministership , which was in trouble well before the earthquake , is in danger .

  24. 即使是在孟买恐怖事件之前,帕蒂尔也是在野党攻击的目标,在野党指称这位负责国内安全的内阁成员表现不佳。

    Even before Mumbai was struck , Patil had been a target of opposition parties for his allegedly poor performance as the cabinet member tasked with domestic security .

  25. 周三他在国会接受质询时,不小心说出“我们救了全世界”,遭到在野党哄堂大笑整整五分钟。

    He parliament Wednesday to answer questions , be careful not to say ," We saved the world ", the opposition party was laughter for a whole five minutes .

  26. 津巴布韦开始一个新的政治时代,在野党领导人莫根•茨万吉拉伊宣誓成为总理,他的宣誓仪式是由其对手总统罗伯特.穆加贝执行的。

    New political era in Zimbabwe , opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai is sworn in as Prime Minister . The oath of office was administered by his rival President Robert Mugabe .

  27. 这名R&B歌手预计将在12月26日的演唱会上表演,但当地妇女权益组织和在野党议员表示,布朗不受圭亚那的欢迎。

    The R & B singer was billed to headline a December 26 show , but local women 's rights groups and opposition lawmakers said Brown would not be welcome in Guyana .

  28. 目前,它们越来越多地被视为前政府官员的智囊团,发挥着在野反对党的作用,发表大量文章,将政策向某个特定的方向推动。

    Increasingly they are perceived to be repositories for former officials , acting as oppositions in waiting , pumping out papers that push one particular policy direction .

  29. 但人们认为,在野的保守党处理这一问题更加得当。

    However , the opposition Conservatives are seen as having faced up to the issue more effectively .

  30. 一些银行家表示,自1997年以来一直在野的保守党也好不了多少,因为在与欧洲合作方面,他们缺乏经验,而且意见不统一。

    The opposition Conservatives out of power since 1997 would not be much better , some bankers say , because they are inexperienced and divided over working with Europe .