
  1. 农民革命及其叙事&重读《李自成》

    Peasant Revolution and its Narrative & Rereading Li Zicheng ;

  2. 李自成铸币新考

    New research on mintage of Li Zi Cheng

  3. 1644年5月26日,北京陷入由李自成领导的反叛军手中。

    On May 26 , 1644 , Beijing fell to a rebel army led by Li Zicheng .

  4. 1644年5月27日,吴三桂与清军联军和李自成的起义军开战。

    Together the two armies met Li Zhicheng 's rebel forces in battle on May 27 , 1644 .

  5. 长篇历史小说《李自成》是当代文学中影响非常大的悲剧作品。

    The historical novel Li Zicheng is an influential modern tragedy , famous for the concerning of his age .

  6. 明末农民起义军的重要将领李岩,崇祯十七年被李自成冤杀。

    Li Yan was the main general of peasant uprising troops in the last years of the Ming Dynasty .

  7. 1643年,李自成在襄阳建立政权,自称新顺王。

    In the year of 1643 , Li Zicheng founded the new government in Xiangyang and titled himself Xinshun Emperor .

  8. 3月19日,李自成带领大军进人北京。明朝的腐朽统治被推翻了。

    On March 19 , Li Zicheng and his army entered into the city of Beijing and the corrupt reign of the Ming Dynasty was overthrown .

  9. 当中有一支力量的领军人叫李自成,深受农民信任及支持。

    Among them , one of the leaders of the rebel army was named Li Zicheng , and he was deeply trusted and supported by most peasants .

  10. 拟就李自成系列时事小说作分析,探讨这些身处鼎革的作者们,如何借小说以表达他们的关注与思考。

    This article analyzes series fictions about Li Zi-cheng , discusses how the writers express their attention and thought in different dynasties , which were based on the description of their fictions .

  11. 满族人抓住这个机会,在明朝将领吴三桂打开山海关的大门后进入了长城,很快就推翻了李自成建立的短命的顺王朝。

    Seizing their chance , the Manchus crossed the Great Wall after Ming border general Wu Sangui opened the gates at Shanhai Pass , and quickly overthrew Li 's short-lived Shun Dynasty .

  12. 1634年各地首领汇集于河南荥阳商量对策,采纳了高迎祥部将李自成的建议。

    In 1634 , they gathered in Xingyang , Henan and talked over the measures against the government . At the meeting they accepted the suggestions of Li Zicheng , who was a follower of Gao Yingxiang .

  13. 《李自成》虽然还存在一些不足之处,但是从总体来看,它为中国当代历史小说以及中国当代文学提供了丰富的创作经验和很好的范例是不争的事实。

    Even some shortcomings can be found , from an overall point of view " Li Zi cheng " is among the Chinese contemporary historical novels and Chinese contemporary literature which have achieved a variety of creative experience .

  14. 太监集团非常强大,而且腐败,直到当李自成(明末起义军的首领)终于攻破了明朝首都,他除掉了所有的太监。

    The eunuch clique was so powerful , yet corrupt , that when Li Zicheng , the leader of an uprising during the late Ming dynasty , finally conquered the capital city , he kicked out all the eunuchs .

  15. 1644年初,李自成率领大顺军从西安出发,经过大同,宣化,进入居庸关,包围北京城,守城的明军投降,崇祯帝自杀。

    In the early 1644 , he commanded the Great Shun Army to start from Xi , an , go through Datong and Xuanhua , enter Juyong Gate and enclose Beijing . The soldiers guarded the city gave in . Emperor Chongzhen committed suicide .

  16. 1645年,李自成在湖北通山县九宫山遭到地主武装的袭击,壮烈牺牲,1646年底,张献忠壮烈牺牲。

    In 1645 , Li Zicheng was attacked by the landlord force in Jiugongshan Mountain of Tongshan County , Hubei and died a hero , s death . At the end of 1646 , Zhang Xianzhong died and the peasants uprising at the later period of Ming failed eventually .

  17. 1644年4月,李自成率军东征,在山海关与吴三桂军队开展激战,清军突然加人战斗,农民军猝不及防,损失惨重。

    In April 1644 , Li Zicheng commanded the army to suppress the rebellion in the east and had a fierce battle with Wu Sangui in Shanhai Gate . However , the Qing army joined in the battle unexpectedly . The peasant army was taken by surprise and suffered a great loss .