
  1. 生活在别墅里的地主们要求归还他们的土地。

    The landlords who live in mansions want to have their lands returned .

  2. 她把自己关在别墅里。

    She shut herself away in her country house .

  3. 艺墅的生活方式-艺术地在别墅里生活着!

    Arts heavily lifestyle-art live in a villa !

  4. 他回来时,埃莉卡正在专心听皮埃尔谈汽车比赛,看起来这就是皮埃尔在别墅里对身边一群人谈的那番话的添枝加叶。

    When he returned , Erica was listening attentively to a discourse on auto racing-an extension , apparently , to pierre 's remarks to the group around him at the cottage .

  5. 克鲁尼和妻子人权律师阿迈勒这对明星夫妇五月曾受邀出席哈里夫妇的婚礼。在别墅里的,还有他们的双胞胎宝宝10个月大的亚历山大和埃拉。

    Clooney and human rights barrister wife Amal , who were among stars at the couple 's May wedding in Windsor , were at the villa with 10-month-old twins Alexander and Ella .

  6. 在他的别墅里,狗可以四处走动。

    Dogs are allowed to roam freely in his villa .

  7. 奎尔普先生就是在这个别墅里预定冷点的。

    It was in this retreat that Mr. Quilp ordered a cold collation to be prepared .

  8. 除非我亲自出现在他的别墅里。

    Unless I personally present myself at his villa .

  9. 维多利亚其实我更愿意和我丈夫一起在海滨别墅里恢复

    Actually , Victoria , I think I 'd prefer to recuperate in the beach house with my husband .

  10. 除非你亲身经历,否则无法想象一年四季都待在避暑别墅里是什么感觉。

    Unless you 've gone through it yourself , you can 't imagine what it 's like to live year-round in your summer home .

  11. 如今迪恩的对手正独自坐在湖边别墅里,漫不经心地翻看报纸,面前吃剩的半碗麦片粥已经变稠了。

    And now Dean 's opponent sat alone in the cottage by the lake , a half-eaten bowl of cereal congealing before him , leafing listlessly through the papers .

  12. 他们通常在海边的别墅里消夏

    In summer , they usually stay in their chateau by the ocean

  13. 天秤:秤子可不会满足于仅在偏远的别墅里混日子。

    Libra , you are not content to just laze around a secluded villa .

  14. 你知道我很嫉妒你呆在阿里的别墅里。

    You know I have to be jealous about you staying at ali 's place .

  15. 这种要在小别墅后院里做的事情在国内是多么难求的奢侈喂。

    How luxury in domestic as it can be done in this small villa yard .

  16. 在这座别墅里过圣诞节的时候,我总是会布置一棵有粉红色装饰品的圣诞树,来搭配整个房子的格调。

    When we are here at Christmas time I have always had a tree with pink decorations to match with the house .

  17. 丈夫去世之前她已经在一所现代化别墅里安顿下来了。

    Before her husband 's death she had installed herself in a modern villa .

  18. 他选择在自己的海滨别墅里放松神经。

    He chooses to chill out in his beach house .

  19. 他们与世隔绝,呆在锡耶纳郊外的别墅里。

    They were isolated in a villa outside Siena .

  20. 比尔在赛雷那路上的别墅里。

    Bill is at the villa quatro , on the road to salina .

  21. 我的保持器就在我家别墅的厕所里

    My bite guard is just sitting in the bathroom of my townhouse .

  22. 是在那个小镇的别墅里我们……对,没错,就那。

    Lily : Was that the one with the villa where we ... Yes , indeed , it was .

  23. 这些照片是用长镜头拍摄的,照片中凯特王妃在一栋海滨别墅里日光浴,上身没穿泳衣。

    The pictures , taken using a long lens , showed Kate tanning at a beach house without a bathing suit top on .

  24. 据报道,如今施密特居住在马里布的别墅里,同住的还有他的一个性格挑剔的死党及其幼小的儿子;施密特创立了一个销售电网管理软件的新公司,以图东山再起。

    Now reportedly living in a Malibu mansion with persnickety best friend and his teenage son ; attempting comeback with new business selling power-grid management software .

  25. 现年76岁的波兰斯基不再被软禁在格施塔德的别墅里,已获得释放。1977年,波兰斯基承认他在加利福尼亚给13岁的女孩儿灌药,并与其发生性关系。

    Polanski , 76 , who admitted to drugging and having sex with a13-year-old girl in California in1977 , was released from house arrest at his Swiss chalet in Gstaad .

  26. 这些活动人士已经在别墅周围的丛林里露营了几个月,他们躲过巡查的保安,绕过“不准擅自闯入”的标牌,拍摄这座巨大的豪华别墅。

    For months , the activists have been camping in the woods near the mansion , sneaking past the guards and the " No Trespassing " signs to photograph the massive home .

  27. 少女玛丽·葛德文(很快改姓成了玛丽·雪莱)在一个意大利别墅里度过了一次很受伤的假期,第一次动笔写《弗兰肯斯坦》,此时她脑子里的那个人物肯定在扮演上帝。

    When the teenage Mary Godwin ( soon to become Mary Shelley ) first penned Frankenstein on a traumatic vacation in an Italian villa , she certainly had in mind that her character was playing God .

  28. 去年在去西班牙的过程中,我的旅行包在下榻的乡间别墅里被人偷走,放在包里的回程车票也丢了。

    On a trip to Spain last year , I had my bag stolen from the villa I stayed in , and , with it , my return train ticket .

  29. 莲花山房在庐山颇有名气,不仅因为它那别具一格的建筑风格,还因为在这栋别墅里曾住过两位不同凡响的人物和他们的故事。

    Lotus Flower Hill House is well-known on Lushan Mountain not only thanks to its unique architectural style but also to two outstanding men that stayed here and their stories .