
yì wén
  • translation;translated text
译文 [yì wén]
  • [translated text;translation] 翻译成的文字

译文[yì wén]
  1. 译文评价实用标准探索

    On the Practical Criteria for the Translated Text On Evaluation

  2. 对于译文的好坏评判也是要看它是否达到了预定的目的。

    To evaluate a translated text is to see whether it has achieved its intended purpose .

  3. 这篇译文为求准确而不惜牺牲自然流畅。

    The translation sacrifices naturalness for the sake of accuracy .

  4. 他给我做的大多数译文完全不知所云。

    Most of the translation he did for me was complete nonsense .

  5. 这些译文中有不够准确、下笔仓促的痕迹。

    The translations bear the signs of inaccuracy and haste .

  6. 译文不切原意。

    The translation does not quite correspond to the original .

  7. 编者在注解译文。

    The editor is giving explanatory notes to the translation .

  8. 这篇译文不确切。

    The translation is inexact to the letter .

  9. 译文畅达。

    The translation reads smoothly .

  10. 这是译文,原文是法文。

    This is a translation ; the original is in french .

  11. 对照原文修改译文。

    Check the translation against the original and make corrections .

  12. 看来这段译文不十分妥帖。

    That doesn 't seem to be an apt translation .

  13. 译文走失原意。

    The original meaning is lost in the translation .

  14. 译文在意义与形式上应忠实于原文。

    The translation should be faithful to the original both in meaning and form .

  15. 译文明畅。

    The translation is clear and smooth .

  16. 这是译文。原文是法文。

    This is a translation.The original is in French .

  17. 译文:日本电气公司称已设计出一种小巧可爱的机器人5号。他会打瞌睡,说梦话。

    NEC says it has designed the robot 5 to be “ cute ” .

  18. 译文)我非常感谢你们巨大的努力给这张多灾多难的订单披上神秘的面纱

    I am appreciated your great efforts for ornamenting this suffering order to a mysterious yashmak . (

  19. 还值得一提的是,中国文学的四大经典名著中有三部写于明朝。参考译文:

    What ’ s more , three of the four classical novels are written in the Ming dynasty .

  20. 译文:我要感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。中国人民正是以这种热情好客而闻明世界的。

    I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world .

  21. “作为瓷器和生产瓷器的“中国“的代称。久而久之,欧洲人就把昌南的本意忘却了,只记得它是“瓷器“,即“中国“了。参考译文:

    Gradually , Europeans forgot the original meaning of Changnan , only remembering it is “ china “ , namely “ China “ .

  22. 从WTO文本翻译看译文的可接受性

    On the Acceptability from the Translation of WTO Texts

  23. 最后,将基于XML的译文生成技术应用于汉英机器翻译中,实现了一个汉英转换生成实验系统SUNGEN,为不断改进译文质量提供了一个方便高效的实验平台。

    By applying the XSLT transformation technology , we construct a general rule-based generation method and implement a generation system in the Chinese-English machine translation ( CEMT ) .

  24. 中国散文翻译的新收获喜读张培基教授《英译中国现代散文选》散文翻译中的审美阅读与审美再现RuralLifeinEngland译文评述

    Comments on the Version of the Selected Modern Chinese Prose Writings Aesthetics Embodied in the Translating of English Essays & Contrastive Studies of the Translations of Washington Irving 's Rural Life in England

  25. 译文:虽然我们可能因此认为基因和DNA本质是“自私的”,然而我们大多数人都具有我们这里所称作的“显型范例”。

    Although we may thus view genes and DNA as essentially " selfish ", most of us are , nevertheless , wedded to what we will call here the " phenotype paradigm " .

  26. 文章通过马克·吐温Luck(运气)的两种译文,讨论了英汉两种语言衔接手段以及在英译汉过程中的转化问题。

    The paper discusses the conjunction methods of English and Chinese and the transfer of them in the process of translating English into Chinese through two translation versions of Luck by Mark Twain .

  27. 该理论的创始人凯瑟林娜·赖斯(KatharinaReiss)提出译文的预期功能应由翻译要求决定。

    Its founder Katharina Reiss proposed that the prospective function of target text should depend on the translation brief .

  28. 上海SFECO拥有5家控股子公司。原译文。

    Shanghai SFECO Group has5 share-holding companies .

  29. 译文读者的认知环境并不是静态的,而是动态的,导致Gutt提出这个欠妥的观点有三方面的原因。

    The current paper holds that the target text readers ' cognitive environment is dynamic rather than static , and the paper gives reasons why Gutt has the false view .

  30. 基于句法结构的译文选择将句法上下文集合视为词包,统计集合中各词的词信息和词性信息作为上下文特征,以Bayes最小错误概率公式作为评价函数选择译文。

    The translation choice is realized on the basis of a grammar tree and takes the context as a word bag , with the lexicon and POS tag information as context features . The Bayes minimal error probability is taken as the evaluation function of the candidate translation .