
cǎo nǐ
  • draft;prepare;draw up;rough in;roughhew
草拟 [cǎo nǐ]
  • [draft;prepare;draw up] 起草;初步拟出

  • 草拟文件

草拟[cǎo nǐ]
  1. 你应该为文章草拟个计划或提纲。

    You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay .

  2. 在2012年,美国国会(U.S.Congress)通过法案,允许联邦航空管理局(FAA)草拟商用和警用无人机在美国领空的使用法规。

    In 2012 , the U.S. Congress passed a bill allowing the Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) to draw up rules for the use of commercial and police drones in U.S. airspace .

  3. 法律由众议院民主党草拟。

    The legislation was drafted by House Democrats .

  4. 方案已经草拟出来了,但还要讨论和修改。

    A scheme has been roughed out but it has yet to be discussed and amended .

  5. 政府已草拟了未来法律的规划

    The government has drafted out its plan for future laws .

  6. 我们草拟了几个开展员工培训日的可行日期,但我们需要看看哪一天对团队最方便。

    We 've penciled in a few possible dates for our staff1 training day , but we 'll have to see which is the most convenient2 for the team !

  7. 本合同范本是在假定当事人通常都同时使用A、B两部分且在草拟每一部份条款时都应考虑到另一部外条款的情况下起草的。

    The model has been designed on the assumption that parties would normally use both Parts A and B , with each part being drafted with the other part in mind .

  8. 由于您希望您的XML文档携带ShippingOrder信息,因此下一步就是设计符合草拟的UML图的XML模式。

    Since you want your XML documents to carry the Shipping Order information , the next step is to design XML schemas that conform to the sketched UML diagrams .

  9. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)草拟了有关银行处置(bankresolution)的新条例,为未来欧盟境内银行纾困创造法律基础,但公众舆论对此漠不关心。

    Largely ignored by public opinion , the European Commission has drafted a new directive on bank resolution which creates the legal basis for future bank bailouts in the EU .

  10. 本伯南克(benbernanke)已经草拟了一条退出路线,但他暂时并不打算使用。

    Ben Bernanke has sketched out a route to the exit , but does not intend to use it for a while .

  11. 加入WTO后,中国与国外贸易交往日益增多,能理解英文合同的准确含义,并能亲自草拟英文合同,必将在未来的经济贸易交往及日趋激烈的竞争中掌握主动权。

    After entering the WTO , China has increased the contact with foreign trade . Understanding of contract English and quick contract writing will help to achieve competitive advantages in future economic and trade contracts .

  12. 9.draftvt.起草,画草图,草拟他们坐下来,给当地的报纸草拟了一封信。

    They sat down and drafted a letter to the local newspaper .

  13. 这位社区积极分子表示,他和十几名博主今年1月草拟了一份“骑自行车者权利法案”(CyclistsBillofRights),正提交给该地区的地方委员会进行投票。

    The community organizer says he and about a dozen bloggers drafted a Cyclists Bill of Rights in January that he is presenting for a vote at neighborhood council meetings around the region .

  14. BPMN能够用于不同的目的,从草拟高水平的业务流程到详述意欲自动执行的业务流程。

    BPMN can be used for different purposes , from sketching high-level business processes to specifying business processes intended for automatic execution .

  15. TCL从5月份开始草拟欧洲业务的重组计划,并表示,将于10月份提出其新战略。

    TCL began drawing up a restructuring plan for the European business in May , and said it would present its new strategy in October .

  16. 在那个时候,FDA要求额外的数据证明按照它草拟的标签唑吡坦第二天残余效应不会导致无法接受的风险。

    At that time , the FDA requested additional data demonstrating that zolpidem does not present an unacceptable risk for next-day residual effects when used according to its proposed label .

  17. 据多名律师称,2012年中国商务部草拟了一份提议取缔VIE架构的备忘录。

    In 2012 , according to a number of lawyers , China 's ministry of commerce drafted a memo suggesting the VIE structure be abolished .

  18. 这份草拟的和解方案需要加州的联邦地区法官查尔斯·R·布雷耶(CharlesR.Breyer)进行审核,还必须经过一段公众评议期。在此期间,条款仍有可能更改。

    The proposed settlement requires a review by United States District Judge Charles R. Breyer in California and must go through a period of public comment , during which terms could yet change .

  19. 利用BPMBlueWorks,业务涉众可以协作,以明白业务意图、理解功能以及草拟业务流程。

    With BPM BlueWorks , business stakeholders can collaborate to capture business intent , understand capabilities , and sketch out their business processes .

  20. 但g8领导人未能采取果断行动,仅对油价高涨表达了“严重关切”,并试图为粮食短缺问题草拟更加长期的解决方案。

    But G8 leaders struggled to take decisive action , merely expressing " serious concern " at high oil prices and seeking to sketch out longer - term solutions to food shortages .

  21. 欧洲领导人正在草拟一系列过去曾被德国否决的对抗危机的提议,将在本周举行的欧盟非正式峰会上提出。这将会加大德国总理安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)面临的压力。

    European leaders are drawing up a series of crisis-fighting proposals to raise at an informal EU summit this week that have in the past been rejected by Germany , putting further pressure on Chancellor Angela Merkel .

  22. 国际会计准则理事会(iasb)和美国财务会计标准委员会(fasb)目前都在草拟更改主要财务报表内容的提议。

    Both the international accounting standards board and its US counterpart , the financial accounting standards board , are currently developing proposals to change the contents of the main financial statements .

  23. 一位不愿透露姓名的消息人士称,根据草拟的协议规定,腾讯会收购日本电信运营商软银(SoftBank)旗下的Supercell约73%的股份。

    Under terms of the proposed deal , Tencent would buy the roughly 73 percent stake in Supercell that is currently held by SoftBank , the Japanese telecommunications provider , said the person who was briefed and who spoke on condition of anonymity .

  24. 总统草拟了一份提交国会的议案。

    The president drafted a bill which he presented to congress .

  25. 我将替你草拟这事的计划。

    I will draw up a scheme of it for you .

  26. 这些协议是官员们秘密草拟的。

    These agreements have been drafted by officials behind the scenes .

  27. 草拟该议案的立法委员中,有许多是土地所有者。

    Many of the legislators who drafted the bill are landowners .

  28. 我正忙着草拟新课程的开课计划。

    I was busy drawing up plans for the new course .

  29. 然后项目团队可以向涉众展示草拟的工件。

    The project team then presents drafted artifacts to the stakeholders .

  30. 大会草拟了和平条约的条款。

    The conference drew up the terms of the peace treaty .