
  1. 这里有草原石人。

    There is a grassland stone man here .

  2. 我说不能不看的东西就是这个,草原石人。

    This is the very thing I said you must see , the grassland Stone Man .

  3. 在新疆发现的草原石人中,只有它身上刻有文字。

    Of all the grassland stone men ever discovered in Xinjiang , this is the only one carved with characters .

  4. 嗯。大牛,时间不早了。我看还是请电视前的观众朋友们,跟我们一起到赏心悦目中去领略一下草原石人的神秘魅力吧。

    Yes . Daniel , it 's about time for our TV viewers to join us in the Feast for the Eyes to enjoy the charms of these stone men .