
  • 网络Fruit Valley
  1. 果子沟高架桥工程设计中风速设计值的估算

    Study on Design Value of Wind Speed on the Viaduct over the Fruit Valley

  2. 这瀑布可是果子沟的一景。

    The waterfall here is a scenic spot of the valley .

  3. 这里呢就是我们今天学汉语的地方&果子沟。

    Here is the place where we 're going to learn Chinese today , Fruit Gully .

  4. 没问题。大家跟我走,我们去看一看果子沟赏心悦目的美景吧。

    No problem . Viewers , come with me to feast our eyes on the beautiful scenery .

  5. 这果子沟本来就是以满山的野果而得名的。

    The Fruit Gully got its name just because of the wild berries all over the mountain slopes .

  6. 走,看果子沟去。我有一头小毛驴,从来也不骑。

    Let 's go see the Fruit Gully . I have a little donkey , but I never ride it .

  7. 这么美的果子沟自古以来还是新疆通往中亚、欧亚丝绸之路的关口呢。

    This beautiful Fruit Gully in ancient times was a pass of the Silk Road that led to Central Asia and Europe .