
guǒ xiāng
  • fruital;fruity
果香[guǒ xiāng]
  1. 这款洗发水是果香型的,洗后头发如丝般顺滑。

    This shampoo smells fruity and leaves the hair beautifully silky .

  2. 味道清淡清新、带有果香,通常由2%-4%的香油和酒精和水混合而成。

    Light , fresh and fruity , typically composed of two to four percent perfume oils in alcohol and water .

  3. 这种加工过程可酿造出果香更加浓郁的葡萄酒。

    The process results in a much fruitier wine .

  4. 芳香:优雅、馥郁、迷人的柑橘属水果的果香及花的清香

    Nose and elegant nose with attractive fruity , floral and citrus fruit aromas .

  5. 不属于极干(bonedry)的类型。在清脆度和果香方面有很好的表现,所以性价比超高。

    Not bone dry by any means but excellent value in terms of crisp but fruity delivery .

  6. 这些酒口感各异,既有俄勒冈州酒厂TeutonicWineCompany酿制的那种轻盈、散发果香的半干西万尼,也有一些比较紧涩的上阿迪杰产西万尼。

    The wines ranged from a light and fruity , off-dry Silvaner by the Teutonic Wine Company in Oregon to some more austere Sylvaners from Alto Adige .

  7. 我惊讶于32年陈酿的1982年AlexanderValleyCabernet能够保持得如此之好,酸度依然稳固,单宁柔和,红糖煎苹果般的果香,但我那位喜欢SilverOak的朋友看法不同。

    While I 'd been impressed by how well the 32-year-old 1982 Alexander Valley Cabernet was holding up , with a still-firm acidity , soft tannins and a brown-sugared apple sort of fruit , my Silver Oak-loving friend was of a different opinion .

  8. 果香浓郁:具有强烈的果香味的葡萄酒。

    Fruity : A wine with strong fruit flavor and aromas .

  9. 蕴含一丝清新的西番莲果香及蜜瓜与热带水果芬芳。

    A nose of fresh lifted passion-fruit , melon and tropical fruits .

  10. 带有咖啡及巧克力的香味,夹杂轻微的成熟果香。

    Has coffee and chocolate aromas , with hints of ripe fruit .

  11. 矿物质的气息中透出丝丝果香。

    Its nose offers mineral smells and also small red fruit ones .

  12. 这款酒果香丰郁,并且有优雅的橡木味。

    This wine is fruity , and it has elegant oak aromas .

  13. 香味成熟的醋栗芳香与一丝热带果香芬芳怡人。

    Ripe gooseberries with a hint of tropical fruit on the nose .

  14. 柔和的果香与淡雅的木香和谐而平衡。

    Soft aromas , with light wood notes well balanced with fruit .

  15. 此酒酒色深红,是一款口感绵滑,果香四溢的葡萄甜酒。

    River breeze Red Lambrusco is a soft and fruity sweet wine .

  16. 散发着清新而浓郁的黑醋栗与樱桃的果香。

    Fresh and wonderfully pungent blackcurrant and cherry nose .

  17. 在德国,它酿造出爽口、清淡、带有果香的葡萄酒。

    In Germany it produces wines that are crisp , light and fruity .

  18. 酒体丰满,有层次感,果香浓郁。

    A fleshy bodied wine , quite generous with a superb ripe fruit .

  19. 加斯科涅地区白葡萄酒带来的清新,欢快和明快的果香。

    Gascony white wine which brings its freshness , liveliness , crisp flavours .

  20. 葡萄干和黑莓的果香浓郁,成熟丰满。

    Rich currant and blackberry fruit , nice ripeness .

  21. 经配制后形成酸甜适口,果香浓郁,色泽鲜亮,营养丰富的复合型果汁饮料。

    The palatable composite drink with good flavor and rich nutrition was prepared .

  22. 你有果香菊汁吧?

    Do you at least have hot chamomile ?

  23. 浓郁的果香与丝丝薄荷和茴芹味道协调得恰到好处。

    It features intense fruit aromas in harmony with slight mint and anise notes .

  24. 这款辛香和果香型的葡萄酒是搭配亚洲菜的理想选择。

    Spiciness as well as fruitiness make for an ideal pairing with Asian Cuisines .

  25. 浓郁、圆润的红酒,带有丰富的成熟莓果和草莓果香。

    A rich , round red , with lots of jammy berry and strawberry character .

  26. 气味:黑加仑和麝香的辛辣味道伴着幽幽的果香。

    Nose : Spicy ( pepper ) with black currant , musk and floral notes .

  27. 腰果梨酒的果香保持作用研究

    Fruity Flavor Keeping of Cashew Apple Wine

  28. 李子和樱桃的果香夹杂着一丝皮革的味道。

    Aroma of stone fruits ( plum and morello cherry ), of leather and sous-bois .

  29. 还有什么是来自阿尔卑斯又具有果香的呢?

    What else is alpine and fruity ?

  30. 诱人的李子、蜜桃的果香芬芳四溢,与矿物质的淡雅气息交织融合。

    It develops aromas of fruits like plump , peach as well as mineral notes .