
  • 网络Juice;fruit and vegetable juice;smoothie
  1. HACCP系统在餐饮业现榨果蔬汁管理中的应用

    Application of HACCP System in Management of Juice Making in Catering Industry

  2. 本文通过对果蔬汁机械加工企业FEX公司的调查了解,从人力资源的角度归纳总结制约公司发展的主要问题,分析关键影响因素,提出科学合理的解决方案。

    This thesis based on the survey and understanding of juice processing enterprises machinery company , FEX Corp. , from the perspective of human resources summed up the main problems , analyze the key factors and worked out scientific and reasonable solution .

  3. 复合浓缩果蔬汁饮料的pH为3.2。

    The pH of compound fruit-vegetable drinks was 3.2 .

  4. 主要涉及到杀菌方法、警示标签制度、制定果蔬汁饮料中污染物限量标准、制定良好生产规范、卫生标准操作程序、建立实施HACCP体系等。

    They involved the technique of sterilization , the warning label , the contamination limit and the establishment of GMP , SSOP and HACCP .

  5. 有些果蔬汁呈现红色,如果用常规的靛酚滴定法来测定VC的含量,则很难判断其滴定终点。

    There is red colour in some fruit and vegetable juice , in the case of regular titration to measure the VC content , soit is very difficult to judge titration terminal point .

  6. 目的为提高温州市鹿城区餐饮业加工销售的现榨果蔬汁卫生安全性和操作过程中的卫生质量控制水平,对加工现榨果蔬汁的餐饮企业应用HACCP系统进行初步研究。

    Objectives To improve the sanitary conditions and its quality control , such as HACCP application , of freshly squeezed juices during processing in the catering services in Lucheng District , Wenzhou city .

  7. 结果表明实施HACCP后产品的微生物指标显著降低,产品的合格率大幅度提高,证明了HACCP在控制果蔬汁产品安全性方面的有效性。

    The results showed that food borne microorganisms were lower and the products were more eligible after the implementation of HACCP system . And HACCP was a good method to improve the safety of the fruit and vegetable juice products .

  8. Suja的产品线是一系列各色果蔬汁,为的是给身体提供可口的来自有机农产品的浓缩营养。

    Suja 's product line is a slate of fruit-and-vegetable juices meant to dose the body with a palatable concentration of nutrients from organic produce .

  9. 初步分析表明该装置从料液中除去1t水的电能消耗低于5kW·h,在果蔬汁浓缩、海水淡化等领域均具较强的市场竞争力。

    A primary analysis shows that no more than 5 kW · h electrical energy is needed to remove 1 ton of water from liquid materials . This makes it very competent for concentrating fruit and vegetable juices or making fresh water from seawater .

  10. 果蔬汁的膜法脱气技术探讨

    Study on the Membrane Degasification Techniques of Fruit and Vegetable Juice

  11. 黑莓果蔬汁加工工艺研究

    Study on processing technology of fruit and vegetable beverage of blackberry

  12. 果蔬汁乳饮料的研制

    Trial Manufacture on Milk Beverage Added with Fruit and Vegetable Juice

  13. 中国果蔬汁加工技术与标准

    Technology and standard for fruit and vegetable juice processing in China

  14. 双歧杆菌发酵果蔬汁对小鼠抗疲劳作用的实验研究

    Anti-fatigue effect of Bifidobacterium-fermented mixed fruit and vegetable juice in mice

  15. 复合果蔬汁饮料的研制及生产技术

    Research on blended fruit - vegetable juice drink and processing technique

  16. 果蔬汁非热加工技术进展

    Review of non - thermal processing for fruit and vegetable juices

  17. 菠萝胡萝卜番茄复合果蔬汁饮料的研制

    Development of compounded juice drink of pineapple , carrot and tomato

  18. 果蔬汁现代加工技术及质量控制

    Quality control and modern processing techniques of fruit and vegetable juice

  19. 酶技术在果蔬汁加工业中的应用

    Application of Enzyme Techniques in Fruit and Vegetable Juice Processing

  20. 酶液化法对果蔬汁加工的影响概述

    Description of influence of enzymatic liquefaction on fruit and vegetable juice processing

  21. 超滤对几种果蔬汁品质的影响

    Effect of Ultrafiltration on Quality of Fruit and Vegetable Juices

  22. 复合浓缩苹果&青芹果蔬汁生产工艺的研究

    Research of the production technology of juice from apple-celery fruits and vegetables

  23. 杏、南瓜、胡萝卜复合果蔬汁的制备

    Preparation of Compound Beverage of Apricot , Carrot and Pumpkin

  24. 高剪切均质在果蔬汁均质中的应用

    The Application of High Shearing Homogenizing in Homogenizing of the Fruit-vegetable Juice

  25. 用于果蔬汁的加工,利于澄清和无菌化;

    Application in juice processing of fruit and vegetable ;

  26. 天然复合果蔬汁饮料的研制

    Development of natural mixed drink from fruit and vegetable

  27. 果蔬汁豆腐的研制

    Preparation of a New Variety of Tofu Impregnated with Vegetable and Fruit Juice

  28. 果胶酶在果蔬汁生产中的应用

    Use of pectinase in fruit and vegetable juice processing

  29. 果蔬汁饮料无菌处理和包装关键技术

    Key technology for aseptic processing and packaging of fruit and vegetable juice drinks

  30. 浓缩果蔬汁生产中香精回收装置和技术

    Essence recovery equipment and technique in production of concentrated fruit and vegetable juices