
  • 网络Ephedra sinica;Ephedra sinica Stapf
  1. 草麻黄中补体抑制成分抑制大鼠异种心脏移植超急性排斥反应的实验研究

    Ephedra sinica in preventing hyperacute rejection in guinea pig-to-rat cardiac xenotransplantation

  2. 草麻黄茎、叶显微结构观察

    The Anatomical Observations of Stem and Leaves of Ephedra sinica

  3. 研究结果表明:内蒙东部的草麻黄生长期中E占优势,而在西部PE和E平行或PE高于E,总生物碱在7月中旬和9~10月达高峰。

    In the east inner Mongolia E was predominant in all growing period , and in west , PE and E was nearly parallel or PE higher than that of E. The total alkaloid reaches their maximum in middle July and in September to October .

  4. 测量草麻黄药材麻黄碱和伪麻黄碱的含量。

    Determination of the reference values of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine contents of Ephedra sinica . 3 .

  5. 不同种子处理和栽培因子对草麻黄种子成苗率的影响

    Effects of different seed treatments and cultural factors on Ratio of seedling survival of Ephedra sinica Stapf

  6. 本文论述了内蒙古赤峰地区草麻黄的分布和生态特性。

    This article has expounded the distribution and ecologic character of Chinese Ephedra in Chifeng , Inner Mongolia .

  7. 结论:甘肃产人工栽培草麻黄挥发油化学成分不含有1α&松油醇。

    CONCLUSION : Essential oils in Ephedra Sinica Stapf from Gansu Province do not contain 1 - α - terpineol .

  8. 草麻黄从东南至西北受气温和降水等因素的影响,在东南部丘陵沙地干草原区集中分布;

    In this area , Chinese Ephedra are growing from northwest to southeast , and they are influenced by temperature , precipitation and other factors .

  9. 以草麻黄为研究对象,运用离子束注入技术,采用不同剂量低能N~+注入种子,对各处理条件下草麻黄种子萌发效果、药用成分生物碱和黄酮含量进行了研究。

    Taking the Ephedra sinica as the study object , this research had been done on the germination and the content of the medicinal ingredients by low energy N ~ + ions implantation .