
jì cài
  • shepherd's purse
荠菜 [jì cài]
  • [shepherd's purse] 二年生草本植物( Capsella bursa-pastoris ),花白色,茎叶嫩时可以吃,全草入中药

荠菜[jì cài]
  1. 荠菜清香味美,富含维生素C和粗纤维,有止血、明目、增进新陈代谢等食用功效。

    Shepherd 's Purse delicious fragrance , rich in vitamin C and fiber , there is bleeding , eyesight , improve metabolism and other consumption effects .

  2. 不同处理对荠菜种子休眠与萌发的影响

    The Dissimilarity Processing to the Shepherd 's Purse Seed Dormancy and Germination Influence

  3. 微波使蒲公英、荠菜的总酸性物质、可溶性糖含量增加,维生素C、氨基态氮含量降低。

    Microwave cooking increased the contents of acid , soluble sugar , decreased the contents of vitamin C , amino-N.

  4. 荠菜CRABSCLAW的克隆与拟南芥遗传转化

    Cloning of Capsella bursa-pastoris CRABS CLAW Gene and Transform into Arabidopsis thaliana

  5. 新鲜或烘干的荠菜用75%的乙醇溶液,加入4%的NaOH,在80℃下提取总黄酮为最理想的条件。

    The optimum extracting condition of total flavone was : fresh or drying leaf was added 75 % alcohol , then 4 % NaOH , at 80 ℃ .

  6. 根据野生荠菜凝集素基因序列设计一对特异性引物,对156个Kan+植株进行PCR检测,筛选出45个转WSA基因棉花工程植株。

    One pair of specific primers complementary to the functional sequence of WSA gene was designed , the fragment of expected DNA was about 290 bp in size . 45 trans-WSA gene plants were screened by PCR tests from 156 Kan ~ + plants .

  7. 结果表明,草本植被恢复演替过程可明显分为以下几个阶段:荠菜(Capsellabursa-pastoris)+铁苋菜(Acalyphaaustralis)+小白酒草(Conyzacanadensis)群落(退耕1年);

    The results show that the process of herbaceous vegetation restoration can be divide into the following stages obviously : Capsella bursa-pastoris + Acalypha australis + Conyza canadensis community ( 1 year abandoned );

  8. 目的研究荠菜抗炎止血药理作用。

    Objective to study the anti-inflammatory stypticity effects of capsellae brusa-pastoris .

  9. 野荠菜在雨中疯狂生长。

    The wild shepherd 's purse runs riot in the rain .

  10. 荠菜栽培技术的研究

    Study on the Culture Technics of Shepherd 's - Purse

  11. 荠菜总黄酮的含量测定及抗氧化分析

    Determination of total flavonoids and analysis of antioxidation in capsella

  12. 它唤醒做梦的耳朵,地下的荠菜

    It wakes up the dreaming ear , underground leeks

  13. 超声波强化提取荠菜中有机酸的研究

    Ultrasonic Extraction of Organic Acids from Capsella bursa-pastoris

  14. 研究了油炒、漂烫和微波三种烹调方法对野生蔬菜蒲公英、荠菜一些营养成分的影响。

    The paper studied the effect of different cooking methods on nutrition of wild vegetable .

  15. 以荠菜搅入肉圆,让荠菜吸收油脂,增菜味又去肥腻。

    To Shepherd 's Purse stirred into meatballs , so Capsella fat absorption , increase fatty food flavor went .

  16. 可是,我的妈妈,却一直记得,我们一家喜欢吃荠菜馅的饺子。

    However , my mother , but always remember that our family likes to eat shepherd 's purse stuffing the dumplings .

  17. 一粒荠菜的种子只要落到适宜的地方,就会顽强地生根,发芽。

    A shepherd 's purse seed as long as the appropriate place to fall , it will doggedly rooting and germination .

  18. 没有告诉妈妈,对于荠菜饺子,女儿已经没当初那么喜欢了。

    Did not tell her mother , for dumplings , shepherd 's purse , his daughter has not been quite like a.

  19. Cr~(3+)胁迫对荠菜幼苗叶绿素含量及抗氧化酶活性的影响

    Effects of Cr ~ ( 3 + ) Stress on the Content of Chlorophyll and the Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes in Shepherdspurse Seedlings

  20. 目的研究了荠菜总黄酮多囊脂质体的制备和体外释放行为的研究。

    ObjectiveTo prepare multivescular liposomes ( MVLs ) of total flavone in shepherd 's-purse ( TFS ) with high encapsulation efficiency and sustained-release .

  21. 荠菜辐射诱变育种研究Ⅰ干种子辐射的适宜剂量及性状变异

    Studied on the Mutation of Shepherd 's purse after Co ~ ( 60 ) Gamma Ray Radiation ⅰ Adaptive Doses for Dried Seed and Character Variation

  22. 由于天气寒冷,荠菜也会被冻死,所以,当时也就是随口一问,便没当回事。

    The cold weather , shepherd 's purse will also be frozen to death , so casually , then that is a question , it did not seriously .

  23. 美不胜收的烩饭中加入了上海人最爱吃的蔬菜——荠菜,而且既有松露的清香又有醇厚的牛奶。

    A fabulous risotto was made with shepherd 's purse , a favourite Shanghainese vegetable , but was also threaded with the scent of truffle and a dairy richness .

  24. 问我,什么时候有空去她那,说是从田野里挑了好多新鲜的野生荠菜,就等我去拿了。

    Asked me , when empty to her , saying it was picked from the fields a lot of fresh wild shepherd 's purse , on the other I 'll get a.

  25. 本研究不仅帮助阐明了荠菜抗寒机制,而且也为抗冻基因工程育种提供了候选基因和启动子,具有重要的意义。

    This study not only helps elucidate the cold responsive mechanism in C. bursa-pastoris , but also provides a potential gene and its promoter for the cold engineering in crop breeding .

  26. 介绍了森林野菜荠菜的人工高产有机栽培技术和软包装加工、荠菜泥加工、荠菜汁饮料加工3种加工技术。

    Presentation was put forward to high yield cultivation technique of Capsella bursa-pastoris , one of forest vegetables and to processing technologies such as soft packing , minced and juice C. bursa-pastoris .

  27. 春来了,田地里的庄稼和蔬菜越发的绿了,野生的荠菜也开始蓬勃生长了。

    When spring comes , and the fields of crops and vegetables , more and more of the green , the wild growth of the shepherd 's purse also began to flourish .

  28. “三月三”的清晨,母亲唤醒沉睡的孩子们起来吃那和着荠菜煮好的鲜鸡蛋,“一年的灾就免了”;

    Early morning such as the " three March " one , wake mother up sleeping children stand up for that and shepherd 's purse eggs freshes well-done ," the calamity of one year exempts ";

  29. 在这天,人们把荠菜花铺在灶上以及坐、睡之处,认为可除蚂蚁等虫害;

    In this day , people shop at the shepherd 's purse to spend on the stove , and sit , sleep of the Department , the view that the addition to ants and other pests ;

  30. 胃肠功能恢复情况:重楼荠菜生化汤组产妇肛门排气时间早于经典生化汤组与空白对照组,该方能促进剖宫产术后胃肠功能的恢复。

    Situation of recovery of stomach and Intestines function : The anal exhaust time of parturients in the experimental group was shorter than the control group II and the control group ⅲ . Chong-Lou-Ji-Cai-Sheng-Hua-Tang can promote the recovery of gastrointestinal function after cesarean section . 4 .
