
shǔ kuí
  • hollyhock;Althaea rosa;radix althaeae roseae
蜀葵 [shǔ kuí]
  • [hollyhock] 多年生草本植物(Althaea rosea),作为二年生植物栽培于花园中,叶大而粗糙,圆形,花美丽,成顶生穗状花序

蜀葵[shǔ kuí]
  1. 蜀葵园艺品种花型分类初探

    Studies on the Flower Type Classification of Hollyhock ( Althaea rosea Cav . ) Cultivars

  2. 拿着,这是给柏西瓦尔夫人的蜀葵和甘菊,这个是给欧文爵士的。

    Here , hollyhock and feverfew for Lady Percival and this is for Sir Owen .

  3. 蜀葵对重金属Cd具有很强的耐性和积累性,在Cd、Pb复合污染条件下极具植物修复的潜力。

    Althaea rosea Cav . had higher tolerance to Cd and could highly accumulate it , thus having a great application potential to phytoremediation of soil environment by Cd-Pb combined pollution .

  4. 目的研究黄蜀葵总黄酮(TFA)抗脑卒中后抑郁(PSD)的作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the antidepressant effects of total flavone of A ( TFA ) on post stroke depression ( PSD ) in rats .

  5. 目的建立小鼠脑卒中后抑郁(PSD)模型并研究黄蜀葵总黄酮(TFA)对其的影响。

    [ Objective ] To set up a mouse model of post-stroke depression ( PSD ) and study the effect of total flavone in abelmoschus manihot ( TFA ) on it .

  6. 目的探讨黄蜀葵总黄酮(TFA)对脑卒中后抑郁(PSD)大鼠模型行为学及血浆促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)和皮质醇(CORT)浓度的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of total flavone of A ( TFA ) on the behavior and plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone ( ACTH ) and cortisol ( CORT ) levels in post stroke depression ( PSD ) in rats .

  7. 黄蜀葵总黄酮抗脑卒中后抑郁作用的研究

    Effects of Total Flavone of A on Post-stroke Depression in Rats

  8. 中草药黄蜀葵的研究现状与展望

    Study and prospects of Abelmoschus manihot of traditional Chinese medicinal herb

  9. 黄蜀葵对实验性脂溢性脱发的影响初探

    Effect and mechanism of Abelmoschus manihot on the seborrheic alopecia of experimental rats

  10. 黄蜀葵茎、叶的解剖学研究

    Anatomic Studies on Stem and Leaf of Abelmoschus Manihot

  11. 黄蜀葵总黄酮对不完全性脑缺血的保护作用及其机制的探讨

    Protective Effects of TFA on Incomplete Cerebral Ischemia Injury in Rats and Its Mechanism

  12. 小鼠脑卒中后抑郁模型的建立和黄蜀葵总黄酮对其的影响

    Post-stroke depression ( PSD ) mouse model establishment and effect of TFA on it

  13. 并且染色后的黄蜀葵纤维色泽鲜艳,亮丽,柔软度增加。

    The A.manihot fibers after dyed show bright color while the softness is increased .

  14. 却由红变灰终于跌落下来的蜀葵,需要那盖满了初雪的凋零的玫瑰吗?

    Red into grey and tumble down , late roses filled with early snow ?

  15. 空间搭载后的蜀葵幼苗叶中光合色素含量及抗氧化酶活性变化

    The Change of Photosynthetic Pigment Contents and Antioxidase Activity of Hollyhock Seedling Leaves After Space Flight

  16. 美国西北和加拿大西部的多年生的植物,类似蜀葵,有白色或粉色的花。

    Perennial of northwestern United States and western Canada resembling a hollyhock and having white or pink flowers .

  17. 末端的总状花序为艳丽的白色到粉色到紫色的花的植物;英国别墅花园里的蜀葵。

    Plant with terminal racemes of showy white to pink or purple flowers ; the English cottage garden hollyhock .

  18. 天然护发及草药成分,包括许可的有机芦荟,紫锥花和蜀葵,能使秀发不易缠结。

    Natural lubricants and herbal extracts including certified organic aloe , echinacea and marsh mallow help provide excellent detangling .

  19. 黄蜀葵全身都是宝,其根、茎、叶、花和种子均可开发利用,集食用、药用、观赏价值于一体。

    The roots , stems , flowers and seeds of the A.manihot can all be exploited , collecting edible , medicinal , ornamental values .

  20. 富含充满能量的活机和有机的洋甘菊、金盏花、药蜀葵和玫瑰,可舒缓及平衡肌肤。

    Rich in the living energy of biodynamic and organic Chamomile , Calendula , Marshmallow and Rose , this oil soothes and balances skin .

  21. 到处都是那种令人昏昏欲睡的气味:腐烂的木头,潮湿的泥土,以及那蒙了灰尘的蜀葵,像老去的人那白发到发蓝的金发一样浓郁而馥郁。

    And everywhere the sleepy smell of rotting wood , damp earth and dusty hollyhocks thick and perfunmy like the blue-blond hair of the dead .

  22. 张炜一直是当代文学创作中一位独特的作家,他近些年创作的长篇小说《外省书》和《能不忆蜀葵》,在评论界引起的争论非常激烈。

    In the last few years , he wrote two novels : Book of Foreign Province and Recall Mallow , both caused hot debates among critics .

  23. 在十月和十一月底月初则有楸子、枸杞、洋李、插枝或移植以求其晚开的蔷薇、蜀葵以及和这些一类的东西。

    In October and the beginning of November come services ; medlars ; bullaces ; roses cut or removed to come late ; hollyhocks ; and such like .

  24. 1996~1997年作者在对北京等地蜀葵品种调查的基础上,经过栽培、观察及研究,初步将蜀葵园艺品种花型分为8型,为蜀葵的科学分类及利用提供了一定依据。

    Based on two years , investigation of hollyhock cultivars found in Beijing and Zhangjiakou , Hebei Province and by means of cultivating and research on the regular pattern of their flower form evolution , the authors classify the flower types into 8 types .