
  • 网络shu culture
  1. 蜀文化孕育下的成都民俗体育有其鲜明、独特的文化品格。

    Chengdu folk sports nurtured by Shu culture has its distinct and unique cultural character .

  2. 蜀文化人文旅游资源与成都旅游的可持续发展

    The Tourism Resources of " Shu Culture " and the Sustainable Development of Chengdu Tourism

  3. 古蜀文化有自己独具特色的历史文化内涵。

    The ancient Shu has its own history and culture connotation .

  4. 南唐与前后蜀文化的比较研究

    The Comparative Research on the Culture between South Tang and Former-latter Shu

  5. 敦煌与五代两蜀文化

    Dunhuang and Culture in Liang-shu during the Fire Dynasties

  6. 因此弘扬成都古蜀文化、发展古蜀文化旅游,已成当务之急。

    So to promote and develop the Chengdu ancient Shu culture has become a top priority .

  7. 成都作为蜀文化中心和四川省会城市,历史文化沉淀厚重,文化旅游资源丰富。

    Chengdu is the cultural center of Sichuan province , and the cultural traveling resources are rich .

  8. “太阳神鸟”金徽可以看成古蜀文化的载体。

    The golden badge sun god birds can be taken as a carrier of ancient Ba-Shu culture .

  9. 本文采用考古学方法,从青铜器、陶器、漆器、葬俗等方面,探讨了楚文化对晚期蜀文化的影响。

    By archaeological method , this paper discusses the influence of the Ghu culture on the Shu culture .

  10. 这一结论本身又可以进一步对三星堆遗址坑的古蜀文化定性认识构成支持。

    Such a conclusion lends support to the verification of the ruins of Sanxingdui culture as part of ancient Shu culture .

  11. 目前关于蜀文化的研究,进展较深入,而巴文化的研究,是值得重视和加强的。

    The research of the Shu Culture is deeply developed at present and the research of the Ba Culture deserves more attention and strength .

  12. 古蜀文化作为中国区域文化之一,对于中华文明的缔造作出了重要贡献。

    As the ancient Shu culture is one of the regional culture In China , It had made an important contribution to create the Chinese civilization .

  13. 古蜀文化作为中华独立起源的文化之一,应该区别与中原华夏文化等来对待。

    The ancient Shu culture takes one of Chinese independent origin cultural , should distinguish and the area south of Yellow River Chinese culture and so on treats .

  14. 第一部分概论部分,主要介绍了关于南唐与前后蜀文化的研究状况、本文所涉及的研究资料和研究方法,以及本文的研究意义。

    The fist part is outline , which mainly introduces the research situation about the culture of South Tang and West Shu , and illustrates the methods and the historical date used in this paper .

  15. 开发蜀文化人文旅游资源可以促使成都旅游发展实现良性循环,可以提高景点竞争力和吸引力,推动成都旅游的可持续发展。

    The development of Shu culture tourism resources in the humanities can promote Chengdu tourism development to achieve a virtuous cycle , can improve the competitiveness and attractiveness of spots to promote the sustainable development of Chengdu tourism .

  16. 太阳崇拜和历法分别代表着神话和科学,是古蜀人对同一事物的不同认识,都是古蜀文化中的重要因素。

    The calendar and the sun adoration that represent myth and sciences respectively are the different understandings by the ancient Shu people of the same thing . They are both important factors within the culture of the ancient Shu .

  17. 古蜀文化是成都历史最悠久的文化,有着高品位的文化载体遗址、出土文物和神秘无形的精神载体神话传说、民风民俗,更是独具发展潜力。

    The ancient Shu culture is the oldest in Chengdu , with high-grade carrier of culture sites , archaeological finds , and the mysterious invisible spirit of the carrier myths , legends , folk customs , has the potential of development .

  18. 鄂西地区是巴、楚、蜀文化与汉文化的交汇点,文化的多元性和独特的地貌特征催生了这一地区典型的山地村寨和传统民居的型制与风格。

    The west of Hubei Province is an area where the cultures of Ba 、 Chu and Shu blending with Han culture . Culture diversity and unique topographic features of this region have been giving birth to some system and style of typical mountain village and traditional folk house .

  19. 四川有悠久的酿酒历史,蜀酒文化源远流长。

    Sichuan is famous for its long history of vintage and its long standing of wine culture .

  20. 西南音乐文化区出土乐器属于古蜀音乐文化,南方和东南音乐文化区出土乐器主要属于古越族和楚这两个民族集团的音乐文化。

    In the southwest district , musical instruments belonged to ancient Shu musical culture . The other two districts belonged to ancient Yue and Chu musical culture .

  21. 从型式来看,虎图形主要体现了两种风格,这两种风格都可以直接在巴、蜀早期的文化中找到直接渊源。

    The style of tiger figures can find origin from early Ba and Shu culture .

  22. 论文通过对成都艺蜀之声文化艺术学校的个案研究,在将档案袋评价引入校外美术高考培训班的实践中取得了一定成果。

    By the case study of the art speciality students in Chengdu Art Sound of Shu Culture Art School , the study has made certain achievements in the attempt of the he Portfolio Evaluation applied in the fine arts college entrance examination training schools .

  23. 吴、蜀两国秉承两汉文化传统,文学观念以儒家经世致用思想为重,文学创作成果也不够丰硕,但孙吴之四言诗、体物赋、应用散文以及蜀汉之应用散文尚有可观之处。

    Wu Shu , two countries adhering to traditional literary concept of culture of the Han Dynasty , Confucian Confucian thought as heavy , literary creation is not rich , but Wu of poetry , prose and Fu body , application of Shu Han prose is impressive in the application .