
  • 网络False high drug prices;artificially high drug prices
  1. 药价虚高的制度分析

    Analysis on the Pricing System Reason of High Drug Price in China

  2. 药价虚高的诊断与治理

    Diagnosis and treatment for the illness of high drug price

  3. 药价虚高的体制性探源

    Illness of High Drug Price : System atic Source

  4. 药价虚高的成因分析及政策建议

    Analysis on the Deep Reasons of High Drug Price and Corresponding Policy References

  5. 药价虚高:成因、结果分析与对策探讨

    " Abnormal High " of Medicine Price : Analysis of Reason with Result and Countermeasure

  6. 药价虚高的成因涉及多方面因素,必须综合治理。

    The false high drug price can be attributed to many factors , which should be fathered comprehensively .

  7. 物价部门关注如何建立和完善价格监测和调控体系,指责药价虚高。

    Price-controlled departments take on how to establish and perfect the price controlling system , price monitoring and regulation .

  8. 药价虚高:成因与对策&关于我国药品价格形成机制的调研报告

    The Drugs Price Inflation : Cause and Countermeasure & An Investigation Report on the Formation Mechanism of Pharmaceutical Price

  9. 医疗回扣的存在是导致药价虚高的主要原因之一。

    The existence of the medical commission is one of the main causes which lead to high prices of medicine .

  10. 因此,药价虚高是药品市场结构造成的,而不是政府行政方式不当造成的,解决的方式也应该是改变药品市场结构。

    It is obvious that the problem of high medicine price is caused by special drug market structure but not by government supervising mistake .

  11. 大处方普遍存在,药价虚高,医德下降等不良现象,造成了医疗市场的混乱,和看病难,看病贵的现实。

    The phenomenon such as big prescription , widespread high prices , bad ethics , cause the confusion in medical market of China and the reality of difficulty and cost .

  12. 近年来,中国药品费用持续上涨、药价虚高、药品市场价格秩序混乱等问题极大地影响了中国的经济发展和卫生保健水平。

    Recently in China , the problems of rapid increase of drug expenses , deceptive high price and price disorder of pharmaceuticals have greatly affected national economics development and health care standard .

  13. 本文分析了以药养医的深层机理,认为医院内部的行政主导和分配制度从根本上造成了药价虚高,患者负担加重。

    Analyzing the internal mechanism of the drug-maintaining-medicine , the authors considered that the administration-dominating and the distribution system in the hospital resulted in expensive drug price and heavy burden on the patient .

  14. 本文从制度分析的角度探讨了我国药价虚高的深层次原因,并提出相应的对策建议,为有效降低我国药品价格提供了政策参考。

    The article analyzed deep reasons of high drug price in China from angle of systems , and put forward corresponding measures and advises to provide policy references for effective reducing of drug price .

  15. 目前药价虚高,百姓看病难、看病贵的呼声越来越高,尽管政府采取了多种管制办法,但是这些问题依然没有得到解决。

    Currently , the voices of " expensive and difficult to get medical treatment ", " Unrealistically high prices of medicine " are louder than ever , although the government takes many ways of supervision , the issues have not been resolved .

  16. 近年来,由于我国药品注册审批中频繁发生商业贿赂和寻租事件,药品定价管理不科学,招标采购管理不严格,导致了药品流通秩序混乱,药价持续虚高。

    Since the frequent occurrences of commercial bribe and rent seeking problem in the register , examination and approval processes of medicine , the unscientific management on medicine price-making and undemanding management on medicine bidding , the medicine circulation is in chaos , and medicine prices hike up .

  17. 药价实高与药价虚高

    Discussing true high and false high in drug price

  18. 分析了我国药价实高和药价虚高现象,并提出解决药价虚高的一些看法:改变政府管制方式、规范医方用药行为、科学解决医方生存和发展问题。

    Analyzing the true high and false high in drug price , the authors suggested some countermeasures to settle false high in drug as follows : changing the pattern of government supervision , normalizing the prescription of medical sector and sustaining the development of medical sector .