
  1. 抗肿瘤药物研制的新靶点MDM2-p53

    MDM2-p53 : New Target of Antitumor Drug Research

  2. 计算机辅助设计在C-0301脂质体药物研制中的应用

    Application of Computer Aided DOE in Research and Development of C-0301 Liposome

  3. 基因工程药物研制过程中相关问题探讨

    Perspectives of the Genetic Recombinant Medicine on Its Research and Development

  4. 血红蛋白的纯化工艺是载氧药物研制的重要工艺步骤。

    Purifying hemoglobin was an important step for researching oxygen carrying drug .

  5. 细胞黏附分子与药物研制

    Cell adhesion molecules and new drug research

  6. 生物技术在药物研制中的应用及我国生物医药发展对策

    Discussion on the Application of Biotechnology in Drug Research and the Development of Biomedicine in Our Country

  7. 发展一种自然产物复合物以及类似物的有效合成途径在药物研制过程中经常是必需的步骤。

    Developing an efficient synthetic route to natural product compounds and their analogs is often an essential step in drug development .

  8. 进化化学&利用达尔文进化论发明与改良功能生物大分子,及其在药物研制中的应用

    Evolutionary chemistry & inventing and improving functional biomacromolecules by harnessing Darwinian evolution ; and its application in drug research and development

  9. 现代生命科学和生物技术使药物研制发生了巨大而深刻的革命性的变化。

    Modern biological science and biotechnology have made drug research and development to take place enormously and deeply revolutionary changes at present .

  10. 当前,越来越多的化学家借助于网格的高计算能力来进行分子对接以减少药物研制的成本和时间。

    Currently , more and more chemists turn to powerful Grid platforms to carry out molecular docking to reduce the cost of drug discovery .

  11. 文章为生物元素调节、金属药物研制和疾病防治等应用提供了一定的理论基础。

    Some academic bases about the adjusting of biologic elements , the developing of metallic medicaments and the prevention and cure of diseases were mentioned .

  12. 本文概述了人类基因组及后基因组的研究进展及依此开展基因治疗及基因(组)药物研制等应用开发研究的现状。

    The article expounds the progress of the study of human genome and post-genome and the current situation of the study of gene therapy and gene drugs .

  13. 由于它在防治疾病上实际的和潜在的重要性以及新型药物研制等方面可能有的巨大商机,特别是伦理上的争议,引起学术界和社会各界的广泛关注。

    Because of its actual and potential importance and large trading opportunity in developing of new drugs , especially the controversy in ethics , it has aroused general concern .

  14. 但是,这种基本技术能力恰恰是我国创新药物研制中最为突出的薄弱环节,成为制约医药工业转型的“瓶颈”之一。

    However , such a basic technical capability is one of the weakest components in China 's innovative drug research initiative and a " bottleneck " in the transformation of its pharmaceutical industry .

  15. 冰点仪就是用来测量溶液冰点的仪器,其在药物研制与分析、临床用药和食品卫生等方面有着重要的应用。

    The freezing point measuring instrument we have developed is an instrument which is used to measure the freezing point of solution . It is important to medicine research , production , application and food sanitation .

  16. 动态光散射技术已经广泛应用于亚微米或纳米颗粒测量,高分子材料溶液分析,生物物理学,药物研制与检测,聚合物溶液研制与检测,以及近年来非常热门的液晶物质性质的研究等领域中。

    Dynamic light scattering has been widely applied to research fields such as submicron or nanometer particle sizing , analysis of macromolecular solutions , biophysical diagnoses , drug analyses , polymer solutions , and the recent years hot point - liquid crystal .

  17. 尤其是,咖啡豆中所含的大量非营养素成分&多酚类化合物己成为目前国际天然药物学领域的关注重点,这些物质在先导物发现和创新药物研制中扮演了越来越重要的角色。

    In particular , a large number of non-nutrient components & polyphenols in the coffee beans has become the focus in international natural medicine field , these substances play an increasingly important role in the leading compound discovery and the innovation of drugs development .

  18. 即使把时限延长至2019年,显示抗结核药物研制成功的几率只有73%,截至联盟自己制定的2010年的最终期限,成功的几率性预计小于5%。

    Even extending the timescale to 2019 , the model suggests there is only a 73 % chance that a successful drug will emerge . By the 2010 deadline the alliance has set itself , the chance of success is estimated at less than 5 % .

  19. 随着重组DNA技术的不断完善,基因工程药物的研制和利用日益增多。

    As recombinant DNA technology is consummating increasingly , genetic engineering drug is frequently researched and utilized .

  20. 本文以非甾体抗炎药醋氯芬酸(aceclofenac,ACF)为模型药物,研制了以丙烯酸酯类压敏胶为基质的醋氯芬酸贴剂(Aceclofenactransdermalpatches,ATPs)。

    In this paper , aceclofenac ( ACF ), a new kind of NSAIDs was selected as the model drug and acrylic pressure sensitive adhesives were used as vehicles to prepare Aceclofenac Transdermal Patches ( ATPs ) .

  21. 抗炎药物的研制&环氧合酶的适度抑制策略

    Innovation of anti-inflammatory drugs & strategy of moderate inhibition of cyclooxygenases

  22. 这一发现可能为相关药物的研制打开一条通途。

    The finding may open up an avenue of drug discovery for the disease .

  23. 靶向气道重建的治疗药物的研制,将可能产生新的抗哮喘药。

    The airway remodeling may be a new target for the development of anti-asthma drugs .

  24. 牙周炎和牙髓根尖周病甲硝唑控释药物的研制

    The Development of Controlled Release Metronidazole for the Treatment of Periodontitis and Root Canal Infections

  25. 目的从海洋微生物的次级代谢产物中发现新的具有抗肿瘤活性的新化合物以用于新的抗肿瘤药物的研制开发。

    Objective To obtain new compounds with the antitumour activity from a secondary metabolite of marine microorganisms .

  26. 在新型抗癌药物的研制中,金属类抗癌药物已成为重要的一类。

    Organometallic Compounds have become one of the most important types among the new developing antitumor complexes .

  27. 在研究过程中得到的数据可能会加速抗艾滋病毒疫苗或药物的研制。

    In the course of the study obtained data may speed up the anti-HIV vaccine or drug development .

  28. 大环多胺类金属配合物作为人工酶模型广泛应用于核酸结构及功能研究、基因表达与调控、抗癌药物的研制等生物、化学和医学领域。

    Macrocyclic polyamines metal complexes as enzyme models are widely used in chemical biology , medicine and gene therapy .

  29. 对子孢子阶段差异表达基因的研究,有助于了解鸡球虫的入侵和生长发育机制,可为新疫苗和新药物的研制提供新思路。

    In order to understand the mechanism of invasion and development of Eimeria , some differential expressed genes of sporozoites were studied .

  30. 经过科学工作者的不懈努力,越来越多的核苷类药物被研制出来,用于治疗疾病。

    After the unremitting efforts of scientists , a growing number of nucleoside drugs have been developed for the treatment of disease .