
yào wù ɡuò mǐn
  • drug allergy
  1. 结果:治疗组孕妇疼痛反应、宫颈扩张与人工流产综合征的发生率等与对照组差异均有极显著性意义(P0.005),无药物过敏等不良反应发生。

    Our results showed that there is a statistically significant difference in pain reaction , cervical dilation , and development of syndrome of artificial abortion between the experimental group and control groups ( P0.005 ) . No drug allergy was found in experimental group .

  2. 排除标准:①有药物过敏史。

    Exclusion criteria : ① having a history of drug allergy ;

  3. TNFα检测在药物过敏性休克死因鉴定中的价值

    The Value of TNF α Testing in Evaluation of Death due to Drug Anaphylactic Shock

  4. 请如实回答关于SPA和美容的问卷调查的问题,不要回避任何药物过敏或者生理疾患。

    Please answer all the spa health or beauty questionaire thoroughly and alert any medical concerns or physical ailments you may have .

  5. 发现儿童与老人发病率低,病人的过敏性疾病史和药物过敏史、原有的肝病及感染性疾病都与DA的发生显著相关。

    Our results showed that incidence of drug allergy was low in children and the aged persons . The history of allergy , the presence of liver damage and infectious diseases were all related to the development of drug allergy .

  6. MRCP和HCT-C具有相似的敏感性,但从药物过敏这一角度考虑,前者要优于后者。

    MRCP and HCT-C had similar detectability but the former may be preferable considering the possibility of allergic reaction in the latter .

  7. 方法:对有药物过敏史250例和同期无药物过敏史250例眼病患者,静脉注射荧光素钠进行眼底荧光血管造影(fundusfluoreceinangiography,FFA),观察有无不良反应及药物反应情况。

    · METHODS : Two hundred patients with drug hypersensitivity history and 250 patients with no-drug sensitive history were examined by fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ) by intravenous injection of fluorescein sodium . The clinical adverse effect of the drug were observed retrospectively .

  8. 清开灵冻干粉针剂药物过敏试验及临床意义

    Drug sensitivity test and clinical meaning of Qingkailing freeze-drying powder injection

  9. 药物过敏反应属药物不良反应中的一种。

    Hypersensitive reaction is just one kind of adverse drug reactions .

  10. 以疼痛为首发症状的药物过敏性休克2例

    Cases of Drug Allergic Shock with Pain as the First Symptoms

  11. 关于药物过敏试验法在护理教学实验中的改进

    Improvement of test methods on drug allergy in nursing experiment teaching

  12. 当然,总会有些病人对猪制品药物过敏。

    Some patients , though , may be allergic to pig products .

  13. 抗癫痫药物过敏反应综合征11例分析

    Antiepileptic drug hypersensitive syndrome : clinical analysis of 11 cases

  14. 眼底荧光血管造影不良反应与药物过敏史的关系

    Relationship between adverse reactions of fundus fluorescein angiography and drug allergy history

  15. 比如说,你的孩子对某些药物过敏。

    Let 's say your child has an allergy to certain medicines .

  16. 缓解药物过敏试验皮内注射疼痛的方法

    The test of relieving the pain in Drug Allergies with intradermal injection

  17. 药物过敏性休克致死亡56例文献分析

    Literature analysis of 56 fatal cases of drug-induced anaphylactic shock

  18. 361例药物过敏反应病例报道的文献分析

    Analysis of Drug Allergic Reaction Case Reports in Literature

  19. 是否对任何的食物或者药物过敏?

    Do you know if you have any allergies to foods or medicines ?

  20. 她对青霉素和磺胺类药物过敏。

    She was allergic to penicillin and sulfa drugs .

  21. 177例药物过敏反应的分析

    Analysis of Allergic Reaction of Drugs of 177 Cases

  22. 皮肤试验证明药物过敏的实用性

    The usefulness of skin tests to prove drug hypersensitivity

  23. 我连自己儿子对什么药物过敏都不知道。

    I didn 't even know what my own son 's allergic to .

  24. 如果对药物过敏,你就有麻烦了。

    If you are allergic to the medicine , you could have problems .

  25. 您是否有药物过敏反应?

    Have you had any allergic reactions to drugs ?

  26. 目的探讨使用横刺进针法注射进行药物过敏试验。

    Objective To study the best way of drug allergy test with intradermic injection .

  27. 5例头孢菌素类药物过敏的分析及护理体会

    Cases of drug allergy cephalosporins analysis and nursing

  28. 你对什么药物过敏吗?

    Do you have any allergies to medication ?

  29. 人们同样会对药物过敏。

    People can also be allergic to medicines .

  30. 复方丹参注射液致药物过敏反应报告

    Compound Danshen Injection Resulting in Drug Allergic Reaction