
  • 网络drug action;Drug Effect;pharmacological action
  1. 在企图了解抗心律失常药物作用的机制中产生某些困难是有一些原因的。

    Difficulties arise in attempting to understand the mechanisms of antiarrhythmic drug action for several reasons .

  2. 所以,LOX-1可能是一个新的药物作用靶点。

    Therefore , LOX-1 may be a new target of drug action .

  3. 与类风湿关节炎相关的G蛋白偶联受体及治疗药物作用靶点

    G protein-coupled receptor and drug targets for therapy in rheumatoid arthritis

  4. 抑制DNA合成药物作用方式的简易测定法

    A simple method to determine the mode of action of drugs that inhibit DNA synthesis

  5. 方法采用MTT法,筛选药物作用最佳浓度。

    Methods Cell proliferation was examined by MTT assay to chose drug concentration .

  6. 防治Alzheimer病药物作用基因靶标的发现及初步研究

    The Screening and Preliminary Study on the Gene Targets for Alzheimer 's Disease

  7. 背景与目的:近年来兴起的DNA芯片技术能在一次杂交中同时监测数以千计的基因表达,能大大加速肿瘤药物作用机制的研究和药物治疗靶点的发现。

    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE : The advanced technique of DNA microarray makes it possible to monitor the expression of thousands of genes simultaneously in one hybridization experiment .

  8. 方法不同浓度的药物作用于培养的肿瘤细胞,应用MTT法和光学显微镜观察药物对细胞的生长抑制作用。

    Methods MTT assay and light-microscope were used to evaluate the inhibitory effect of aloe-emodin on the cancer cells .

  9. TLRs介导的免疫调节信号通路及其药物作用

    Immunoregulation signal pathway mediated by TLRs and its drug role

  10. 结论miRNA参与了持续性AF的调节作用,提示miRNA是抗心律失常药物作用的新靶点。

    Conclusion miRNA is a new target of antiarrhythmic drug since it is involved in the modulation of continuous AF.

  11. 但抗体药物作用于p185~(HER-2)蛋白,并不能从根本上抑制HER-2基因的表达。

    However , Herceptin recognizes p185 ~ HER-2 protein , it could not inhibit HER-2 gene expression directly .

  12. 研究结果表明:MAP技术是研究在体心脏抗心律失常药物作用机理的可靠方法;体表心电图上异常U波可能来源于MAP上的EAD;

    The results suggested that the MAP technique should be a reliable method in studying the mechanisms of anti-arrhythmic drugs in viva and the relation between U wave and EAD .

  13. DJ-1基因:抗帕金森病药物作用的可能新靶点

    DJ-1 gene : a new potential target of drugs for Parkinson 's disease

  14. 以Hodgkin-Huxley模型拟合实验资料,进行参数估计,并对药物作用前后的细胞膜动作电位进行计算机模拟。

    The experimental data were simulated with Hodgkin-Huxley model and the corresponding parameters were estimated .

  15. 结果表明DNA与药物作用后,Taq酶切电泳图发生明显改变,说明药物与DNA的结合位点可能在两种酶的酶切位点T/CGA上。

    The results show that after of drug action , Taq estriction enzyme eLectrophoresis changed significantly . Show that Drugs and DNA binding sites o may be in two enzymes restriction site T / CGA .

  16. 同一剂量下,72h内药物作用时间越长,抑制作用越明显;在同一种药剂中,随着药液浓度的增大,其抑菌效果逐渐增加。

    With the same concentration , the inhibiting action increased with time ; The higher the concentration of reagents , the better the inhibiting effects .

  17. 单克隆抗体(MoAb)与细胞毒类药物作用机制不同,不良反应无重叠,与化疗有协同作用。结论不同剂量GT对神经细胞的损害机制不同。

    Monoclonal antibodies ( MoAbs ) have different mechanism and adverse effects compared with cytotoxic agents . Conclusion This indicated that different mechanism existed between in the high and low GT concentration .

  18. 血管内皮细胞乙酰胆碱作用靶标(ETA)作为特异性血管内皮细胞药物作用新靶点具有良好的抗动脉粥样硬化应用前景。

    Endothelial target for acetylcholine ( ETA ) plays an important role in preventing atherosclerosis , and it may be a unique molecular target of the novel drugs against atherosclerosis .

  19. 方法:在浅麻大鼠,采用行为学方法,测定甩尾反射潜伏期(TFL)并结合鞘内给药途径观察药物作用。

    METHODS : Behavior studies , by testing tail-flick latency ( TFL ) combined with intrathecal application of drugs , were conducted in lightly anesthetized rats .

  20. 结论TACE术后兔肝组织存在一定程度的DNA复制与细胞增殖再生,但弱于肝叶切除术后的肝细胞增殖再生,其原因可能与碘油的选择性栓塞和化疗药物作用有关。

    Conclusion A certain degree of DNA reproduction and cell proliferation occurs in rabbit 's liver after TACE , but it is less prominent than that in rabbit 's liver after partial hepatectomy , which may be due to the effects of iodized oil embolization and chemotherapeutic drugs .

  21. DAPK的激酶活性能被多种因素激活或抑制,DAPK的激活或抑制与一些疾病的发生和发展有着密切的关系,可作为一种潜在的药物作用靶位点。

    The generation and development of some diseases are related to DAPK 's activation , inhibition or overexpression , so it may be a potential target site for diseases therapy .

  22. 结论:RNAi在烟曲霉中的应用使快速敲除靶基因产生类似基因敲除的表型,为研究靶基因功能、识别可能的药物作用靶位奠定了良好的基础。

    Conclusion : Silencing the investigated gene of A. fumigatus by RNAi will allow easier knockout a gene of interest to generate the phenotypic consequences of reducing expression of target gene , it settle a favourable foundation to research gene function and to identify potential target site of drug action .

  23. 结果1.以阳性标准品进行三条标准曲线的建立,其相关系数均达0.995以上。2.随着药物作用时间增加,NBT阳性率及CD9表达阳性率均明显增加(p<0.05)。

    Results 1 . Three standard curves were formed by positive standard and the coefficient of correlation were all above 0.995.2 . During the differentiation of K562 cell , the NBT reduction rate and the CD9 positive rate both increased gradually .

  24. 结果D-82显著杀伤多种体外培养恶性肿瘤细胞,药物作用48h,IC502~5μg/mL。

    Results D | 82 induced significant growth arrested in various malignant tumor cell lines cultured in vitro . IC - { 50 } of these cells exposed to the drug for 48 hours ranged from 2 to 5 μ g / mL.

  25. 新型外周镇痛药物作用靶点&辣椒素受体

    Capsaicin receptor , a novel target for new peripheral acting analgesics

  26. 由胰岛素信号通路筛选糖尿病药物作用靶点

    Insulin pathway-based screening and new drug targets in type 2 diabetes

  27. 新的抗癌药物作用靶点甲硫氨酰氨肽酶-2

    Human methionine aminopeptidase - 2 , a new target of anti-cancer drugs

  28. 反义药物作用中的靶二级结构域第1个反义药物&福米韦生

    Target secondary structural motif in the action of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides

  29. 喜树碱类药物作用机制及其耐药现状的研究进展

    Research development on the mechanism of camptothecins and its resistance

  30. 血灵对传出神经药物作用的影响

    Effect of Xue Ling on Drug Actions of Efferent Nerve