
yào wù dài xiè
  • drug metabolism;metabolism of pesticide
  1. 仙台病毒感染对BALB/c小鼠药物代谢的影响

    Effects of Sendai Virus Infection on Drug Metabolism in BALB / c Mice

  2. 结论:ASP具有调节肝脏药物代谢酶活性作用。

    Conclusion : ASP can modulate the activities of drug metabolism enzymes .

  3. 药物代谢酶及转运体与前列腺癌药物治疗蛋白激酶C在肾细胞癌多药耐药中的作用

    Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes and Transporters : Roles in the Human Prostate Cancer Chemotherapy

  4. 大剂量丝裂霉素C的药物代谢动力学

    High - - dose Mitomycin C 's Pharmacokinetics in Rabbits

  5. 用~(14)C和~(15)N标记常咯啉研究药物代谢

    Studies on drug metabolism of Changrolin by use of ~ ( 14 ) C and ~ ( 15 ) N labelling

  6. 应用药物代谢动力学模型评价前列腺不同组织的MRI增强作用

    Evaluation of enhancement of prostate cancer , BPH and peripheral zone with a pharmacokinetic model after dynamic contrast enhanced MRI

  7. 细胞色素氧化酶P450是药物代谢中的一个重要的酶系。

    Cytochrome P450 enzyme are an important enzyme family in drug metabolism .

  8. 细胞色素P450调节肝脏药物代谢的途径

    The Pathway of Cytochrome P450 Regulating Drug Metabolism in Liver

  9. 人类细胞色素P450与免疫:对药物代谢、疾病的影响

    Human Cytochrome P450 and Immune : the Effects on Drug Metabolism and Diseases

  10. 细胞色素P450与药物代谢的研究现状

    Resent studies on cytochrome P450 and drug metabolism

  11. 植物药及果蔬对药物代谢酶P450活性的影响

    Effect of Plant Drug , Vegetable and Fruit on The Activity of The Cytochrome P450

  12. 药代动力学研究:间质化疗与全身化疗相比较,药物代谢的半衰期显著延长,曲线下面积增加,峰浓度提高,两者相比,结果具有统计学差异,P值均小于0.01。

    Pharmacokinetic study : Interstitial chemotherapy has longer half time , larger area under the curve , higher peak concentration compared with systematic chemotherapy . There were statistical differences of these three pharmacokinetic parameters between the two groups .

  13. 对11例癫痫病人的苯妥英钠(DPH)之药物代谢动力学参数进行了研究。

    Pharmacokinetic parameters of phenytoin were determined in 11 epileptic Patients .

  14. 生长激素(PST)脂质体的药物代谢动力学研究

    Studies on Pharmacokinetics of PST Liposome

  15. 支气管动脉灌注化疗(BAI)与全身化疗不同在于给药方式的不同导致的药物代谢动力学的不同。

    Bronchial Artery Infusion Chemotherapy ( BAI ) differs from systemic chemotherapy in the way that drugs are administrated , which results in distinct pharmacokinetics .

  16. 目的:应用两室药物代谢动力学模型评价前列腺癌、前列腺增生和正常前列腺周围带的MRI增强特点。

    Objective : To evaluate the enhancement of prostate cancer , benign prostate hyperplasia ( BPH ) and peripheral zone ( PZ ) with a two compartment model after dynamic contrast enhanced MRI .

  17. 结果多种药物代谢相关基因存在SNP现象,且与药物效应个体多样性有着密切联系。

    Results Varied genes related to drug metabolism have SNP phenomenon , which are closely associated with interindividual diversity in drug response .

  18. 目的探讨药物代谢酶在维生素E琥珀酸酯(VES)抑制苯并(a)芘毒性中的作用。

    Objective To study the role of the pharmaceutical metabolism enzyme during the inhibitory effect of VES against B ( a ) P in mice .

  19. CYP450氧化还原酶的遗传多态对药物代谢的影响

    Genetic polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase and its effect on drug metabolism

  20. 目的研究18α甘草酸二铵(18αGL)对肝脏药物代谢酶的影响。

    AIM To study the effect of 18 α glycyrrhizic acid ( 18 α GL ) on hepatic microsomal drug metabolizing enzymes in rats .

  21. 目的:研究和探讨吸烟所致宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)大鼠母体肝脏药物代谢酶活性和抗氧化功能的改变及其所带来的毒理学和药理学意义。

    AIM : To evaluate the alterations of maternal hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes and antioxidative function in tobacco-induced intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) .

  22. 阐述了药物代谢酶细胞色素P450(CYP450)在药物配伍的复杂相互作用体系中的重要作用;

    It expatiated on the significance of the metabolic enzyme CYP 450 in the interaction of compatibility of Chinese Herbs .

  23. 细胞色素P450酶(CYP450)活性的诱导或抑制,是引起临床药物代谢性相互作用的主要作用机制。

    Induction and inhibition of cytochrome P450 ( CYP450 ) catalytic activity has been concluded to be closely involved in pharmacokinetic drug-drug interaction .

  24. 特别时近年来,API质谱与色谱的成功联用,这种技术越来越广泛被用在药物代谢和内源性物质的分析中,使微量成分的分析成为可能。

    Recently , the API-MS has been successfully hyphenated with HPLC , this kind of technique is used widely in drugs , metabolites , and endogenous substances , which makes trace analysis of the composition of medicinal samples become possible .

  25. ~(188)Re-HEDP注射液药物代谢动力学研究

    Study on pharmacodynamics of ~ ( 188 ) Re-HEDP injection

  26. 探讨免疫性肝损伤对肝脏细胞色素P450药物代谢酶系(CYP450)的影响及免疫损伤条件下NO在CYP450药物代谢酶系活性调节中可能的作用机制。

    To study the effect of immune damage in liver on cytochrome P450 metabolism enzymes ( CYP450 ) and the possible mechanism .

  27. 目的本研究旨在观察沙坦类药物代谢酶CYP2C9和反应受体AT1的遗传多态性在高血压患者中的分布特征。

    Objective To investigate the genetic polymorphism of sartan drug metabolic enzyme CYP2C9 and angiotensin AT1 receptor in hypertensive patients .

  28. 细胞色素P450(即CYP450)在各种内外源性物质包括致癌物及药物代谢中发挥重要作用。

    CYPs ( cytochrome P450s ) play a vital role in the metabolism of numerous members of endogenous and exogenous compounds including carcinogens and drugs .

  29. 受试者从开始就接受SQV配方设计改变或由CART转为SQV-RTV-ATV,同时加强药物代谢动力学采样。

    Patients underwent an initial SQV formulation change or a CART change to SQV-RTV-ATV with intense pharmacokinetic sampling .

  30. 目的:观察当归总多糖(ASP)对正常及泼尼松龙(PSL)所致肝损伤小鼠肝脏药物代谢酶活性的影响。

    Objective : To study the effects of Angelica sinensis Polysaccharides ( ASP ) on the hepatic drug metabolism enzymes activities in normal mice and those prednisolone ( PSL ) - induced liver injury .