
  • 网络drug promotion;medicines promotion
  1. 学术推广和品牌推广将成为未来药品促销的主要形式;

    Academic promotion and branding will become the major forms of pharmaceutical marketing .

  2. 在越南,药品促销仅限于越南企业,外商投资企业和外国企业分支机构及越南。

    In Vietnam , pharmaceutical promotion is limited to Vietnamese enterprises , foreign-invested enterprises , and branches of Vietnamese and foreign enterprises .

  3. 如果我被雇用,提出对贵公司的药品的促销方案对我而言是不难的。

    Could I get the position , it would not be very difficult for me to put forward a plan to promote selling of your medicine .

  4. 本文将在对医院市场分析的基础上,对目前医院市场上处方药品的销售促销行为进行分析和归纳。

    This paper analyzes the promotion of Rx in hospital base on a deep interview to the hospital market .

  5. 我们可以为购买药品的客户提供促销礼品。

    We can offer promotional gifts to customers who buy this medicine .

  6. “免费的样品药很费钱,”它指出道,因为只有最昂贵的药品才被这样促销。

    " 'Free'drug samples cost you money ," it says , because they are promoted only for the most expensive drugs .

  7. 当药品生产商的促销行为使得医师作为评估者和决策者的地位减弱或丧失时,药品生产商应对消费者直接尽警示义务。

    When the drug manufacturers ' drug promotions make the physicians ' evaluating and deciding role less important or useless , the drug manufacturers should warn the consumers directly of the dangers .

  8. 结果影响医生处方行为的因素有:医疗保障制度、医院补偿机制、需方因素、药品本身因素、促销因素、传媒宣传因素等6方面。

    Results Factors affecting physicians ' prescribing conduct include : the medical security system , the hospital compensation mechanism , the requisitioning party , pharmaceuticals per se , and promotion of sales .

  9. 而药品信息是医患安全用药的保证,药品促销的重点是向目标市场传播药品信息。

    Drug information is needed by prescribers and consumers to ensure the safe and effective use of drugs .