
  1. 美国药品电子商务管理的一种模式

    An Administration Mode of Drug E commerce in USA

  2. 我们应完善现行的法规,增加有关跨地域连锁经营、药品电子商务等方面的法规,形成药品零售业连锁经营管理的法规体系。

    It is important to perfect the current law and rules , add rules of chain trans-management , chain affiliation , merger , association , cooperation , drug electronic commerce , etc , and to form the system of chain management rules for Chinese pharmaceutical retail commerce .

  3. 近年来互联网药品市场随着电子商务的发展日益扩大,但随之而来的隐患也在不断加剧。

    In recent years , Internet medicine market is expanding rapidly with the development of E-commerce but hidden danger which comes along with it also becomes more and more serious .

  4. 目的:研究并建立药品价款支付的电子商务模式,实现药品结算的信息化。

    Objective : To study and develop drug settlement under electron commerce model , and implement drug settlement informatization .