
  1. 1840年的今天,威廉二世成为荷兰国王。

    1840-Willem II becomes King of the Netherlands .

  2. 荷兰国王透露,在过去20多年里,他除了履行皇室职责外,还从事着兼职工作。

    The Dutch king has revealed that for more than two decades , he has held down a part-time second job alongside his royal duties .

  3. 这幅巨大的油画上,一只公牛和几只老虎激烈地扭打,这件作品原本是送给荷兰国王威廉三世的礼物。

    A bull and tigers tumble ferociously over each other in a large oil that was originally a gift to King William III of the Netherlands .

  4. 弗林科夫:遇难者的亲朋好友、遇难者所属17国的大使以及荷兰国王和王后出席了悼念仪式。

    FLINTOFF : They included family members and friends of the victims , ambassadors for many of the 17 countries that lost citizens and the Netherlands ' king and queen .

  5. 后来在晚宴上,她依旧很吸引宾客的目光在荷兰国王威廉亚历山大演讲的时候,王后活泼地用手指向了天花板上的画作。

    Later at dinner she continued to capture an audience - she was seen animatedly pointing to paintings on the ceiling of the palace while King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands spoke .

  6. 荷兰国王威廉-亚历山大表示,他最近结束了自己作为一名普通“客座飞行员”的角色。此前,他在荷兰国家航空公司的机队服役21年,机队的飞机现已过时。

    King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands said that he recently ended his role as a regular " guest pilot " after 21 years with the national airline 's fleet of now-outdated aircraft .

  7. 事实上,在高克来访之前,已经有其他外国政要光临过这家餐厅了,比如意大利总理马泰奥·伦齐,瑞士联邦前主席于利·毛雷尔和荷兰国王威廉·亚历山大。

    In fact , before Gauck 's visit , this restaurant had received other foreign leaders such as Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi , former President of the Swiss Confederation Ueli Maurer , and Willem-Alexander , the King of the Netherlands .

  8. 他也是一个多世纪以来荷兰首位国王。

    He is also the first Dutch king in more than a century .

  9. 威廉敏娜公主登基为王1890年,荷兰的威廉三世国王死后无男性继承人,一项特殊的法案被批准以允许他的女儿威廉敏娜公主成为女王。

    Princess Wilhelmina become Queen 1890 - King William III of the Netherlands dies without a male heir and a special law is passed to allow his daughter Princess Wilhelmina to become Queen .