
mò ɡān shān
  • Mogan Mountain
  1. 莫干山上下都是一十八盘。

    There are eighteen hairpin bends on the way up Mogan Mountain .

  2. 莫干山竹林蜘蛛的研究

    A preliminary study on spiders from bamboo forest of Mogan mountain

  3. 也许到那时,我们自然而然想到的是莫干山(Moganshan),而不是比弗利山庄(BeverlyHills)。

    Perhaps then , we 'll be thinking Moganshan instead of Beverly Hills .

  4. 夜晚,我们在莫干山选择了从老景区往山下、位于半山腰的一处相对较新的度假村,名叫NakedRetreats。

    For our one-night stay , we pick a relatively new place down the mountain from the old resort area .

  5. 去年夏天,我曾经去莫干山旅游。

    Last summer , I made a trip to the muogan mountains .

  6. 莫干山森林植物病害调查初报

    Initial Report of Forest Diseases in Mt. Mogan

  7. 莫干山日本冷杉生长情况的调查分析

    Growth Analysis of Japanese Fir In Mt. Mogan

  8. 莫干山的大型真菌资源

    Investigation of macro fungi resources from Mount Mogan

  9. 如今,莫干山依然保持着当年的自然美景,但人工设施在动荡时期遭到了破坏。

    The natural beauty remains , but the man-made amenities have fallen on hard times .

  10. 莫干山艺术区工作室见闻

    Visiting Studios in Mogan Shan Art Area

  11. 我们将骑往莫干山用午餐,当天晚些时候回来。

    We will ride to Moganshan for lunch and return at the end of the day .

  12. 苏州河南岸莫干山地块旧工业建筑群改建中的几点思考

    Thoughts for the reconstruction of old industrial buildings located at the South Bank of Suzhou River

  13. 地处宁沪杭地区中心的莫干山,是天成的避暑胜地,更是跌宕起伏的历史舞台。

    In the center of Ningbo , Shanghai and Hangzhou , Mogan Mountain is a natural summer resort .

  14. 材料采自浙江莫干山双翅目食虫虻标本,经鉴定整理计10属14种。

    There are 14 species of robber flies belonging to 10 genera in Mt. Mogan of Zhejiang Province .

  15. 本文记述莫干山产寄蝇10属13种,列出了主要寄主。

    This paper reports 10 genera 13 species tachinids from Mt. Mogan of Zhejiang Province and their hosts .

  16. 本文在时莫干山现存近代建筑进行全面调查的基础上,论述莫干山近代建筑的发展概况和每一时期的建筑特色。

    Based on overall investigation of the extant modern architecture , the article describes the development situation and characteristics of each period .

  17. “莫干山50号”是上海目前最大的艺术创意园区,并成了上海城市的一个文化概念和文化符号。

    The " No50 of Moganshan " is the biggest art originality garden at present , and it also becomes a culture concept and symbol of shanghai .

  18. 上世纪初,住在上海的富有西方人在莫干山一带建了大量别墅还有酒店、网球场、俱乐部,甚至还有一处游泳池。

    Wealthy Westerners living in Shanghai in the early1900s built sprawling stone villas , hotels , tennis courts , clubs and even a municipal pool in Moganshan .

  19. 本文概述了莫干山昆虫资源的特性和主要种类,讨论了这类资源开发利用的必要性和可能性,最后提出了开发利用的具体措施。

    This paper deals with the characters and principal groups of insect resources at Mt. Mogan and discusses the necessity , possibility and measures of their comprehensive utilizations .

  20. 上世纪初,第一位到莫干山山顶景区观赏的外国人是坐在轿子上被抬上去的。

    The first foreign vacationers to visit the mountaintop resort area of Moganshan , at the turn of the last century , were carried up in sedan chairs .

  21. 这段路大约开行3个小时,算是比较顺畅和轻松,而且,离开“长三角”的城市和工业区越远、越接近莫干山,道路两边也就越有看头。

    It is a relatively easy and relaxing three-hour drive , and the trip grows more interesting as you approach Moganshan and get away from the urban and industrial sprawl of the Yangtze River delta .