
  • 网络Morris;Maurice;William Morris;Mirrlees;Marcus Morris
  1. 莫里斯先生申请这个职位时对他进行调查了吗?

    Was any check made on Mr Morris when he applied for the post ?

  2. 莫里斯先生认为博物馆作的广告卓有成效。

    Mr Morris feels the museum is using advertising to good effect

  3. 琼斯现已出局,莫里斯极有可能胜出。

    Morris is likely to win , with Jones out of the picture now .

  4. 莫里斯不理会这个问题,继续他的长篇大论。

    Morris ignored the question and continued his monologue .

  5. 莫里斯先生决心摆出一副家庭团结的样子。

    Mr Morris was determined to put on a show of family unity .

  6. 莫里斯的作品正是基于这样一种历史背景。

    It was this kind of historical context that Morris brought to his work

  7. 莫里斯在1978年创作了由12幅画组成的一组作品。

    Morris executed a suite of twelve drawings in 1978

  8. 莫里斯先生说遇难者因为一个极其严重的失误而遭遇不幸。

    Mr Morris said the victims had suffered from a very grievous mistake .

  9. 莫里斯连续3周都不大舒服,但又没有什么明显的症状。

    For three weeks Maurice felt off-colour but did not have any dramatic symptoms .

  10. 我非常喜欢莫里斯,我会成为他的贤内助的。

    I 'm very fond of Maurice and I 'd make him a good wife .

  11. 莫里斯已承认犯有抢劫罪。

    Morris had pleaded guilty to robbery .

  12. 莫里斯脸上露出了邪恶的奸笑。

    Maurice gave a satanic smile .

  13. 莫里斯含笑望着他,一双和善的眼睛里毫无躲躲闪闪的神色。

    Morris looked at him , smiling , without a sign of evasiveness in his affable eyes .

  14. “对不起”这句话到嘴边,可莫里斯还是忍住没说。

    The word " sorry " rose to morris 's lips , but he bit it back .

  15. 这一现象激起了莫里斯医生的兴趣

    This phenomenon piqued Dr Morris ' interest .

  16. 伯尼对莫里斯说,“你们夫妻俩真够亲密的,结婚这么多年了,你还叫她叫得那么亲密。”莫里斯低下头,小声地对伯尼说,“老实跟你说吧,三年前我忘记老婆的真名是什么了。”

    Morris , the host , preceded , " To tell the truth , I forgot her name three years ago . "

  17. 忙碌的人不会总有时间去公园,因此非营利组织“莫里斯敦绿色栽培”将公园带给人们。

    For Example : Busy people don 't always have time to go to the park . So Grow It Green Morristown took the park to them .

  18. 法官斯丹·R·莫里斯判处他死刑。

    Judge Stan R.Morris sentenced him to die .

  19. 新的调查是由加州大学的罗伯特k莫里斯,欧文、和犹它大学的亨利c哈本丁领导的。

    The new survey & led by Robert K.Moyzis of the University of California , Irvine , and Henry C.

  20. 莫里斯信托(MorrisTrust)直到1997年都一直是公司进行交易时惯常采用的避税策略。

    Until 1997 , Morris trusts were a routine tax-free dealmaking maneuver .

  21. 菲利普莫里斯国际公司(PhilipMorrisInternational)也采取了类似的行动。

    Philip Morris International has made similar moves .

  22. ——牛津大学赛德商学院(Sa?dBusinessSchool,UniversityofOxford)管理研究教授蒂姆?莫里斯(TimMorris)

    Tim Morris , professor of management studies , Sa ? d Business School , University of Oxford

  23. MG是莫里斯的第一家公司,名称由“莫里斯汽车”首字母组合而成。

    Morris , MG is the first company name from " Morris car ," a combination of the first letter .

  24. 那是地狱般的一天,市场极为震荡,CityIndex的交易主管大卫•莫里斯(DavidMorris)回忆道。

    It was one hell of a day , extremely volatile , recalls David Morris , head of trading at City Index .

  25. 在这次于纽约举行的股东年会上,菲利普莫里斯国际公司的执行总裁路易斯·C。金瑞利告诉投资者说,公司发现,消费者对新的革新产品的兴趣在增加。

    Chief Executive Louis C.Camilleri told investors at the annual meeting in New York that the company is seeing growing consumer interest for new and innovative products .

  26. 雅各布斯扩大了公司规模,后来把它卖给了菲利普莫里斯集团(PhilipMorris)。

    Mr Jacobs expanded the company and later sold it to the Philip Morris conglomerate .

  27. 此前的寻购者还包括雅虎(Yahoo)、艺人经纪机构威廉•莫里斯奋进娱乐公司(WilliamMorrisEndeavor)和私募公司银湖资本(SilverLake)。

    Earlier suitors had included Yahoo ( yhoo ) , talent agency William Morris endeavor , and private equity firm Silver Lake .

  28. 今年迄今以来,日本烟草(JapanTobacco)和菲利普莫里斯国际公司(PhilipMorrisInternational)在东欧等之前可靠市场的销售全都加速下滑。

    So far this year , both Japan Tobacco and Philip Morris International have seen sales declines accelerate in previously reliable markets such as eastern Europe .

  29. 奥利弗•莫里斯(OliverMorris),来自伦敦南部

    Oliver Morris , south London

  30. 后来,当他到威廉•莫里斯(WilliamMorris)应聘时,他不能免俗地撒了个谎,自称毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)。

    But when he later applied to William Morris , he dutifully lied and said he graduated from UCLA .