
  • 网络phillip island;Philip island
  1. 他们甚至还有毛衣储备以应对紧急情况,比如2001年菲利普岛附近的大规模石油泄露事件。

    They even have a stockpile of jumpers in case of emergency - such as the large oil spill near Phillip Island in 2001 .

  2. 为了保护菲利普岛(墨尔本东南部140千米处)上的小企鹅,企鹅基金会发起了为企鹅织毛衣的活动。到目前为止,基金会已经设计了300多种不同的毛衣款式,这都要感谢心灵手巧的志愿者们。

    Knits for Nature , a program run by The Penguin Foundation , which conserves the little penguin population of Phillip Island , 140km south-east of Melbourne , has created up to 300 different designs over the years - and it 's all thanks to talented volunteers .