
  • Philip;Ryan Phillippe
  1. 菲利普进了自己的房间,随手把门关上。

    Philip went into his room and shut the door behind him .

  2. 菲利普在地板上踱来踱去,一副典型的神经紧张的准爸爸形象。

    Philip paced the floor , a typically nervous expectant father .

  3. 菲利普来信的打击让她愣了好一会儿。

    For a while the shock of Philippe 's letter numbed her

  4. 他很想把自己的问题透露给菲利普。

    He was tempted to spill out his problems to Philip .

  5. 我和菲利普的世界观截然不同。

    We were quite different in outlook , Philip and I.

  6. 我和菲利普把积蓄凑到一起开办了我的公司。

    Philip and I pooled our savings to start up my business .

  7. 据亨明先生所说,菲利普住在旅馆里。

    Philip stayed at the hotel , according to Mr Hemming

  8. 让-菲利普在20世纪60年代曾搭便车游遍欧洲。

    Jean-Phillippe had hitched all over Europe in the 1960s .

  9. 菲利普保证给予支持,并主动提出尽其所能提供帮助。

    Philip pledges support and offers to help in any way that he can

  10. 尼娜无法将她的视线从菲利普身上移开。

    Nina couldn 't take her eyes off Philip .

  11. 我难道就不能让菲利普一直感兴趣吗?

    Couldn 't I hold Philippe 's interest ?

  12. 发觉菲利普对我不忠后,我又气愤又伤心。

    I 'd found Philippe was cheating on me and I was angry and hurt .

  13. 萨拉几次想引起菲利普的注意,但是他只是冲她咧嘴笑了笑。

    Sarah tried several times to catch Philip 's eye , but he just grinned at her .

  14. 自菲利普把她独自丢在酒店房间后,她就再也没有听到他的消息了。

    From the moment that Philippe had left her in the bedroom at the hotel , she had heard nothing of him

  15. 又干完了一天的活,菲利普满心愉悦地离开了广袤的乡村,前往自己位于伦敦的公寓。

    With another day 's work in the can , Philip is happy to leave the open countryside and head for his London flat .

  16. 作为外科医生,菲利普才华出众。

    As a surgeon , Philip was exceptionally gifted .

  17. 他们的谈话被菲利普的声音打断了。

    Their dialogue was interrupted by philip 's voice .

  18. 安娜问菲利普是否愿意同她一道出去散散步。

    Anna asked Philip if he would like to go for a walk with her .

  19. 菲利普仔细倾听。

    Philip was all ears .

  20. "哦,不,我不能!菲利普喊道。

    " Oh no , I can 't ! " cried Philip .

  21. "菲利普拒绝在家吃肉。"

    " Philip refuses to eat meat at home . "

  22. "对不起,爸爸妈妈,"菲利普回答。

    " I 'm sorry , Mum and Dad , " answered Philip .

  23. 菲利普的父母对此并不高兴。

    Philip 's parents were not happy about that .

  24. "我不同意菲利普的看法,"老师回答说。

    " I don 't agree with Philip , " replied the teacher .

  25. 第二天早上菲利普饿着肚子起床了。

    The next morning Philip got up hungry .

  26. 菲利普是个学生。

    Philip is a school boy .

  27. 在英国,他在2010年获得了菲利普亲王设计奖(princephilipprizefordesign)。

    In the UK he was awarded the Prince Philip prize for design in 2010 .

  28. 这里是AdventureHolidaysEquipment有限公司。我是菲利普·赛克斯。

    Adventure Holidays Equipment Ltd. Philip Sykes speaking .

  29. 当然我也一直都喜欢菲利普·K·迪克(PhilipK.Dick)。

    Of course I 've always liked Philip K. Dick .

  30. 在这次于纽约举行的股东年会上,菲利普莫里斯国际公司的执行总裁路易斯·C。金瑞利告诉投资者说,公司发现,消费者对新的革新产品的兴趣在增加。

    Chief Executive Louis C.Camilleri told investors at the annual meeting in New York that the company is seeing growing consumer interest for new and innovative products .