
yínɡ yè zì yóu
  • freedom of business
  1. 但是就保险公司和用人单位而言,其营业自由等权利也应受到保障。

    However , when it comes to the insurance companies and employers , their rights of business freedom should also be protected .

  2. 我可以分享他的前途感到担忧免费男但我不同意他的看法储蓄营业自由人。

    I can share his worries about the future of free man , but I don 't agree his view of business saving free man .

  3. 但是三者之间还存在着区别,仅用经营权和就业权来保护公民的营业自由是远远不够的。

    But there are differences among the three rights , so using only right to employment and the power of management to protect citizens ' business freedom is not enough .

  4. 企业基本经济权利可以细分为企业营业自由、企业迁徙自由、企业结社自由和企业财产权两类四种,各自在经济法中有具体的体现。

    There are two kinds of enterprises ' basic economic rights , which can be further discussed in the following four types : operation freedom , migration freedom , association freedom , and property rights , which are revealed specifically in economic law .