
  • 网络Marketing Consultant;Sales Consultant
  1. 2005年,霍斯特曼曾为一家《财富》500强公司(Fortune500)担任互联网营销顾问。

    In 2005 , Horstman was working as an Internet marketing consultant for Fortune 500 companies .

  2. 费城35岁的网络营销顾问安妮塔•帕特里克(AnittahPatrick)以给自己过一个情人节的方式,庆祝自己从长期的抑郁症中走出来。

    Anittah Patrick , a 35-year-old online marketing consultant in Philadelphia , celebrated her emergence from a long depression by making herself a valentine .

  3. 我不设想自己将成为管理人员,但很希望成为商品营销顾问。

    I don 't envisage I will take an executive role , but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing .

  4. seobythesea搜索引擎营销顾问比尔史劳斯基(billslawski)表示,上述谷歌技术可能会削弱新数字媒体公司的竞争力。

    Bill slawski , search engine marketing consultant at SEO by the sea , said the Google technology could undercut offerings by new digital media companies .

  5. 在2010年开始涉足ETF之后,Russell雇用了40名员工和营销顾问。该公司的25支被动基金仅吸引到了3.1亿美元资金。

    Russell , which employed 40 staff and marketing consultants after moving into ETFs in 2010 , attracted just $ 310m to its 25 passive funds .

  6. 迪亚克的儿子、国际田联前营销顾问帕帕氠萨塔迪亚克(PapaMassataDiack)上周接到这项运动的独立伦理委员会的终身禁令,理由是他对田径运动造成了“史无前例的损害”。

    Papa Massata Diack , Mr Diack 's son and a former IAAF marketing consultant , last week received a life ban from the sport 's independent ethics commission for inflicting " unprecedented damage " on athletics .

  7. 全球营销顾问机构effectivebrands的马克代斯恩阿龙斯(marcdeswaanarons)表示,这意味着企业需要学习如何更多地在社交媒体上推广品牌形象,而不是像过去那样仅仅依靠电视、纸媒和在线广告。

    That means companies need to learn how to project their brand image , not just on television , in print and online , as in the old days , but increasingly on social media , according to mark de swaan arons of effective brands , the global marketing consultancy .

  8. 西尼德·奇尔顿是“车轮上的学校”的营销顾问。

    Sinead Chilton is marketing consultant for School on Wheels .

  9. 我是一个营销顾问,负责10所英国酒店。

    I was a marketing consultant responsible for marketing 10 UK hotels .

  10. 档次派阵营的主要人物则是资深营销顾问、自称行业异类的皮特o德o罗伦索。

    Leading the arguments for the class side is longtime marketing consultant and self-styled industry curmudgeon Peter De Lorenzo .

  11. 我是一名营销顾问,但是自由职业,我们先来讲个小故事。

    I work as a marketing consultant , on a freelance basis , and I thought that I would begin with an anecdote .

  12. 房地产业在中国内地的蓬勃发展带动了相关咨询服务行业的兴起,房地产营销顾问在此背景下应运而生。

    Flourishing of real estate trade in China Inland has brought the rising of relevant counseling industry . Real estate marketing consultant emerges under such a background .

  13. 同时,部门设有专门的培训师,定期为新老员工进行产品、业务知识及技能培训,不断提升营销顾问自身素质,以更好地为客户服务。

    The team has its own in-house trainers who dedicate to train and lift the skills of all team members , to make them better and more professional .

  14. 营销顾问本田哲也说:“个人博客可能是最强大的媒体”,因为它能传播信誉。

    " Personal blogs can be the most powerful media " since it can convey credibility , says Tetsuya Honda , a marketing consultant who runs BlueCurrent Japan .

  15. 世佳行以服务客户、造价值为理念,主要从事房地产营销策划顾问、售(商)理等主要业务。

    The company regards " serve customer and create value " as concept and is mainly engaged in real estate marketing planning consultancy , sale ( development ) agent .

  16. “我要利用这个机会,改变自己的职业发展方向,”迪恩说。她今年30岁,计划毕业后从事市场营销与品牌顾问的工作。

    " This is an opportunity to change the trajectory of my career ," says Deane , 30 , who is planning to start a job at a marketing and branding consultancy after graduation .

  17. 强化攀成钢与客户之间的紧密合作关系,完善出口销售渠道,建立无缝营销,开展顾问式营销,对市场变化快速响应。

    The cooperation between PCG and its customers should be strengthened , seamless pipe sales management system to be established , export channels to be expanded . Consulting sales is used to have a quick response to the market change .

  18. 他们都是受雇于商业,工业和批发单位,市场营销和公共关系顾问公司和政府部门。

    They are employed by commercial , industrial and wholesale establishments , marketing and public relations consulting companies and government departments .

  19. 毕业生有机会成为国内外市场营销专家,跨国公司的营销顾问以及对国际贸易法律的起草提供意见。

    Graduates may become professors of marketing at home or abroad , serve as marketing consultants to multinational corporations , and advise governments on the drafting of international trade legislation .

  20. 通过对优秀的营销人员进行竞聘、培训、试用、考核以及最终转投资顾问等一系列的方式将优秀的营销员工变成投资顾问。

    Make the excellent marketing staff to become the investment adviser by training , competition , trial , assessment , and ultimately turn to investment adviser .