
  • 网络safina;Dinara Safina
  1. 萨芬的妹妹萨芬娜也是世界网坛一颗耀眼的明星。

    Safin 's younger sister Dinara Safina is also a sensational tennis star of the world .

  2. 周六,中国网坛明星李娜0-2不敌俄罗斯选手萨芬娜,无缘奥运决赛。

    Tennis star Li Na failed to reach her Olympic decider Saturday after a0-2 loss to Dinara Safina of Russia .

  3. 萨芬娜表示,目前海洋环境的确面临着很大的压力。

    Of course , Safina said , the oceans today are stressed .

  4. 还有一些人批评中国观众对萨芬娜的“嘘”声。

    And some criticized Chinese fans for booing Safina .

  5. 母亲带我去向萨芬娜和她的父母道歉。

    My mother took me to say sorry to Safina and her parents .

  6. 萨芬娜的事情过后,我发誓再也不会对朋友不好了。

    After what happened with Safina , I vowed that I would never treat a friend badly again .

  7. 几天后,我看见萨芬娜拿着一支像极了我的那支玩具手机在玩耍。

    A few days later I saw Safina playing with a phone exactly the same as mine . '

  8. 我有三个好朋友--萨芬娜、和我同村的桑波,还有与我一起上学的莫妮巴。

    I have three good friends - Safina from my area , Sumbul from the village and Moniba from school .

  9. “是萨芬娜先开始的,”我辩解道,“她拿了爸爸买给我的粉红色手机。”

    Safina started it , " I protested . ' She took the pink phone that Aba bought me . "

  10. 但后来,我们的邻居萨芬娜的一个漂亮的表妹搬来,他便转而爱上了她。

    But then a pretty cousin came to stay with our neighbour Safina and he fell in love with her instead .

  11. 萨芬娜对我的手机的事情只字未提,虽然很不公平,但我也什么都没说。

    Safina said nothing about my phone , which didn 't seem fair , but I didn 't mention it either .

  12. 隔壁邻居萨芬娜的母亲把金饰存进银行仓库保管,即便如此,也被劫掠了。

    Safina 's mother next door had deposited her gold in a bank vault for safekeeping and even that had been looted .

  13. 萨芬娜说,全世界范围内,人们吸入的氧气有50%来自细小的海洋浮游生物。

    Worldwide , Safina said , about half of the oxygen we breathe in is from microscopic plankton that live in the ocean .

  14. 萨芬娜的积分和小威非常接近,而且考虑到她会参加莫斯科的比赛,她才是扬科维奇最大的威胁。

    Safina is roughly tied with Serena , and she will be playing Moscow , so she currently looks like the main threat to Jankovic .

  15. 我比较幸运——萨芬娜家的车上人数比较少,但我因为失去了自己的书包而心情沮丧。

    I was luckier - there were fewer people in Safina 's car - but I was devastated by the loss of my school bag .

  16. 新家所处的这条街上,有个女孩名叫萨芬娜,年纪比我小一些,我们慢慢地开始玩在一起。

    On our new road there was a girl called Safina , who was a bit younger than me , and we started to play together .

  17. “萨芬娜年纪比你小,你应该好好教她”,她说,“你应该当个好榜样。”

    Safina is younger than you and you should have taught her better , " she said . ' You should have set an example . "

  18. 在我们家这条街上,不远处有户人家,他们有个女儿跟我同龄,名叫萨芬娜,他们还有两个儿子,也跟我的两个弟弟年纪相仿,分别是巴芭和巴赛特。

    Near us on our street there was a family with a girl my age called Safina and two boys similar in age to my brothers , Babar and Basit .

  19. 然后,萨芬娜的父亲发动汽车,我们就这样慢慢驶离了我们的街道、家园、学校,离开我们的小世界,走进未知。

    Then Safina 's father put his foot on the pedal and away we drove out of the small world of our street , home and school and into the unknown .

  20. 和萨芬娜的比赛后,库兹涅佐娃在她的赛后新闻发布会上重新焕发了光芒,她说:我还有点不确定,不知道到底发生了什么,真的。

    After the match with Safina , Kuznetsova , looking radiant at her post-match media conference , said : I 'm still in some of the shadow yet . I don 't understand what happened , really .

  21. 我们家和邻居萨芬娜家之间的墙上有个小洞,我们平时可以通过这个洞来说话;只要敲敲那堵墙,他们就会来到洞旁。

    There was a hole in the wall to our neighbours " house , Safina 's family , through which we used to communicate with them , and we knocked on the wall so they would come to the hole .

  22. 我们家没有车,幸好我们的邻居萨芬娜跟她的家人也要离开,可以顺便帮我们带一些人,而其他人则跟着阿富扎医生一道离开。

    We didn 't have a car so we were lucky that our neighbours , Safina and her family , were also leaving and could fit some of us in their car while the rest would go with Dr Afzal .