
  • 【人名】Hainning
  1. RD吸附氧化法处理海宁市微污染原水

    RD Adsorption and Oxidation Method to Treat the Polluted Raw Water in Haining City

  2. 用窗函数法设计FIR数字滤波器,能熟悉矩形窗、海宁窗、汉明窗和布莱克曼窗。

    FIR window design with a digital filter function can be familiar with the rectangular window , Haining window , Hamming window and Blackman window .

  3. 该算法消除了加海宁窗的FFT算法和AdalineANN算法产生误差的主要因素,从而显著地提高了谐波分析的计算精度。

    The new algorithm eliminates the main error factor of interpolated FFT algorithm with Hanning-window and Adaline ANN algorithm , and therefore obviously improves the accuracy of harmonic analysis .

  4. 网球运动管理中心将寄希望于李娜的新教练罗德里格斯(CarlosRodriguez)来增强她的心理素质。这位教练曾指导海宁(JustineHenin)获得了七次大满贯冠军。

    Chinese Tennis Association will be hoping Li 's mental strength can be buoyed by her new coach Carlos Rodriguez , who guided Justine Henin to seven Grand Slams .

  5. 今年27岁的海宁借开罗公开赛,为下个月重返WTA作准备。海宁已经缺席WTA18个月。

    The27-year-old Justine Henin is using her trip to the Egyptian capital as preparation for a return to the WTA tour next month , after an18-month absence from the game .

  6. 塞雷娜·威廉姆斯(SerenaWilliams)眼看着一个又一个潜在的对手早早退役:玛蒂娜·辛吉斯(MartinaHingis)、叶连娜·德门蒂耶娃(ElenaDementieva)、迪娜拉·萨芬娜(DinaraSafina)、海宁,还有克里斯特尔斯。

    Serena Williams has seen plenty of prospects exit the stage earlier than could have been expected : Martina Hingis , Elena Dementieva , Dinara Safina , Henin and Clijsters .

  7. 方法自1977年至1978年用15cm直肠镜对海宁县185851居民进行直肠肿瘤筛查,共发现1490例直肠腺瘤患者。

    Methods 185 851 people in Haining county from 1977 to 1978 were observed by means of a screening examination with a 15 cm rigid sigmoidoscope and 1 490 patients with rectal adenoma were found .

  8. 1988年,他申请了一份安联的工作,在汉堡的地区办公室工作一段时间后,引起了前任首席执行官海宁舒尔特-诺埃尔(henningschulte-noelle)的注意。

    In 1988 he applied for a job at Allianz and , after a stint in a regional office in Hamburg , came to the attention of Henning schulte-noelle , his predecessor as chief executive .

  9. 海宁市社区人群艾滋病知识调查

    AIDS Knowledge among Community Residents in Haining City , Zhejiang Province

  10. 海宁轻易地统治了最后一盘。

    Justine romped to take royal dominance in the final set .

  11. 海宁冬季气候变暖对经济作物的影响

    Impacts of Winter Warming up on Cash Crops in Haining City

  12. 对随机锤击连续采样,加海宁窗与重叠处理进行了分析。

    Continue acquiring random impact and experiment with hanning windows and overlapped .

  13. 塞尔维亚人无法再轻易破发海宁。

    The Serbian was simply not good enough anymore to break Justine .

  14. 海宁市实施浙江省结核病控制项目(2002-2005年)效果评价

    Analysis for the effects of TB control project implementing in Haining state

  15. 海宁市花卉产业现状和发展思路

    Current Situation and Further Development of Flowers and Plants Industry in Haining

  16. 海宁:这是很好的赞美,是的。

    JH-H : That 's a nice compliment , yes .

  17. 海宁赛船,选手兼在船上作武术表演。

    Haining boat racing , player and on board for martial arts .

  18. 海宁:嗯,这不是输球的借口。

    JUSTINE HENIN : Well , there are no excuse about that .

  19. 钱塘江海宁古海塘加固技术研究及其应用

    Research on reinforcing technology of Haining Ming-Qing ancient seawall

  20. 海宁市农村居民膳食结构与营养素摄入情况分析

    Analysis of Diet Pattern and Nutrient Intake in Rural Population in Haining Country

  21. 浙江省海宁市制革企业镉污染对生态环境的影响

    Influence of Tannery on Ecological Environment of Cd in Haining of Zhejiang Province

  22. 海宁市道路交通事故原因与疾病负担评价

    Analysis on Causes of Traffic Accidents and the Disease Burden in Haining City

  23. 海宁市麻风防治的历程与现状

    Actualities of Leprosy Control in Haining City , Zhejiang

  24. 所以,我的小海宁,你听到了吗。

    Therefore , my small Haining , you heard .

  25. 今天海宁向我们保证说,她已经找到了她“新的动力”。

    Today Justine assures us that she 's found her " second wind " .

  26. 干姜粉具有明显的抗晕船作用,其效果强于晕海宁。

    Dry ginger root powder has marked anti-sea-sickness effect which is stronger than dimenhydrinate .

  27. 你明天将面对海宁,世界第一,你会感到紧张吗?

    Q.Are you nervous about facing Justine tomorrow , the world 's No.1 player ?

  28. 现在是第一盘,目前比分是4:1,海宁从一开始就控制了比赛。

    Now Henin in command of the first set up 4-1 at this point .

  29. 同时,影响海宁皮具企业发展的瓶颈和问题也开始逐渐的显露出来。

    These gradually reveal the obstacles and bottleneck of development of the Haining leather enterprises .

  30. 浙江省海宁市同仁养殖场沼气发电综合利用工程及效益分析

    Integrated Utilization Engineering of Generating Electricity from Biogas on Tongren Pig Farm in Zhejiang Province