
  • 网络Flanagan;Jon Flanagan;Flannagan
  1. 弗拉纳根现在依旧在美国海军预备役(NavalReserve)负责飞行任务。在成为航空公司飞行员后,他保留了这种心态。

    Flanagan , who still flies in the Naval Reserve , kept that mindset when he became an airline pilot .

  2. 弗拉纳根打电话给联合航空快运公司(UnitedCargo)的同事,这家当时还被称作美国大陆航空的公司(ContinentalAirlines)在圣诞节当天,将轮椅免费送到了那个男孩手中。

    Flanagan 's calls to colleagues in United Cargo and then-Continental Airlines got the wheelchair delivered , at no charge , on Christmas Day .

  3. 英国《卫报》(TheGuardian)等媒体欢庆弗拉纳根的成功,对规则改变的不安似乎有所缓解。

    Mr. Flanagan 's victory was cheered by the British newspaper The Guardian , among others , and seemed to ease concerns about the rule changes .

  4. 去年,弗拉纳根在《悉尼先驱晨报》(SydneyMorningHerald)上撰文说,这本书前后写了五个版本,才终于满意。

    In an article for The Sydney Morning Herald last year , Mr. Flanagan described how he had written five different versions of the story before he was satisfied .

  5. 曾是美国海军少校的弗拉纳根表示,在1986年加入美国联合航空之前的20年间,他曾驾驶C-130运输机为在南极洲的“深冻行动”(OperationDeepFreeze)提供支援,还曾驾驶过P-3猎户座海上侦察机。

    Flanagan , a former lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy , said he flew C-130 transport aircraft in support of Operation Deep Freeze in Antarctica and P-3 Orions ( maritime surveillance aircraft ) for 20 years before joining United in 1986 .

  6. 弗拉纳根也是一个大型展览会的重要参展者。

    Flanagan was also a prominent exhibitor in a large-scale exhibition .

  7. 林肯小学最近的一次投掷飞碟训练证明了弗拉纳根的教学方法。

    A recent Frisbee-throwing exercise at Lincoln testified to Flanagan 's approach .

  8. 与弗拉纳根一起经历的飞行,将是乘客们久久难忘的一段经历。

    Flying with Flanagan is an experience customers long remember .

  9. 弗拉纳根太太被传去为这宗离婚案作证。

    Mrs Flanagan had been called as a witness in the divorce case .

  10. 弗拉纳根发现,节日期间,休闲旅行者和首次乘坐飞机的乘客增多。

    During the holidays , Flanagan notices more leisure travelers and first-time flyers .

  11. 有谁能找到弗拉纳根吗?

    And would someone please find Flanagan . Oh !

  12. 弗拉纳根说道:我每一次飞行通常会发出50张名片。

    I usually give out 50 cards on each trip , Flanagan says .

  13. 弗拉纳根把这部小说献给335号囚犯,这是他父亲在战俘营中的号码。

    He dedicated the novel to Prisoner 335 - his father 's inmate number .

  14. 韦斯特•李•弗拉纳根枪杀了来自WDBJ7电视台新闻团队的两名前同事。

    Vester Lee Flanagan shoots dead two former colleagues from the WDBJ7 news team .

  15. 还记得弗拉纳根在每一次飞行开始之前发放的名片吗?

    Remember those trading cards Flanagan hands out at the beginning of every flight ?

  16. 你请弗拉纳根神父和中国神婆来赶我。

    You bring father Flanagan and the joy luck club to get rid of me .

  17. 弗拉纳根回忆道:当时有一群20岁左右的男女一起坐飞机。

    I did this with one group of 20 young men and women flying together , Flanagan recalls .

  18. 弗拉纳根表示,营销、航班操作与机组人员操作等领域也蕴含着大数据的大量机会。

    Marketing , flight operations and crew operations are all areas of rich opportunity , O ' Flanagan said .

  19. 弗拉纳根说道:我喜欢像对待与我一起飞行的亲人一样,对待我的乘客。

    I like to treat my customers as if they were my family flying with me , Flanagan says .

  20. 王室厨师马克•弗拉纳根将按照获胜的4所小学的学生设计的菜单制作美味佳肴。

    Pupils from the top four winning schools will see their ideas made into canapes by royal chef Mark Flanagan .

  21. 弗拉纳根有许多做法可以被视为出色的客户服务,不过最有意义的通常是无意中的善举。

    Many acts can be considered exceptional customer service , but the most meaningful ones are really unplanned acts of kindness .

  22. 如果你的航班被长时间延误,你肯定希望坐在驾驶舱里的飞行员是丹尼o弗拉纳根机长。

    If your flight is hit by a lengthy delay , the pilot you want in the cockpit is Captain Denny Flanagan .

  23. 然而,常规检查发现飞机一侧机翼前缘有微小的裂痕,于是弗拉纳根宣布飞机推迟20分钟起飞。

    However , when a routine inspection uncovered a small crack in the leading edge of a wing , Flanagan announced a 20-minute delay .

  24. 在节日旅行季,航班延误就像感冒一样,已经见怪不怪,而弗拉纳根机长的做法,简直就像是来自圣诞老人的意外礼物。

    During this season of holiday travel , when sniffles and delays run rampant , it was like getting an unexpected gift from Santa .

  25. 客户服务或许是弗拉纳根与生俱来的本领,这项技能可以通过学习掌握,并且非常容易衡量。

    Customer service may be innate to Flanagan , but it 's also a skill that can be taught and a behavior easily measured .

  26. 几分钟后,弗拉纳根站在舱门口,向乘客发放带有波音757统计数据的名片。

    A few minutes later , Flanagan stood at the plane door , handing out trading cards with stats about the Boeing 757 being boarded .

  27. 人们在推特和脸书上了解到了这一枪杀事件,在自杀之前,弗拉纳根上传了枪案视频。

    Many people learned about the massacre on Twitter and Facebook , where the killer shared chilling updates and video footage before taking his own life .

  28. 积极主动提供优质的客户服务,是任何公司生存和发展的根本。喜欢弗拉纳根的人似乎成了联合航空最特殊的宣传大使。

    Being proactive about customer service is essential for any business to survive and thrive , people like Flanagan appear to make exceptional ambassadors for United .

  29. 虽然弗拉纳根并非唯一一位提供出色客户服务的飞行员,但为什么其他人并没有像他那样引人注目呢?

    While Flanagan is not the only pilot to provide great customer service , you have to wonder why more don 't stand out like him .

  30. 2010年,联合航空录制了弗拉纳根普通的一天,并将其制作成面向所有新晋员工的培训视频。

    In 2010 , the airline filmed Flanagan , following him around on a typical day , and turned it into a training video shown to all new hires .