
  1. Blair要做落跑新娘了,广大粉丝们高兴坏了。

    Blair Waldorf is a runaway bride , and fans couldn 't be happier .

  2. 中止婚约25美元&是的,这样做很无情,但是还记得电影《落跑新娘》(RunawayBride)中她给亚特兰大市(Atlanta)或者无论什么地方造成的所有麻烦吗?

    Engagement Breakoff – Yeah it 's heartless , but remember the Runaway Bride and all the trouble she caused in Atlanta or wherever ?

  3. 在三次尝试结婚失败之后,9月15日,这位落跑新娘在140位客人的注视下,在英国艾塞克斯郡霍克奇市的LangtonsHouse登记处结婚了。

    After three failed attempts the runaway bride finally married on September 15 at Langtons House registry office in Hornchurch , Essex , watched by 140 guests .

  4. 接着这位落跑新娘和第二任爱人,29岁的DaveFutter,安定下来共度了两年半,但是又在他提出结婚时离开了他。

    The bolting bride then settled down with a second love , Dave Futter , 29 , for two and a half years - but left him when he popped the question .

  5. 落跑新娘防止煤砂双层滤料滤池跑煤的反冲洗方式

    Runaway Bride Backwashing Process to Prevent Anthracite Loss in Dual Media Filter

  6. 我想如果我找到了那个落跑新娘。

    I guess if I do find my runaway bride .

  7. 4×100米接力跑的技战术分析落跑新娘

    Tactics in 4 × 100 Meter Relay Race Runaway Bride

  8. 上演一出落跑新娘吗

    some kind of runaway bride thing , or ... ?

  9. 她会是落跑新娘吗?

    Is she a runaway bride ?

  10. 曾与落跑新娘订婚的男子已完成终身大事&对象是另一个女人。

    The man who was once engaged to the runaway bride has gotten married_to another woman .

  11. 落跑新娘跟着梦想走

    Runaway Bride Follow your Dream

  12. 一个落跑新娘在甩了三个男人后,最终和曾经将成为她的首席伴娘的女人喜结连理。

    A runaway bride who jilted three men has finally tied the knot with her maid of honour .

  13. 在这部1999年上映的浪漫喜剧电影《落跑新娘》首映礼上,罗伯茨的着装再次表明中规中矩的服装并不一定就会令人生厌。

    At the premiere of her1999 romantic comedy , Runaway Bride , Roberts showed that understated doesn 't have to mean boring in this sleek Calvin Klein dress .

  14. 之后,她和另外两位“落跑新娘”--来自锡陀塔那迦的普里扬卡·库马丽和来自圣卡贝尔娜迦的约媞,以及苏拉布组织的创始人班德什瓦·帕塔克成为了社会的焦点。

    Later , she along with the two other " runaway brides " - Priyanka Kumari from Siddharthanagar and Jyoti from Sant Kabeernagar - and Bindeshwar Pathak , the founder of sanitation NGO Sulabh International , took centre stage in an enclosure .