
  • 【航海】on position
  1. 参加CBA联赛季后赛四强战的队伍在运用全场紧逼防守时,全场紧逼人盯人防守使用比例极高,并且由攻转守落位速度很快。

    In the full-court press defense , the top four in the CBA playoff use an extreme high proportion of the full court press man-to-man , and they fall quickly from attack to defense .

  2. 而且由于酸性位落位的不同,分子筛空穴的限域作用也表现各异。

    The confinement effect is varied for different acid sites .

  3. 显然一切都已落位,而且一向都是各就其位的。

    Everything obviously had its place and always was placed in its place .

  4. 提高认识,延缓推进队员的推进速度,强化由攻转守后的主动性防守,给同伴争取时间落位防守。

    Improve the understanding , delay advance players moving , strengthen by tapping attackers after initiative defense , to your partner to gain time fell a defense .

  5. 如果行星强力,落位不好,有优势:行星会表现出一些明显的问题,盘主亦会在生活中经历大量相应问题。

    The planet is strong , afflicted , and dominant : this planet will bring significant problems , and the person will experience the problems a great deal in his life .

  6. 从131前场端线掷界外球掩护进攻法的战术要求、战术落位入手,阐述了在比赛中的应用;

    This article illustrates the usage of " 1-3-1 " basketball tactics beginning with the requirements of the tactics which is an screen attack of throw-in out of the front end line .

  7. 如果行星强力,落位不好,也没有优势:行星会表现出一些明显的问题,但负面的影响会被局限在生活的某些领域。

    The planet is strong , afflicted , but not dominant at all : this planet will bring significant problems , but the negative results will be limited to some area of life .

  8. 本文简要介绍了达斡尔族的基本概况,阐释了达斡尔族传统民居的落位选址、建筑布局、建筑特色及成因,探究了达斡尔族传统民居鲜明的民族特色及其浓郁的地方风格。

    This article briefly introduces the general situation of the Daur Nationality , it also elaborates the location , architectural layout , feature , and cause of the traditional dwellings of the Daur Nationality and explores its notable national characteristics and rich provincialism .

  9. 无论上面说法是否正确,出生日食在出生盘所落宫位,对你的生活产生很大的影响,即使在这宫里没有行星。

    Whether this is so or not , the house in your birth chart where the Prenatal Eclipse fell represents an important area of your life , even if there are no planets in that house .

  10. 北交点所落宫位显示了他的精神怎样打破僵化的形式和结构,使得他可以自由的游向上帝之海。

    The house position of the North Node shows how the soul can renounce its grip on all rigid definition of form and structure so that it can be free to swim in the Ocean of God .

  11. 韩佳,这里还落了一位姓孙的名人。

    Han Jia , here is another one with the Sun name .

  12. 我把它甩了出去,它落在了位地厨房另一侧的冰箱里。

    I threw it across the kitchen , and it landed in the fridge .

  13. 作为一位州大学入取顾问,我接到落在一位要求知道为何她的女儿被拒的愤怒的母亲。

    As an admissions counselor for a state university , I took a call from an irate mother demanding to know why her daughter had been turned down .

  14. 在公共卫生领域,70年代中国曾经被看作是世界上最成功的典范,但到2000年中国卫生总体绩效排名落至144位。

    In the field of public health , China was regarded as the most successful country in the world in seventies , while whose rank of health performance has dropped to No.

  15. 奎落克是一位著名女性变装者的名字。

    Ququrok patke was the given name of a well known female cross dresser .

  16. 虽然落在最后一位,这位奥运选手还是坚持到比赛结束,展现出他的毅力。

    Even though he was in last place , the Olympian showed his grit by finishing his race .

  17. 很多年前在印度一个小村落中,有位农夫不幸欠了村中一名女放债人一大笔金钱。

    Many years ago in a small Indian village , a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to a female village moneylender .

  18. 上周末的头名电影《逃离德黑兰》落至第三位,而以功夫见长的《男人与铁拳头》首演位居第四。

    Last weekend 's top movie Argo falls to third place , while Kong Fu feature , the Man With the Iron Fists debuts at No. 4 .