
  • 网络Timothy Geithner
  1. 在ABC电视台的“本周”节目中,财政部长蒂莫西·盖特纳对这种好转表示欢迎。

    Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner hailed the development on ABC 's " This Week " program .

  2. 美国财政部长蒂莫西·盖特纳(TimothyGeithner)正在讨论欧洲稳定境况不佳的欧元的措施,以便向市场保证,这次金融危机不会扩散至整个欧元区。

    US Treasury Chief in Europe for Talks on Finance Crisis Treasury chief Timothy Geithner is discussing European measures to the euro currency markets the crisis will not spread the eurozone .

  3. 在交谈中,他将财政部长蒂莫西·盖特纳和其他高级官员描绘成华尔街事实上的工具。

    In conversation , he portrays Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and other top officials as , in effect , tools of Wall Street .

  4. 在任何钞票的右手边,你都能找到蒂莫西·盖特纳、亨利·保尔森或约翰·斯诺的名字。

    On the right hand side of any bill , you might find the name of Timothy Geithner or Henry Paulson or John Snow .

  5. 据美国财政部长蒂莫西·盖特纳所说,美国经济正在从深刻持久的衰退中复原。

    US Treasury Secretary : Economy The U.S. economy is healing from a deep and prolonged recession , according to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner .

  6. IMF-世界银行春季年会今天上午在华盛顿举行,财政部长蒂莫西·盖特纳参加了本次会议。

    Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner talks money today with finance officials from around the world . Geithner is attending closed-door meetings of the joint World Bank and International Monetary Fund .

  7. 由于财政部长蒂莫西·盖特纳月底将离职,国会和白宫就预算问题的谈判将变得更复杂。

    Negotiations between Congress and the White House on budget matters may be further complicated by the fact that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will be leaving office by the end of the month .

  8. 四年前,当美国中央银行官员蒂莫西·盖特纳宣誓就任财政部长后,失业率上升,股市和房地产市场面临崩溃的危险。

    Four years ago , when U.S. central bank official Timothy Geithner was sworn in as Treasury Secretary , unemployment was rising and the stock and housing markets were in danger of collapse .