
zhēnɡ qì fā dònɡ jī
  • steam engine
  1. 近代的蒸汽发动机是在两个基础上发展起来的。

    The modern steam engine grew from two roots .

  2. 蒸汽发动机&一种新的动力源

    The Steam Engine & A New Source of Power

  3. 问题17第一台蒸汽发动机的用途是什么?

    Question 17 . What was the first steam-powered engine used for ?

  4. 蒸汽发动机本身还兼能完成很多由刹车装置完成的工作。

    The engine itself could do much of the work of the brakes .

  5. 蒸汽发动机玩具或模型

    Engine , steam , for toys or models

  6. 用蒸汽发动机作为能量的机车。

    A locomotive powered by a steam engine .

  7. 从那天起,又过了一段时间,亨利便开始对蒸汽发动机如痴如醉。

    From then on , for a while , Henry became infatuated with steam engines .

  8. 1712年,纽科门研制出一种更好、更安全的用来抽水的蒸汽发动机。

    A safer and better steam engine for pumping water was developed by Newcomen in 1712 .

  9. 此时蒸汽发动机已成为继钟表后亨利的又一痴迷物。

    By this time steam engines had joined clocks and watches as objects of henry 's fascination .

  10. 他父亲在附近的一家煤矿工作,负责看管笨重的大型蒸汽发动机。

    His father worked in the nearby coal mine , looking after the big clumsy steam engines .

  11. 同年,我们出售的10马力蒸汽发动机和发电机,照亮了上海的港口。

    That same year , we provided a10 horsepower steam engine with generator to light up the port of Shanghai .

  12. 但是,1698年,托马斯·萨弗里制造出了伦敦第一个蒸汽发动机。

    But , in 1698 , a man by the name of Thomas Savery constructed the first steam-powered engine in London .

  13. 在公元1世纪,正好是托勒密之前的一位希腊人&亚历山大的希罗曾经设计出一种蒸汽发动机。

    A steam engine of a sort had been devised by a Greek , Hero of Alexandria , in the 1st century AD , just before Ptolemy .

  14. 此后30年,他们合作开办了一家专门生产各种蒸汽发动机的工厂,每年生产发动机20台。

    Together they set up a factory which produced all kinds of steam engines at the rate of about 20 a year for the next 30 years or so .

  15. 你将进入节拍之城中冒险,这里古怪的居民在一堆凌乱建造的房子里和巨大的蒸汽发动机间从早忙到晚。

    You get to venture into the city of Metronome , a sprawling mass of haphazardly built houses and huge steam engines where the outlandish inhabitants are carrying out their chores day and night .

  16. 以前我们不知道它是怎么工作的,以为它就像蒸汽发动机。现在我们已经知道了,它确实是个气体发动机,就像摩托车、摩托船或飞机的发动机一样。

    It has been likened to a steam engine . But that was before we knew as much about the way it works as we know now . It really is a gas engine ; like the engine of an automobile , a motor boat , or a flying machine .

  17. 突然,滚滚蒸汽从发动机里冒了出来。

    Suddenly , clouds of steam started to belch from the engine .

  18. 试验结果表明燃用甲醇裂解燃料比燃用甲醇蒸汽燃料发动机热效率较高、排放较低。由发动机工作过程热力学循环分析结果表明,发动机燃用裂解燃料时性能较好的主要原因是实现了快速燃烧与稀薄燃烧。

    The test results showed an improvement in brake efficiency and exhaust emissions when the engine was fueled with DM instead of VM , Thermodynamic analyses revealed that the main factors responsible for higher efficiency of DM engine are faster and leaner burning .

  19. 新的字符加入的绍多尔岛的冒险包括来自绍多尔Steamworks和查理,一个新的蒸汽机日本发动机浩,维克多和凯文。

    New characters to join the adventures on the Island of Sodor include Japanese engine Hiro , Victor and Kevin from the Sodor Steamworks , and Charlie , a new steam engine .

  20. 蒸汽机或其他发动机中活塞向曲轴推动的冲程。

    The stroke of an engine piston moving toward the crankshaft .

  21. 蒸汽裂解渣油用作发动机燃料油的研究

    Study of steam cracked residue as motor fuel oil