
  • 网络steampunk;Steam Punks
  1. 我承认,我是挺迷蒸汽朋克的。

    I must admit , I am quite taken with steampunk .

  2. 蒸汽朋克啊,我记得啊

    Oh , steampunk , right . I remember that trend .

  3. 里面藏着一个蒸汽朋克风格的幻想世界,调酒师们会用陈年朗姆、柑橘和苦酒调出一杯杯的DesdeCubaConAmor(120比索),它们真的会冒烟。

    Inside is a steampunk fantasyland , with bartenders who mix drinks like the Desde Cuba Con Amor ( 120 pesos ) , a combination of aged rum , citrus and bitters that is literally smoking .

  4. 在盖·里奇(GuyRitchie)的蒸汽朋克电影《夏洛克·福尔摩斯》里,小罗伯特·唐尼(RobertDowneyJr)版福尔摩斯浮华的领巾是该角色唯一显示福尔摩斯身份的装束,尽管这似乎更适合2008年的布鲁克林,而非维多利亚时代的伦敦。

    In Guy Ritchie 's steampunk-inspired Sherlock Holmes movies , Robert Downey Jr. " s flashy ascots are the only recognizably Holmesian aspect of his costumes , even if they seem more appropriate to circa 2008 Brooklyn than Victorian London .

  5. 画面很蒸汽朋克,带点漫画感的十九世纪。

    It 's steampunkish , a kind of comic-strip 19th Century .

  6. 蒸汽朋克风的创意太阳镜,独特的美!

    Beautiful and unique pair of glasses styled in a steampunk fashion .

  7. 所有这些都会引得蒸汽朋克粉丝去更新他们的装备。

    All of which could cause steampunk fans to update their wardrobes .

  8. 蒸汽朋克风格,水族类,或者是有上千年历史的废铜烂铁。

    Or make it steam-punk , or aquatic , or turn it into a thousand-year-old rusted wreck .

  9. 自1977年首映以来,《星球大战》几乎渗入到每一种亚文化之中,蒸汽朋克也不例外。

    Star Wars has leaked into nearly every subculture since its premiere in1977 , and steampunk is no exception .

  10. 这篇文章为那些想创作蒸汽朋克类机械但对蒸汽机如何运作了解不深的艺术家们提供信息。

    This page is to inform artists who want to draw steampunk machines but don 't quite understand how steam works .

  11. 这里的说唱乐以东海岸风格为主,略带一丝亚特兰大蒸汽朋克风格,和美国一样,乐手们经常在大学区附近表演,歌词中往往带点政治色彩。

    Based largely on East Coast styles with a bit of Atlanta steampunk thrown in , crews perform often near the university district and , as in the United States , can take on a political edge .