
  • 网络Zangmi;Tibetan Myth
  1. 海关人员必须随时洞察走私犯的种种藏密。

    The customs officials must always be up to all the dodges of the smugglers .

  2. 在藏密艺术中,坛城被视为是最神圣、最奥秘、最有特色的代表性宗教艺术。

    Tancheng is still regarded as the most sacred , mysterious and representative religious art with peculiar characteristics .

  3. 最后她更成为藏密大师卡卢仁波切七十年代讲游欧美时的随身翻译。

    Eventually she became personal translator to the guru as , during the Seventies , he travelled through Europe and America .

  4. 不同的文化传统,不同的历史传承,不同的礼仪与仪式,都是藏密在汉地传播以及汉族学习藏密过程中将会面临的冲突。

    Different cultural traditions , different historic heritages , different religious rituals , there are the discrepancy and contradictions when Dzogchen transmitting in han areas , or han people learning Dzogchen .