
  1. 燕山&喜山期大幅度的抬升剥蚀使气藏被破坏形成了麻江古油藏。山西兴县奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶储层特征

    Reservoir bed are karsts carbonate rock of Ordovician Honghuayuan . CHARACTERISTICS OF ORDOVICIAN CARBONATE KARST RESERVOIR IN XINGXIAN , SHANXI

  2. 中国南方海相地层的油气藏被构造运动改造的强度大,油气保存条件破坏严重。

    Reconstructed by several tectonic activities , the preservation conditions for oil and gas reservoirs of marine strata in southern China is severely disturbed .

  3. 东营凹陷的复杂断块油气田是深层原生油气藏被断层破坏后,油气经二次或多次运移至浅层的断层伴生圈闭而形成的次生油气藏。

    The complicated fault-block reservoirs in Dongying Depression are the secondary trap deposits which had been migrated from deep to shallow after original reserves broken down .

  4. 隔气式有水气藏被分隔部分储气空间的天然气储量计算,为评价气藏的生产能力及对气井提出有针对性的增产措施提供了依据。

    The reserve calculation of compartment reservoirs provides bases for evaluating gas productivity and the corresponding measures for improving the gas production . The Qi ( vital energy )

  5. 举报人讲的故事,再加上死亡威胁的传言和藏在被填埋的游泳池内的现金,就像一部鄙俗的肥皂剧一样,紧紧抓住了巴西人的眼球,让人们既心寒又好奇。

    Whistleblower tales , along with rumours of death threats and money hidden in buried swimming pools have gripped Brazilians like a sordid soap opera , prompting both despair and fascination .

  6. 让我们浸沉在这生命的水泉里沐浴,把我们自己藏起来不被看见。

    We ourselves hidden out of sight and bathed in this life-giving stream .

  7. 有一些离奇的谣言,说是总统书斋的一个保险箱里藏着一些被禁止的古书。

    There were those strange rumours of old forbidden books hidden in a safe in the Controller 's study .

  8. 烧了丢了藏起来了被猫偷了不就是表达方式不同嘛

    Well , burned , lost , hidden , stolen by a cat , it 's all just words really , isn 't it ?

  9. 而没有淹着她的血撒了一地板,床下也都是,她想藏起来不被发现

    And what she didn 't drown on is all over the floor and under the bed . She was trying to hide from him .

  10. 我们把它藏了起来以免被他看到。

    We hid it so that he should not see it .

  11. 我将独木舟藏好,以免被人发现。

    I hid the canoe well so that nobody could find it .

  12. 逃跑藏起来为了躲避被逮捕或起诉的人。

    Someone who runs away and hides to avoid arrest or prosecution .

  13. 他藏了起来以免被警方发现。

    He went underground to avoid the police .

  14. 每次离开手术楼层的时候,我都会把口罩、帽子和鞋套藏起来,以免被人拿走;

    I hid my mask , hat and shoe covers whenever I needed to leave the surgery floor to be sure they were available again .

  15. 一位和阿黛尔关系亲近的消息人士透露了阿黛尔让粉丝们百思不得其解的入场方式:原来是藏在盒子里被人用手推车推到舞台上的,途中还经过了一排排粉丝。

    A source close to Adele revealed the fan-boggling trick to her entrance was being wheeled in a box through crowds of fans to the stage .

  16. 如今地质构造相对简单的油气藏,大多数已经被发现,我国的油气勘探已经进入了复杂的岩性圈闭油气藏勘探时期。

    Today , the most relatively simple geological structure of hydrocarbon reservoirs have been discovered . Our hydrocarbon exploration has entered a period of complex lithologic traps exploration .