
  • 网络Virtual assets;Virtual Property
  1. 网络游戏中虚拟资产交易平台的构建

    Conceiving and Building up the Virtual Capitals Exchange Platform in Internet Game

  2. 对于其虚拟资产的研究自然离不开行为金融学的理论。

    For study of virtual assets , we need behavioral finance theory .

  3. 从全球范围来说,围绕虚拟资产的真实世界的交易正在兴起。

    Around the globe , a real-world trade has emerged around virtual assets .

  4. 黑客已开始瞄准这些站点,盗取密码并出售虚拟资产。

    Hackers had started to target the sites , stealing passwords and selling virtual assets .

  5. 实物资产和虚拟资产是公有资产的两种主要存在形态。

    Practicality assets and virtual assets are two main existing forms of the public assets .

  6. 论虚拟资产的价值基础

    On the Value Base of Invented Assets

  7. 公有制为主体是以实物资产与虚拟资产相统一的公有资产为主体。

    Taking public ownership as main body is the unity of practicality assets and virtual assets .

  8. 可见,房地产的虚拟资产特性对于银行贷款和货币供给的稳定增长,从而对整个经济的稳定增长具有重要意义。

    In summary , real estate can stabilize the entire economy through the credit of banks and the supply of money .

  9. 一个玩家把别人的账号买过来,他就可以得到其所有的虚拟资产,受让方也就如虎添翼。

    A player buys the Zhang number of others , he can get his all fictitious asset , suffer let square also with respect to with might doubled .

  10. 新会计制度资产定义、资产减值确认、虚拟资产处理、债务重组收益的处理等很多方面都充分体现了稳健性原则。

    The principle of stability is reflected in such aspects as asset definition , confirmation of asset devaluation , virtual asset management and the earnings of debt recombination in new accounting system .

  11. 市场体系更加丰富多彩,虚拟资产的交易占据了相当大的份额,在国际市场体系中,虚拟资产的交易已超过了实物商品的交易。

    Market system improved more perfectly , trade of Fictitious assets is quite proportion , in the international market system , it has more exceeded the trade of the Real object merchandise .

  12. 在现代经济中,房地产是一种重要的虚拟资产,并且随着虚拟经济的发展,其虚拟性也在不断增强,这在成熟的市场经济国家体现得尤为明显。

    Real estate is an important kind of virtual assets in modern economy and with the development of virtual economy , its virtuality increases incessantly , which is extremely obvious in market-economy countries .

  13. 房地产价格像其他资本市场上的金融资产一样会产生剧烈波动,而房地产价格的强波动性正是虚拟资产的重要特征。

    Real estate price will produce violent to fluctuate like financial assets on other capital markets , the strong fluctuation of and the price of real estate are exactly an important characteristic of fictitious assets .

  14. 在这些方法中,重置成本法和并购价值法更加适合非上市实物资产,而内在价值法和相对价值法则更适合于已经上市的虚拟资产。

    In these methods , and acquisition of the replacement cost value of non-listed more appropriate physical assets , and intrinsic value method and relative value rules more suited to the virtual assets have been listed .

  15. 人们的价值观、财富观发生了深刻的变化,在拥有物质财富的同时持有大量的虚拟资产,且构成资产的绝大部分;

    People 's concept of value and wealth has undergone profound changes , people who own the material wealth hold a great quantity of Fictitious assets at the same time , and it constitute the big part of the property ;

  16. 传统资产管理公司可能也受到虚拟资产管理公司崛起的挤压。后者目前的市场占有率为9%,它们复制了已在施行的咨询模式,将真正的投资管理外包给外部经理。

    Traditional asset managers may also be squeezed by the rise of virtual managers , currently 9 per cent of the marketplace , which replicate the implemented consulting model , outsourcing the actual investment management to a roster of external managers .

  17. 随着这种经济结构的转变,虚拟资产在经济发展过程中越来越居于主导地位,虚拟资产的迅速扩张导致虚拟经济规模远远超过实体经济,虚拟经济与实体经济呈现非协调发展。

    With such structural changes in the economy , fictitious assets increasingly dominate in the process of economy development . The rapid expansion of fictitious assets leads to far more size of fictitious economy than real economy . Incoordination is shown between fictitious economy and real economy .

  18. 一个流行的破冰练习就是虚拟的资产配置。

    One popular ice breaker is a virtual asset allocation exercise .

  19. 但是,利用处理器的虚拟化资产并不是惟一的障碍。

    But exploiting the virtualization assets of the processor was not the only obstacle .

  20. 众所周知,有效的虚拟化可以提高资产利用率,让服务器、存储、网络和其他功能更模块化,由此提高可重用性。

    It is well known that effective virtualization can improve asset utilization making servers , storage , network and other capabilities more modular and hence more reusable .

  21. 本文从虚拟经济的角度深入剖析了房地产的虚拟资产特性,指出房地产是一种虚拟资产,房地产这种虚拟资产的特性是其虚拟性介于普通商品和金融资产之间。

    It points out that real estate is a kind of fictitious asset , and the nature of real estate as a fictitious asset is its fictitiousness is situated between in general goods and financial asset .

  22. 从虚拟经济的行为基础&资本化定价方式入手,对房地产的虚拟资产的性质进行深入剖析。

    Starting from the pricing of capitalization & the basis of the behavior of the fictitious economy , the paper attempts a close scrutiny of the characteristics of the fictitious assets in real estate .

  23. 基于虚拟企业的特点,分析虚拟企业对会计核算前提和原则的影响,探讨虚拟企业中资产、产权、剩余、收入、成本费用、利润6大会计核算对象的确认

    Based on the characteristics of virtual enterprise ( VE ), this paper analyses the influences of VE on accounting objects . And accounting objects such as assets , equity , surplus , income , cost and profit are affirmed . A Big Cheater