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  • arbovirus;arthropod-borne virus
  1. 抗A组虫媒病毒抗体阳性率为31.68%(102/322),均为MAY或相关病毒抗原抗体;

    Group A arbovirus antibody positive rate was 31.68 % ( 102 / 322 ), they were antibodies against MAY or related virus ;

  2. 方法:应用间接免疫荧光法(IFA)对海南省驻地部队和三个地区共607份人血清检测了12种虫媒病毒抗体。

    Methods : Six hundred and seven sera collected from Hainan province were detected for antibodies of 12 different arbovirus species by indirect fluorescence analysis ( IFA ) .

  3. 四种虫媒病毒多重RT-PCR方法的初步建立

    The Initial Establishment of Multiplex RT-PCR for Detection Four Kinds of Arboviruses

  4. 细菌对氨基糖苷类药物耐药基因四重PCR检测试剂盒研制与应用四种虫媒病毒多重RT-PCR方法的初步建立

    Study on a Multi-PCR Amplification Kit of Detection Bacteria Aminoglycoside Resistance Genes and Its Application ; The Initial Establishment of Multiplex RT-PCR for Detection Four Kinds of Arboviruses

  5. 方法:应用虫媒病毒的通用引物逆转录-聚合酶链反应技术(RT-PCR)。

    Methods : Serum samples from 168 patients with unknown fever and the samples mosquitoes were assayed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ) .

  6. 流行性乙型脑炎病毒(Japaneseencephalitisvirus,JEV)简称乙脑病毒,又称日本脑炎病毒,是一种严重危害人畜(尤其是儿童)健康的虫媒病毒。

    Japanese encephalitis virus ( JEV ) is the cause of the most prevalent viral encephalitis of humans and animals ( especially in children ) in terms of morbidity and mortality .

  7. 黄热病病毒是一种flavivirus类虫媒病毒,蚊虫是主要媒介。

    The yellow fever virus is an arbovirus of the flavivirus genus , and the mosquito is the primary vector .

  8. 虫媒病毒性脑炎M-RT-PCR诊断方法的建立及应用

    Design and application of M-RT-PCR diagnostic methods for arboviral encephalitis

  9. 系统进化分析显示2008年甘肃JEV新分离株与2004年四川分离株和2005年上海分离株进化关系较近。甘肃省既往虫媒病毒调查仅局限在陇南地区,西北部地区从未涉及。

    The new strains showed a close phylogenetic relationship with JEV strain isolated from Sichuan in 2004 and JEV strain isolated from Shanghai in 2005.The past arbovirus investigation in Gansu province is limited in the southern areas , not involved in the northwestern region .

  10. 221例不明原因发热病人中,存在有JEV、DENV、BAV、RRV和BFV感染病例,这5种虫媒病毒的总阳性率为56.56%(.125例),提示虫媒病毒仍是当地不明原因发热的主要病原。

    DENV , BAV . RRV and BFV infectious cases and total positive rate of these 5 species arboviruses was 56.56 % ( 125 cases ), that indicated arboviruses were main pathogen in unknown fever cases in local too .

  11. 非致病性虫媒病毒干扰乙脑病毒的研究

    Studies on Interference of Non-pathogenic Virus with Japanese B Encephalitis Virus

  12. 5种虫媒病毒基因组部分核苷酸序列的测定及同源性比较

    Part nucleotide sequence determination and homology analysis of five arbovirus genomes

  13. 广东、海南两省人血清12种虫媒病毒抗体调查

    Prevalence of human antibody to arbovirus in Guangdong and Hainan Provinces

  14. 新疆南部地区蜱传虫媒病毒分子生物学调查

    Molecular biological survey of tick-born arboviruses in southern part of Xinjiang

  15. 云南省澜沧江下游地区虫媒病毒的调查研究

    Investigation of Arboviruses in Lancang river down-stream area in Yunnan province

  16. 脑炎病例中虫媒病毒感染的血清流行病学研究

    Seroepidemiological Study on Causative Infections with Arboviruses in Patients With Viral Encephalitis

  17. 5种虫媒病毒的血凝活性及血凝交叉抑制试验的研究

    Hemagglutination activity and cross hemagglutination inhibition test of five arboviruses

  18. 这些病症与虫媒病毒暴发相一致。

    These signs are consistent with an arbovirus outbreak .

  19. 卫生组织虫媒病毒和病毒性出血热合作中心

    WHO Collaborating Centre on Arboviruses and Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers

  20. 5种虫媒病毒的细胞培养及空斑试验

    Cell culture and plaque forming test of five arboviruses

  21. 海南岛两个虫媒病毒分离物的初步鉴定

    Preliminary identification of two arbovirus isolates from Hainan Island

  22. 云南省西双版纳发热病人血清虫媒病毒抗体调查

    Investigation on Arboviruses Antibodies of Patients with Fever in Xishuangbanna , Yunnan Province

  23. 海南省虫媒病毒分离物的初步鉴定

    Preliminary Identification on Arbovirus Isolates from Hainan Province

  24. 蚊虫垂直传递和交配传递虫媒病毒

    Vertical and Venereal Transmission of Arboviruses by Mosquitoes

  25. 目的:调查南方地区虫媒病毒感染情况。

    Aim : To investigate the distribution of arbovirus in the south of China .

  26. 南方五省口岸蚊类携带虫媒病毒调查

    Investigation of Arboviruses Carried by Mosquitoes at Ports in Five Provinces of South China

  27. 黑龙江省部分地区虫媒病毒调查

    Arbovirus survey in some regions in Heilongjiang province

  28. 贵州地区人群的虫媒病毒抗体调查

    Survey on Arbovirus Antibody of Population in Guizhou

  29. 对虫媒病毒来说,病毒基因的可塑性是惊人的高。

    The genome plasticity of the virus is surprisingly high for an arthropod-borne virus .

  30. 输入性蚊类携带虫媒病毒监测研究

    Surveillance on Arboviruses Carried by Introduced Mosquitoes