
  • 网络Protein Fiber;prot
  1. 牛奶纤维属于再生动物蛋白质纤维。

    Milk fiber belongs to the recycle animal protein fiber .

  2. 介绍了牛奶再生蛋白质纤维的特点。

    The characteristics of regenerated milk protein fiber are described .

  3. 大豆蛋白质纤维织造时多数用淀粉、PVA及丙烯酸酯类混合浆。

    When fibre weaves soybean proteide majority use amylum , PVA and the propenoic acid ester kind blend thick fluid .

  4. 桑蚕(Bombyxmori)蚕丝作为一种优良的天然蛋白质纤维,长期以来一直被人们广泛地应用于纺织服装行业。

    As an excellent natural protein fibre , Bombyx mori silk is widely used in the field of textile industry .

  5. 蛹蛋白粘胶长丝(简称PPV),是新型再生蛋白质纤维的一种,又称波特丝或蛹蛋白丝,是我国在化纤新产品开发中独有专利的奇葩。

    The viscose / pupa protein filament is a new regenerated protein fiber , the shortened form is PPV , which has particular patent in the development of new chemical production .

  6. 为了了解大豆蛋白质纤维的后加工和服用性能,采用DSC和热重分析等方法对大豆蛋白纤维的热学性能进行了测试分析,并把实验结果与羊毛的热学性能做了比较。

    In order to analyse the processing and serviceability of soybean protein fibers , the thermal property them is studied by TG and DSC and other methods . The experiment result of soybean protein fibers is compared with that of wool .

  7. 对大豆蛋白质纤维(PVASPF)的形态结构、共混结构以及各级原纤结构进行了研究,PVASPF的横截面呈多种不规则的非圆形,纵向表面较光滑,伴有某些条纹和沟槽。

    The morphological structure , blending structure and all grades fibrillar structure of the PVA SPF were studied . The cross section of the PVA SPF appears anomalous noncircular , the longitudinal surface of it is slick with some stripes and grooves .

  8. 大豆蛋白纤维一种新型植物蛋白质纤维。

    The soybean protein fiber is a new type synthetic fiber .

  9. 蛋白质纤维非织造材料应用研究现状

    Current Research and Applications of Nonwoven Materials Made of Protein Fibers

  10. 大豆蛋白质纤维的成形及其结构分析

    The Forming & the Structure Analysis of Soybean Protein Fibre

  11. 牛奶再生蛋白质纤维的性能及在非织造产品上的开发应用

    Milk Regenerate Protein Fiber Characteristics and Its Application and Development in Nonwovens

  12. 人造蛋白质纤维的性能特点与产品开发

    The property and their developed products of man – made protein fiber

  13. 等电点还原法漂白蛋白质纤维的研究和应用

    Study and Application of Equipotential-Point Reduction Bleaching of Protein Fibres

  14. 蛋白质纤维的导热性及其方向性差异

    Thermal Conduction Properties and Directional Difference of Protein Fiber

  15. 蚕丝作为天然的蛋白质纤维是一种优良的纺织材料。

    As a natural protein fiber , silk is a good textile material .

  16. 因为细胞通过一层硬蛋白质纤维控制形状,

    because cells control their shape with a skeleton of rigid protein fibers ,

  17. 大豆蛋白质纤维的生产原理与过程

    Production principle and process of soybean protein fiber

  18. 蜘蛛丝是一种轻质的具有高强度和高弹性的蛋白质纤维,因此可应用于纺织服装、纤维增强复合材料等领域。

    Spider silk is a flexible , lightweight fiber with extraordinary strength and toughness .

  19. 本论文提出采用真空微波烘燥技术对蛋白质纤维进行烘燥。

    This paper proposes the use of vacuum microwave drying technology for protein fibers drying .

  20. 天然有色蛋白质纤维的漂白工艺探讨

    Research on Bleaching of Crude Protein Fiber

  21. 大豆蛋白质纤维的超微结构

    Ultrastructure of the soybean protein fiber

  22. 大豆蛋白质纤维产品的开发

    Development of Soybean Protein Fiber Products

  23. 结果表明,B型活性染料用于大豆蛋白质纤维染色具有很好的染深性、鲜艳度和较高的染色牢度。

    Results showed that the dyed soybean fiber features excellent pile-on property , brilliance and color fastness .

  24. 新型再生蛋白质纤维

    New Regenerated Protein Fiber

  25. 本产品采用自然界中原生态蛋白质纤维柞蚕丝为原料。

    Silk blanket features : This product impress the Central Plains with natural silk protein fibers as raw material eco .

  26. 蜘蛛丝因其独特的机械特性,成为自然界性能优良的天然蛋白质纤维。

    Spider silk becomes the protein fibroin with excellent character in the natural world because of its unique mechanical properties .

  27. 针对大豆蛋白质纤维的物理和化学性能,采用B型活性染料染大豆蛋白质纤维。

    Aiming at the physical and chemical properties of soybean protein fiber , B type reactive dyes are selected for dyeing .

  28. 这些优良的蛋白质纤维可以任由电子在其中来回穿梭,使细菌群成为一个超级有机体。

    These fine protein filaments could shuttle electrons back and forth , allowing communities of bacteria to act as one super-organism .

  29. 金属络合染料是一类重要的染料分支,而偶氮金属络合染料,在整个金属络合染料中当视为最重要的一类,主要用于蛋白质纤维(羊毛,蚕丝)和聚酰胺纤维的染色。

    The metallized complexed azo dyes are important metallized complexed dyes used for protein ( wool and silk ) and polyamide fibers .

  30. 传统的漂白方法不能使天然有色蛋白质纤维得到令人满意的白度,对纤维又有很大的损伤。

    Crude protein fiber can hardly get an appropriate whiteness by traditional bleaching method , with which the fiber will serious damage .