
dàn bái tǐ
  • proteosomes
  1. 与单一顺序DNA互补的大鼠肝癌核RNA和聚核糖核蛋白体RNA的变化

    Changes of nuclear RNA and polysomal RNA complementary to the non-repeated DNA sequences in rat hepatoma

  2. 刚从骨髓释放入血流不久的红细胞含有核蛋白体RNA。

    Erythrocytes recently released by the bone marrow into the bloodstream often contain ribosomal RNA .

  3. 大鼠肝癌发生过程中基因转录调控机理的研究&Ⅱ.核蛋白体RNA的比较

    Studies on the control mechanism of genetic transcription during rat liver carcinogenesis & ⅱ comparison of ribosomal RNA

  4. 本研究从B群2b型脑膜炎奈瑟氏双球菌中提取蛋白体佐剂;

    In this report , outer membrane protein proteosome adjuvant was extracted from group B type 2 Neisseria meningitides ;

  5. 目的检测安徽省1型糖尿病患者的抗原肽相关运载蛋白体(Transporterassociatedwithantigenprocessing,TAP)基因位点多态性。

    Objective To understand the polymorphisms of transporter associated with antigen processing ( TAP ) genes in patients with Type 1 Diabetes mellitus in Anhui .

  6. 猕猴(Macacamulatta)肝5S核糖核蛋白体RNA的分离提纯

    Isolation and purification of 5S ribosomal RNA from the rhesus monkey ( macaca mulatta ) liver

  7. 茎中,随着外界Cu浓度的提高,Cu向细胞壁部分的分配减少,而向含核糖核蛋白体的细胞溶质部分的分配增加。

    In the stems , increasing Cu supply reduced the percentage of Cu in the cell wall fraction , and increased the mount of Cu in the soluble fraction .

  8. 原小檗碱立体结构与四环素类和喹诺酮类结构叠合较好,提示作用机理有相似之处,可能通过抑制细菌核蛋白体30S亚基或DNA回旋酶A产生抑菌作用。

    The 3D structures of berberine , tetracyclines and quinolones have been compared and overlapped well , which indicated probably their antibacterial mechanism is identical .

  9. 花后60d时,脂体在蛋白体的表面呈镶嵌状分布。

    At60 days after flowering , lipid bodies were perpendicular to the surface of protein bodies .

  10. [目的]观察外周血T淋巴细胞脱氧核糖核酸核蛋白体(rDNA)转录活性对消化系统恶性肿瘤的诊断有无临床价值,探讨其变化规律。

    To investigate the transcription activity of ribosome deoxyribonucleic acid ( rDNA ) in peripheral blood T lymphocyte for the diagnosis of digestive system malignant tumor .

  11. 电镜观察显示,NCS对蛋白体及脂质体的降解、叶绿体的发育也表现出强烈的抑制效应。

    From ultra-structural studies , NCS markedly prevented the the degradation of protein bodies and lipid bodies , as well as chloroplast formation of excised radish cotyledons .

  12. 授粉后90d,淀粉体的数量和体积明显增加,蛋白体以P1和P2两种形式存在。

    The number and volume of starch increased markedly at 90 days after pollination . And protein presents as forms of P1 and P2 .

  13. 蛋白体佐剂及用于鼠疫F1-V抗原的免疫效果

    Proteosome adjuvant and its application in anti-plague immunity induced by recombinant F1-V protein

  14. 罗红霉素为半合成的大环内酯类抗生素,通过与敏感细菌核蛋白体的50s亚基结合,抑制蛋白质的合成,从而起到抗菌作用。

    Roxithromycin ( RXM ), as a semisynthetic macrolide antibiotics , could disrupt bacterial protein synthesis by combining with 50s bacterial subunit , thereby exhibited antibacterial effects .

  15. 结构疏松,边界不清的NLB与粗面内质网和游离核蛋白体关系密切。

    The NLB of loose structure was frequently associated with free ribosomes and cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum .

  16. 小脉筛管分子的分化是通过P-蛋白体(P-proteinbody)的形成和液泡系的溶酶体作用,并伴之以高尔基体的分泌作用。

    The sieve tube members in the minor leaf vein are differentiated through the formation of the P-protein body , the function of the lysosome in the vacuome and the secretion of the dictyosome .

  17. 花后5天,胚乳细胞粗面内质网(RER)数量迅速扩增,蛋白体开始形成。

    Rapid proliferation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum ( RER ) in endosperm cell and the protein bodies were initiated 5 days after flowering ( DAF ) .

  18. 类蛋白体:指储存蛋白质的无色质体(白色体)。

    Proteoplast A colorless plastid ( leucoplast ) that stores protein .

  19. 大鼠肝聚核蛋白体及其核糖核酸酶天然抑制物的联合制备

    The Preparation of Polysomes and Natural RNase Inhibitor from Rat Liver

  20. 近的工作清楚地表明了核蛋白体包括许多不同的蛋白质。

    Later work clearly showed that a ribosome contains many different proteins .

  21. 肥皂草素类核糖核蛋白体失活蛋白的纯化及其性质研究

    Purification and Characterization of a ribosome inactivating proteins , Saporin

  22. 番茄种子及萌发过程中蛋白体超微结构的研究

    The ultrastructural study of protein body in ungerminated and germinated tomato seed

  23. 莲子叶蛋白体的类型、来源与发育

    The type , source and development of protein bodies in Lotus cotyledon

  24. 关于高等植物线粒体核蛋白体的知识也少的可怜。

    The knowledge about higher plant mitochondrial ribosomes is scanty .

  25. 筛孔被致密P&蛋白体堵塞。

    The sieve-pore was occluded by the compact P-protein .

  26. 棉花种子萌发过程中子叶蛋白体变化

    Changes of protein bodies in cotton cotyledons during germination

  27. 种子萌发过程中蛋白体逐渐液泡化,其降解方式可分为三种类型:(1)内部降解类型;

    There are three degradation patterns of protein bodies ,( 1 ) internal degradation ;

  28. 胞质内空泡众多,并随着剂量的增加而明显增多变大;胞质内游离核糖核蛋白体明显减少。

    The vacuoles increased and free ribosome decreased with the increase of the dose .

  29. 萌发大豆种子中蛋白体的消化与酸性磷酸酶活性的分布

    Patterns of Protein Body Degradation and Subcellular Localization of Acid Phosphatase in Germinating Soybean Seeds

  30. 蛋白体在子叶发育过程中逐渐增多,花后45~60d数量增加较快。

    The number of protein bodies increased gradually and increased more for45-60 days after flowering .