
xínɡ zhènɡ zhēnɡ yì
  • administrative dispute
  1. 现实生活中行政争议与民事争议相互关联的情形大量存在,其解决方式应视不同情形而有所区别。

    A large amount of situations exist in actual life that administrative dispute and civil dispute interweave and conflict , it should be solved according to different situations .

  2. 行政争议是现代社会发展中不可避免的现象,而行政争议的范围又随着政府行政管理模式的不同而有所区别。

    The administrative dispute is the modern society develops the inevitable phenomenon , but the administration disputed the scope also different has the difference along with the government administration pattern .

  3. 近年来,随着我国城市化发展进程的加快,拆迁矛盾日益凸显,而矛盾的焦点所在即是拆迁行政争议。

    In recent years , with the urbanization process of our country developing quickly , the Contradiction in destruction and moving of house gets Prominently day by day .

  4. 伴随经济的发展,社会行政争议也在大量凸显,顺利舒缓社会不满情绪,化解社会矛盾便是创建和谐社会的题中之义。

    With the development of the economy , social administrative disputes have been highlighted , smooth soothing social discontent , dissolve social contradiction is to create a harmonious society .

  5. 决定行政公益争议进入诉讼程序的主要障碍之一是原告资格。

    Suitor qualification is one of the main obstacles before the administrative prosecution of public interests .

  6. 行政权限争议的司法解决&论我国机关诉讼的构建

    Judicial Solution to Disputes of Administrative Competence & Constructing the Litigation of Public Authorities in China

  7. 最后论述了完善行政合同争议解决机制的妥善路径和方法。

    Lastly , the author discusses the proper path and method to improve the administrative contract dispute settlement mechanism .

  8. 在实践中,相关法律法规尚不健全,缺乏统一的、完善的行政合同争议解决机制,导致法律适用上的混乱。

    In practice , the imperfect relevant laws and regulations and the lack of a unified , comprehensive administrative contract dispute settlement mechanism have lead to confusion on the application of the law .

  9. 行政权限争议是行政机关之间法定权力的争议,该争议的合理、有效解决直接关涉公民合法权益的保障与公共利益的增长。

    It is the safeguard of the lawful welfare of the citizens to solve the disputes of administrative authority properly and efficiently , which are the disputes among administrative organs about the legal power .

  10. 行政权限争议并不是一个新问题。但是行政权限争议中的相对人利益保护问题却是一个缺乏深度关注的新问题。

    Though the dissension of administrative competence is not a new problem , protection of the administrative counterpart in the dissension of administrative competence is a quite new area which needs to be focus on .

  11. 附带诉讼:行政、民事争议交织案件的解决

    Incidental Litigation & the Settle of Case Interlaced with Administrative Dispute and Civil Dispute

  12. 行政合同的争议处理

    The Relief of Administrative Contract Dispute

  13. 机关诉讼是指由法院通过诉讼程序解决行政机关权限争议的一种诉讼类型。

    The organ litigation is a sort of the administrative litigations which the court arbitrates the administrative power dispute .

  14. 行政机关处理争议程序的本身是一种民事裁判程序,而非行政法意义上的具体行政行为。

    The dispute resolution procedure by administrative authority is civil proceeding , not specific administrative act in the sense of administrative law .

  15. 然而无论如何,特权的范围界定含糊,因为有关行政特权的争议一般是通过政治妥协而不是通过法院诉讼得到解决的。

    However , the scope of the privilege is ill-defined , because disputes over executive privilege are ordinarily resolved through political compromise rather than court litigation .

  16. 尽管对如何确定具体行政行为存在争议,但在《行政复议法》和《行政诉讼法》作出修改前,这对分类还是处于行政复议和行政诉讼受案范围的基础地位。

    Although there is a dispute about how to confirm the specific administrative acts , this kind of sort has the basic status before modifying the Administrative Reconsideration Law and the Administrative Procedure Law .

  17. 行政许可诉讼争议类型、审查内容及审查程度、信赖保护原则的适用等,属于行政许可案件审理中的重要问题,有必要讨论其解决方案。

    It 's necessary to find solutions to some important problems in the trial of administrative licensing cases , such as the categories of disputes involving administrative licensing , contents and degree of examination , the application of the principle of reliance and protection , etc.

  18. 行政区旅游资源争议现象初探

    On the disputes over tourist resources across administrative regions

  19. 但是有关行政诉讼和解的争议仍然没有平息。

    However the dispute on the reconciliation in administrative litigation has not subsided .

  20. 由行政承诺引发的争议应当适用行政诉讼法来调整。

    The disputes caused by administrative promise should be solved by means of litigation .

  21. 清末民初关于设立行政裁判所的争议

    The Controversy About Establishing the Administrative Tribunal in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Earlier Republic of China

  22. 笔者在对学界关于行政裁决的性质争议进行分析之后提出行政裁决是一种准司法行为,并对这一观点进行了论证。

    After analyzing academic circle on controversial of the character of administrative ruling , the author proposes the administrative ruling is a quasi-judicial behaviors , this view is demonstrated .

  23. 但这种两方面都获益的结果多少有些不正常:多数情况下,允许行政机关首先裁定争议的问题或案件大概意味着同时也给予其处置的权力。

    This best-of-both-worlds outcome is somewhat unusual , however : in most cases , allowing the agency the first opportunity to decide an issue or case probably means giving it the dispositive voice as well .

  24. 第二,与“莫比尔石油”案一样,复审法院有时把规则发回重审,指示行政机关在某些争议问题上应准许盘问,即使程序通常受《行政程序法》的非正式规则制定条款的制约。

    Second , as in Mobil oil , reviewing courts sometimes remanded rules with instructions that the agency allow cross-examination on particular issues , even though the proceeding was generally governed by the apa 's informal rulemaking provisions .

  25. 但司法实践中,对农村土地承包经营权证的法律属性意见不一,能否作为政府机关作出的具体行政行为提起行政诉讼争议较大。

    But the judicial practice , about rural land contracted a legal property , as the government can make specific mention the administrative action administrative proceedings dispute older .

  26. 行政复议与行政诉讼作为解决行政争议的两种救济性法律制度,在日常生活中起到了至关重要的作用。

    The administration reconsideration and the administrative litigation are two kinds of relief legal regime , they played the very important role in the daily life .

  27. 在行政审判司法实践中,出于实质化解行政争议和实现案结事了的目标,司法机关往往需要考虑各方的利益平衡,而不得不采用协调或者变相调解的方式来处理行政案件。

    In the judicial practice of administrative trial , for the essence of administrative disputes and achieve the target case , judicial organs often need to consider the balance of interests of all parties , and had to use a coordinator or mediation way of handling administrative cases .

  28. 它主要是行政机关发动,并有行政机关自行处理行政争议,其法律依据也是当地政府的规章。

    It basically is launched by administrative and dealed with by themselves , the legal basis is the government rules .

  29. 行政复议是指行政机关通过法定程序解决行政争议的法律制度,是现代国家普遍建立的一种重要的行政救济法律制度。

    Administrative reconsideration is a legal system for the administrative agencies to solve administrative controversy through legal procedure and is also an important administrative relief legal system which is very common in modern countries .

  30. 行政复议是我国一项专门由行政机关解决行政争议的法律制度。

    The administrative reconsideration is an institution of law in our country that solves the administrative disputes specially by the administrative organ .