
xíng xuè
  • Blood circulation;promoting circulation of blood
行血[xíng xuè]
  1. 所有患者均行血醛固酮测定、安体舒通试验及B超、CT检查。

    All patients were done serum aldosterone assay , spironolactone test and were examed B ultrasonography and CT .

  2. 治疗前、后分别进行心功能(NYHA分级)评估,行血生化、肝、肾功能、心电图、超声心动图检查。

    The changes of NYHA class , blood electrolytes , liver and renal function , electrocardiogram and echocardiography were examined .

  3. 目的:探讨关节镜手术加内服益气补肾行血汤治疗膝骨性关节炎(OA)的临床疗效和对关节液、血清中IL-1、IL-6水平的影响。

    Objective : To explore the outcome of arthroscopic operation plus oral administration of qi-invigorating , kidney-supplementing , blood-activating decoction on knee osteoarthritis and influences on the level of IL-1 , IL-6 in serum and synovial fluid .

  4. 心主行血质疑

    Questions on the Heart Controlling the Blood Circulation

  5. 她一瘸一拐地走着,身后的石头上留下两行血红的足迹。

    She limped on , leaving a trail of bloody footprints on the stones behind her .

  6. 从动脉测压管采血行血电解质及血糖测定的研究

    A study on collecting blood sample from arterial piezometer to determine both blood electrolytes and blood glucose

  7. 强调养阴护脉、行血散瘀是虚实并治的积极疗法。

    Emphasis should be laid on nourishing yin , protecting vessels , promoting blood circulation and dispersing stasis .

  8. 对照组35例患者中,行血透28例,B超引导下经皮肾穿刺造瘘5例,孤立肾逆行插管引流成功1例。

    Cases by percutaneous nephrostomy , and 1 case was successfully conducted in a drainage through solitary kidney by retro-urethral catheterization .

  9. 化浊行血、健脾益气法干预老年代谢综合征临床疗效研究

    Resolving Turbidity , Promoting Blood Circulation and Reinforcing Qi by Tonifying Spleen to Interfere with Metabolic Syndrome in Elderly Clinical Efficacy Study

  10. 化浊行血兼以温阳法治疗代谢综合征的临床和实验研究

    The Clinical and the Experimental Research of Metabolic Syndrome Treated by the Method of Eliminating the Turbidity in Blood and Warming Yang

  11. 甲状腺癌宜用益气养阴、软坚活血佐以解毒法。治则治法当益气养阴扶其正,活血行血化其瘀。并对有关用药原则进行了论述。

    For thyroid cancer , it should be treated by enriching qi and yin , softening mass and activating blood flow as well as relieving toxin .

  12. 其次是理气行血散郁药,总出现频次是258次,涉及药物27种,占引用的全部药物的12.6%;

    Then 27 herbs which can administer qi and blood to scatter stagnation , occupy 12 . 6 % of total refered herbs , appear 258 vices ;

  13. 对不明原因的无热惊厥者应注意及时行血铅检查,以便早期诊断,防止漏诊。

    The patient of convulsion with unknown reason , and no fever , should be checked the blood-lead for early diagnosis in order to prevent from leaking diagnosis .

  14. 本病发病始终均存在不同程度的瘀血症状,所以活血行血.是治疗本病的基本方法。

    This sickness morbidity has the varying degree throughout the ecchymosis symptom , therefore invigorates the blood the good blood treats the essential method which the book gets sick .

  15. 术后34例获随访,随访时间2~18个月,平均随访13个月,未见复发及转移,未见需行血透治疗。

    After 31 cases were followed up for 2 ~ 18 months , with an average follow-up of 13 months , no recurrence or metastasis , no need to line hemodialysis treatment .

  16. 花椒又是一种具温中散寒、除湿止痛、发汗、杀虫解毒、行血、健胃、导滞等多种功能的药物。

    Pepper and a kind of a temperature in the cold , dehumidification pain , sweating , insecticide detoxification , Blood Circulation , stomach , dredge and other features of the drug .

  17. 其中虫类中药最被看重,被视为血肉有情之品,具有走窜通达、破血行血、化痰散结、疏逐搜剔之特性。

    Insects Chinese medicine the most important was considered " sentient flesh and blood products ", has go channeling accessible , expelling Blood Circulation , phlegm , and sparse-by found the tick characteristics .

  18. 前言:对心主行血的功能提出质疑,认为心应以“心主神”为用更为适宜。

    The author raises the question about " the heart controlling the blood circulation ", and proposes the idea that the heart being related to mind is more reasonable than the former one .

  19. 若肺阴亏虚,燥热内盛,影响肺主呼吸之功能,导致肺气壅塞,不能助心行血,可累及心君;

    The dryness-heat due to deficiency of the lung-yin may influence the function of lung being in charge of respiration , which will result in the obstruction of the lung qi and failure of aiding the blood circulation of heart ;

  20. 治疗前后两组患者均行血、尿、粪便常规、肝肾功能、心电图安全性指标检查,结果显示两组患者安全性指标检测均未见明显异常。

    The difference has statistical significance . ( 4 ) Before and after treatment No obvious abnormal case of Two groups of patients was found in all safety index , such as blood , urine , stool routine , liver and kidney function , electrocardiogram .

  21. 对高龄冠心病患者行部分血运重建介入治疗是一种可行的治疗方案。

    Some of the elderly patients with coronary heart disease revascularization intervention is a feasible treatment options .

  22. 他因着信,就守逾越节,(守或作立)行洒血的礼,免得那灭长子的临近以色列人。

    Through faith he kept the passover , and the sprinkling of blood , lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them .

  23. 益气药的用量应大于活血药(7:3&6:4),这样才符合气行则血行的益气活血法的根本宗旨。

    The dosage of herbs for replenishing Qi should more than that for activating blood circulation ( 7:3-6:4 ), to satisfy the cardinal purpose of replenishing Qi and activating blood circulation method .

  24. 对颈内动脉海绵窦段及分支、海绵窦段颅神经的走行及血供、海绵窦外侧壁的三角进行拍照。

    Observe the course of the cavernous segment of internal carotid artery and branches , course and blood supply of cavernous segment of cranial nerves and the triangle of the cavernous sinus lateral wall .

  25. 方法509例男性不育患者行外周血淋巴细胞G显带染色体核型分析。

    Methods : Chromosomal karyotypes were examined in509 male infertile patients by periphery blood lymphocyte culture and G banding .

  26. 方法:家系资料采用系谱分析及问卷调查,家系成员行外周血染色体脆性位点分析,免疫酶联法检测EB病毒VCA/IgA、EA/IgA。

    Methods : The pedigree materi-als came from the examination of chromosome fragile site , assay of immuno-enzyme for EB virus VCA / IgA , EA / IgA .

  27. 或者你就傻坐着也行,让血不停地在地板上流淌。

    Or you can sit idly and bleed out on the floor .

  28. 在此基础上,治疗组行益气调血、扶本培元针法治疗。

    Additionally , treatment group was treated with " yi qi tiao xue fu ben pei yuan " acupuncture therapy .

  29. 结论:对原发性闭经患者应常规行外周血染色体检查,以明确闭经的原因,及早对症治疗;

    Conclusions : The cases with primary amenorrhea should be taken for a routine chromosome examination and early expectant treatment .

  30. 同时在自身非输液侧浅静脉采等量血液作为对照,分别行血常规、血生化、凝血功能和肝功能等检查,并对检验结果进行对比分析。

    All samples were sent for blood routine , biochemistry , liver function and blood coagulation test . Their results were analyzed and compared .