
  1. 行政诉讼举证责任流行观点评述

    Common Viewpoint of Onus Probandi in Administrative Lawsuits

  2. 论行政诉讼举证责任

    On the Burden of Proof in Administrative Procedure

  3. 试论行政诉讼举证责任分配和举证规则的优化

    The Discussion of the Optimizing of the Assignment of Burden of Proof and the Rules of Offering Evidence

  4. 结语部分对进一步发展行政诉讼举证责任分配规则提出若干建议。

    Some suggestions are made in the epilogue to further the distributing rules of the burden of proof of the administrative litigation in China .

  5. 行政诉讼举证责任作为一种规则,它与行政程序举证责任有密切关系。

    The administration litigation offering as proof duty is used as a kind of rule , it connects with administration procedure offering as proof duty closely .

  6. 就我国而言,行政诉讼举证责任有一般原则即“举证责任倒置”和例外原则即原告举证。

    A general principle , inversion of onus probandi , and an exception principle , the onus of proof being on the plaintiff are adopted in China .

  7. 行政诉讼举证责任分配的一般原理有:公正、当事人提供证据的可能性与现实性、效率。原告承担举证责任的范围包括:①具体行政行为的存在;

    The general principles of distribution of load of proof in administrative action are the justness , feasibility and reality of providing proof by the litigant , efficiency .

  8. 行政诉讼举证责任分配是行政诉讼的核心,也是行政诉讼法学理论中一个争议颇多的问题。

    The distribution of the burden of proof in administrative procedure is not only the core of administrative procedure but also a controversial legal theory in a lot of problems .

  9. 但是,十几年来的审判实践证明,我国的行政诉讼举证责任制度尚有许多不完善的地方。

    Anyhow , the trial practice in the passed 10 or more years proved that our country 's system of evidential burden of administrative action still needs to perfect in many aspects .

  10. 行政诉讼中举证责任的分配

    Sharing the Burden of Proof on Administrative Litigation

  11. 行政诉讼的举证责任

    Burden of Proof for Administrative Lawsuit

  12. 行政诉讼中举证责任的承担及其转移举证责任倒置给医院带来新的挑战

    Assumption of Responsibility of Giving Evidence and Transfer in Administrative Lawsuit Inversion of responsibility for proof citation - a new challenge to hospital

  13. 我国行政诉讼中的举证责任,应在借鉴国外的理论的基础上,根据我国的审判制度、法律传统以及法官制度的结构,来确定我国举证责任的理念。

    The idea of burden of proof in our administration action should be based on foreign theories and our system of judgement and structure of law tradition or magistrate system .

  14. 试论行政诉讼中原告的举证责任

    Load of Proof of Plaintiff in Administrative Action

  15. 第三章介绍了行政合同诉讼中的举证责任,即举证责任倒置与谁主张,谁举证的原则。

    The third chapter describes the burden of administrative contract lawsuit , the principle of " burden of proof " and " who advocates , who proof " .

  16. 由于篇幅的原因,本文对其他一些重要问题没能进行研究,如不动产登记纠纷行政诉讼的管辖、举证责任、裁判方式等,这些问题有待于以后进行研究。

    Due to space reasons , the article has no research on other important issues . Such as the jurisdiction of administrative proceedings of the real estate registration dispute , the burden of proof , referees methods , theses problems need to be studied later .

  17. 行政诉讼证明标准同行政诉讼举证责任一道,构成行政诉讼证据理论的核心。

    Testimony standard and burden of proof of administrative litigation form the core of the evidence theory of administrative litigation .

  18. 论诉讼中附属证据性行政行为问题的解决行政诉讼的举证责任

    Solutions to the Accessory Administration issue in Litigation ; Burden of Proof for Administrative Lawsuit

  19. 《行政诉讼法》和司法解释确立了被告在行政诉讼中的举证责任制度和程序规则,已经建立起符合行政诉讼证据特点的被告举证程序规范体系。

    Administrative litigation law and judicial interpretation establish the system of defendant 's burden of proof in administrative litigation , and formulate the normative framework of defendant 's proof procedure with administrative evidence characteristics .