
  • 网络civil litigation attached to administrative litigation
  1. 行政附带民事诉讼研究

    Study on Civil Litigation Attached to Administrative Litigation

  2. 行政附带民事诉讼若干问题研讨

    Thoughts About Problems Caused by Administrative Lawsuit with Civil Lawsuit

  3. 第二部分,集中分析行政附带民事诉讼的受案范围。

    Second part , Concentrate on analyzing the scope of accepting cases with civil action of administration .

  4. 随后,集中分析了行政附带民事诉讼的受案范围,并对不符合该诉讼范围的两种情况作了简要的分析。

    The rest of this part analyzed the scope of the administrative incidental civil lawsuit and give a briefly analysis of two exceptions .

  5. 该章首先对目前理论界存在的三种解决思路予以分析、指出不足,然后提出行政附带民事诉讼的司法救济途径。

    Firstly , this chapter analyzes the current theory of the existence , Then , proposes an administrative judicial remedy incidental civil action .

  6. 行政附带民事诉讼或民事行政二审合一诉讼不区分救济的对象,导致诉讼程序的混乱,不具有可行性。

    Administrative incidental civil action or civil administration litigation do not differentiate the object of relief , which will lead to the confusion in the proceedings .

  7. 根据我国审判实践中的实际情况及理论上的分析可以确定,行政附带民事诉讼具有其存在的现实依据和理论依据。

    In light of the practical situation of adjudgment practice and analysis in theory , there surely are practical and theoretical evidence of administration with supplementary civil action .

  8. 从对其进行司法审查的两种方式的效果上看,行政附带民事诉讼的方式更具有形式和实质的合理性。

    From the view of effects of the two means in the process of judicial examination , the means of administrative lawsuit with civil lawsuit is more reasonable in the form and content .

  9. 本部分首先通过对刑事附带民事诉讼中的附带诉讼进行了集中讨论,从而与行政附带民事诉讼相比较,引出行政附带民事诉讼的概念。

    At first , the author focuses on the " incidental lawsuit " in the criminal incidental civil lawsuit and compared it with the administrative incidental civil lawsuit . Then give the concept of administrative incidental civil lawsuit .

  10. 并针对补充模式需要提起两个诉讼程序的低效率问题,提出在工伤保险赔偿范围内建立行政附带民事诉讼制度,以提高诉讼效率,减轻当事人讼累,节省司法资源。

    Because of the low efficiency problem of the complementary modality , the system of administrative litigation added with civil litigation will be a better choice in order to improve the efficiency , lighten the litigants ' burden and save the judicial resources .

  11. 论行政诉讼附带民事诉讼

    On administrative action with incidental civil action

  12. 试论我国法律行政诉讼附带民事诉讼制度的建立

    Study on the Establishment of China 's Legal System of Collateral Civil Proceedings of Administrative Proceedings

  13. 行政裁判诉讼和行政处罚诉讼也不是行政附带民事诉讼。因此,行政诉讼不应附带民事诉讼。

    So administrative litigation should be not affiliated with civil actions .

  14. 所以对行政裁决行为,应当改变立法上的模糊规定,以行政附带民事诉讼的方式提起对其的司法审查。

    Therefore , as to administrative adjudication , we should change the fuzzy definition in law-making , lawsuit the administrative adjudication in the means of administrative lawsuit with civil lawsuit .