
  • 网络behavioral learning theory;Behaviorist learning theory;behavioural learning theory;behaviourist theory
  1. 本论文首先从各种学习理论出发,对包括认知主义学习理论、建构主义学习理论、行为主义学习理论在内的各种学习理论进行了分析与总结,明确了网络课程界面设计的基本原则。

    The paper first summarizes different learning theories including Cognitivism Learning Theory ; Constructivism Learning Theory ; Behavioral Learning Theory to draw the fundamental principles of interface design for web-based courses .

  2. 行为主义学习理论经历了三个阶段,表现为由经典行为主义的学习理论到新行为主义学习理论,再到20世纪50年代后期表现为社会学习理论的历史演变过程。

    The Behavioral Learning Theory has been experienced three phases , that is , from the classical behavioral learning theory to the new behavioral learning theory to the social learning theory which appeared in the last 1950s .

  3. 以行为主义学习理论为基础的CAI教学设计的特点是以教师为中心,只强调教师的教而忽视学生的学,全部教学设计理论都是围绕如何教而展开,很少涉及学生如何学的问题。

    Guided by behaviorism , the CAI design focused on how teachers taught but seldom paid attention to how students studied .

  4. 阐述了行为主义学习理论、认知主义学习理论以及建构主义学习理论,根据这些理论提出了CAI设计的行为主义原则、认知主义原则和建构主义原则。

    Studying theory on behaviorism , studying theory on epistemology and studying theory on constructivism are expounded , According to them , behaviorism principles of CAI design , epistemology principles of CAI design and constructivism principles of CAI design , are put forward .

  5. 普通心理学研究了影响学习的智力因素和非智力因素,行为主义学习理论推出了程序教学。

    General psychology studies the intellectual and unintellectual factors that influence study .

  6. 其中,行为主义学习理论对教师的教学具有重要的指导作用;

    The behaviorism theory can give guidance to teaching ;

  7. 第二章回顾了对掌握学习有重要影响的学习理论&行为主义学习理论。

    Chapter Two reviews an important learning theory , behaviorism , which paves the way for Mastery Learning .

  8. 根据行为主义学习理论,防止错误发生比确认错误更为重要。

    According to Behaviorist learning theory , the prevention of errors was more important than the identification of errors .

  9. 操作性条件反射是美国著名心理学家斯金纳①新行为主义学习理论中的一个核心概念。

    Operant conditional response is a core concept of the famous American psychologist Skinner 's Neo - behaviorism theory .

  10. 分析了行为主义学习理论、认知学习理论、建构主义学习理论、人本主义理论和高中生心理特点对信息技术与物理课程整合的指导作用。

    Such as the study theory of behaviorism , cognitivism , constructivism , humanism and high school students ' psychological characteristic .

  11. 行为主义学习理论、认知主义学习理论和人本主义学习理论,对学习支持服务系统的构建有着重要指导意义。

    The learning theories of behaviorism , cognitionism , and humanism are of vital significance to the construction of the study-support service system .

  12. 其次从理论上剖析了虚拟认识的涵义以及桌面虚拟现实与行为主义学习理论、建构主义学习理论和人本主义学习理论的关系;

    Second , the comprehension of virtual cognition and the relationship between desktop virtual reality and three major learning theories in web-based education are analyzed .

  13. 本研究是在认知学习理论和行为主义学习理论指导下,结合学科教育的特点,在中学化学教学中一个非常具体的领域&物质结构部分进行的。

    The author aims at the given field-the structure of substance directed by behavioral learning theory and cognitive learning theory in chemistry education in high school .

  14. 随着认知主义和建构主义学习理论的发展,只基于行为主义学习理论开发出来的数学习题软件,已经不能满足学习者的需要。

    With development of the cognitivism and constructivism learning theory , the mathematical exercise software only based on behaviorism has been unable to meet the needs of learners .

  15. 指出了行为主义学习理论、认知主义学习理论、建构主义学习理论和人本主义学习理论是多媒体课件评价指标体系的理论依据。

    The second chapter discusses some basic theories of establishing the evaluation indicator system of multimedia courseware , including behaviorism theory , cognitivism theory , constructivism theory and humanism theory .

  16. 通过对建构主义学习理论和行为主义学习理论的比较,阐述了建构主义学习理论对英语教学的指导作用以及在英语教学中的应用。

    This paper makes a brief comparison between the constructivist and the behaviorist theories and discusses the guiding role of the constructivist theory in English teaching and its practical application .

  17. 第二部分,在回顾二十世纪美国教育改革的三次浪潮时,我们从另一个视野领悟了行为主义学习理论的发展变化。

    Secondly , in the review of tides of American Twentieth century education reforms , we would gain and assess the development and progress of Behaviorist learning theories from another stand .

  18. 事实证明,虽然行为主义学习理论一直对指导教学方面有着不可替代的作用,但是人们更倾向于认为,不同的学习理论从不同的角度阐述了对学习的认知。

    Facts have proved that although behaviorism learning theory has played an irreplaceable role in teaching , more people think that different kinds of learning theories enrich the understanding of the learning .

  19. 在以上四部分分析的基础上,探悉了行为主义学习理论演化对中国现代基础教育改革理念转变的启示:塑造良好行为习惯,适度发展技能;处理好行为发展与人格发展的关系;

    It analyze the implication of the evolution of Behaviorist learning theories for the notions of Chinese modern basic education reforms on the basis of analyses of the four parts mentioned above .

  20. 本文通过对教育心理学中行为主义学习理论、认知学习理论和人本主义学习理论三大教育心理学流派的总结和概括,探讨教育心理学对英语教学的影响和启示。

    This article is devoted to the brief generalization and summary of behaviorism , cognitive theory and humanistic theory in educational psychology in order to study their effect on and reaction to English teaching .

  21. 第二部分是本课题的理论依据,主要从行为主义学习理论、建构主义学习理论、人本主义学习理论以及新基础教育理论四个方面进行了探讨。

    The second part is the theoretical basis of this subject , in this part the behaviorist learning theory , constructivist learning theory , humanistic learning theory , as well as the new foundation for educational theory are discussed .

  22. 情境学习是20世纪90年代以来西方学习理论领域研究的热点,也是教育心理学领域继行为主义学习理论与认知主义学习理论后的又一个重要研究取向。

    Situational study has been the focus of the study theories in the west countries since the 1990s . It is also another important research orientation following the study theories of behaviorism and cognition in the educational psychology domain .

  23. 受斯金纳的行为主义学习理论的影响,早期的信息技术课程教学模式往律忽视了学生是学习的主体,不利于学生学习自主性的充分发挥和创新能力的培养。

    The behaviorism study theory influence , the early information technology curriculum educational model often has neglected the student is the study main body , is disadvantageous studies the . independent full display and the innovation ability raise to the student .

  24. 我国传统的教育一直偏重于用行为主义学习理论培养儿童的良好行为和解释儿童的不良行为,而相对忽视对个体认知心理规律作用的认识。

    Traditional education in China gives particular emphasis on behaviorism learning theory which pays a great deal of attention to cultivate children 's good behavior and interpret their misdemeanor problems , but ignores the function of individual mental rules of cognition .

  25. 他反对传统行为主义学习理论把动物研究的结论推论到人身上的做法,而强调研究处在社会情境中的个体对社会刺激所做出的反应。

    He objected to the traditional behavioral psychologists ' practice that drew conclusions about the human being from the animal research , however , he attached more importance to the behavioral reaction of the human individual to the social stimulus in the social situations .

  26. 行为主义学习理论作为曾在西方心理学界占据支配地位长达半个世纪之多的学派,不仅为心理学的未来,也为其精神所涉及的各个领域,特别是教育领域的发展提供了重要启示。

    As a school , Behaviorist learning theories existed more than half a century in the history of western psychology , then , it provides the important implications not only for the future of psychology but the various areas where its spirit penetrated , especially education .

  27. 行为主义的学习理论提倡学习外语应如同母语般的直接理解和使用,完全逾越翻译这一过程。

    According to the behaviorist learning theory , foreign language learners should understand and use a foreign language like their mother language beyond the process of translating .

  28. 通过客观分析当前运动学习的现状和误区,尝试进行运动学习层次分类,提出各层次学习心理模式并使之与行为主义联结学习理论、认知学习理论联系起来。

    It attempts to classify the sports leaning structure for different learning steps , and furthermore to relate them with the behavioristic association theory and cognitive learning theory .

  29. 行为主义和社会学习理论则强调:个体已形成的习得无助感加剧了戒烟困难;

    Yet the behaviorism stresses that it is the individual learned helplessness that sharpens the difficulty of giving up smoking .

  30. 自从1903年教育心理学诞生以来,先后出现了行为主义、认知主义学习理论,建构主义是行为主义发展到认知主义以后的进一步发展。

    Since the birth of educational psychology in 1903 , it has emerged behaviorism , cognitive learning theory .