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jiā shā
  • cassock;kasaya, a patchwork outer vestment worn by a Buddhist monk
袈裟 [jiā shā]
  • [cassock] 和尚披的法衣,由许多长方形布片拼缀而成

袈裟[jiā shā]
  1. 在菩萨的帮助下,孙悟空制服了黑熊怪,并最终要回了袈裟。

    She helped him defeat the black monster and finally acquired the cassock .

  2. 当你穿上了爱情的婚纱,我也披上了和尚的袈裟。

    When you put on love , wedding , and I donned a monk 's cassock .

  3. 穿袈裟的不必须是和尚。

    The cowl ( or hood ) does not make the monk .

  4. 在我国,还有一个地藏菩萨袈裟围地的有趣传说。

    There was another interesting version about Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva occupying land with his patchwork .

  5. 学校教育进入傣族地区后,义务教育的普及使得和尚们就披着袈裟进入了课堂。

    Popularization of compulsory education prompted the monks to entered the classroom with their hood .

  6. 洞窟中心是一座三层楼高、身披橘色袈裟的坐佛,佛像周围还立着金属脚手架。

    Metal scaffolding still surrounds the central statue , a three-story seated Buddha with orange robes .

  7. 孙悟空虽然惩罚了黑心的方丈,却再次弄丢了师傅的袈裟。

    Although the Monkey King had severely penalized the black-hearted abbot , he lost the master 's cassock once again .

  8. 我等欲供养这套袈裟给予僧团。愿这供养为我等与往生的父母与亲人,带来利益与幸福。愿我等能与他们同享这功德。

    We wish to offer these robes to the Sangha , for the long term benefits and happiness of us and our deceased relatives , we wish they can share this merit with us .
