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  • imperial palace
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  • [imperial palace] 旧指皇宫

大内[dà nèi]
  1. 大内摩擦角填料有助于提高桩体荷载分担比。

    Choosing embankment filling with large friction angle is helpful to increasing pile efficacy .

  2. 黑河中游是我国西北干旱区开发历史较早,绿洲化程度较高的第二大内陆河流域。

    The middle field of Heihe river is the second largest inland valley in arid rigions of northwest in China .

  3. 你做的所有提高存在感的事情——特别是在你所知的群体之外的更大领域内——是一个净赢。

    Anything you do that advances your presence - especially in a larger sphere , outside the communities you know - is a net win .

  4. NET平台的3D标准模架库系统,在更大范围内和更大程度上实现了设计资源的共享。

    NET platform , realizing design resources sharing in a large extent .

  5. 中缝大核内微量注射5-羟色胺、P物质等对家兔胃运动胃电的影响

    Effect of Injecting 5-HT , Substance P into NRM on the Rabbits ' Gastric Motility and Gastric Myoelectric Activity

  6. 普适性破坏与大N内推

    Universality violation and large N interpolations

  7. 在小闭环内采用PID控制,大环内采用并、串复合的同步控制方法实现水压双缸同步控制。

    Synchronization control was realized through the PID in inner closed loop and the series - parallel connection in outer loop .

  8. 这样得到的多级控制器不仅可使整个闭环大系统内稳定,能够满足H∞性能,而且工程上便于实现。

    The controller obtained through above mentioned method makes the general interconnected large-scale system inner stabilized and achieves the H ∞ performance requirements . Moreover , it is easy to realize in engineering .

  9. 通过集中化清算降低银行的资本要求,有望使单一名称CDS更受欢迎,有助于改善更大范围内的信用市场的流动性。

    By reducing capital requirements for banks , via centralised clearing , the hope is that single-name CDS become popular , helping improve broader credit market liquidity .

  10. 结果大鼠内淋巴囊中间部的上皮、上皮下区域和囊腔内存在着散在的BrdU阳性细胞,而在耳蜗未发现阳性细胞。

    Result Scattered BrdU cells were detected within the endolymphatic sac ( ES ) whereas labelled cells were not found in the cochlea .

  11. 分析表明,综合利用可变技术是在更大范围内实现HCCI稳定燃烧、扩大HCCI燃烧功率输出的主要发展方向。

    It is concluded that using comprehensive variable technology is a potential method to realize stable combustion and expanding engine out puts in HCCI mode .

  12. 实践证明,所采用的方法和技术提高了LUCC信息提取的自动化水平和精度,并可以在更大范围内推广使用。

    Examples prove that the adopted method and technology improve the level of autoimmunization and precision of LUCC information extraction , and can be generalized in a larger scope .

  13. 例如,私有注册中心的实体现在可以被复制到另一个附属的私有注册中心以在更大范围内公开,或者被复制到根注册中心(如UBR)供公众使用。

    Entities in a private registry , for instance , can now be copied into another affiliated private registry for broader exposure or into a root registry , such as the UBR , for public consumption .

  14. 根据Heskestad羽流模型计算了烟气生成速率,与机械排烟速率比较得到了夏季大空间内火灾机械排烟的效率。

    The smoke producing rates were thus calculated by using Heskestad plume correlation . Compared with the mechanical smoke exhaust rates , we have thus deduced the efficiency of the mechanical smoke exhaust in such summer fires .

  15. 大地形内边界处理法的两层斜压模式数值试验

    Numerical experiments of a two-layer model with internal boundary of topography

  16. 大容量内浮顶油罐的安全性分析

    Safety analysis of large capacity inner floating roof oil tank

  17. 大口径内槽给排水管件模具

    Fittings and molds for large caliber groove of water supply and drainage

  18. ??最严重的污染威胁集中在大城市内或其附近。

    The worst pollution threat is concentrated in and near large cities .

  19. 大模数内齿轮滚刀的齿形分析

    Tooth Profile Analysis on Coarse Pitch Internal Gear Ball Hob

  20. 大鼠内淋巴囊免疫活性细胞的观察

    Observation of Immunocompetent Cells in Rat Endolymphatic Sac

  21. 在相当大范围内器件的动态效率及动静比随铬离子浓度的加大而提高。

    Efficiency of the Q-switched ruby device increases with chromium concentration in a considerably wide range .

  22. 计算结果和试验结果对比表明,在大空间内仍可利用火灾区域模拟方法计算烟气的运动。

    The zone model could still be used to simulate the smoke movement in large spaces .

  23. 分析结果表明,在大空间内合理设置排烟系统对保证其消防安全至关重要;

    The analysis results show that a smoke control system is extremely important to ensure atrium fire safety .

  24. 在各地下水大系统内,又可根据各自的地质-水文地质结构特征、地下水循环条件以及和地表水系的关系等,再进一步划分成7个地下水系统及16个地下水亚系统。

    Based on the hydrogeology and groundwater circulation conditions , 7 groundwater systems and 16 subsystems are subdivided .

  25. 国际经验表明,预算管理改革与政府会计改革是提高政府受托责任的重要做法,政府会计改革通常涵盖在预算管理改革的大框架内。

    International practice indicates that budget reform and government accounting reform are important aspect to enhance government management .

  26. 结论:在家兔胸大肌内,肌内神经分支密集的部位,运动终板与肌梭分布密度亦高;

    Conclusion : Dense regions of intramuscular nerve branches have a large amount of motor endplates and muscle spindles .

  27. 但正如日本所发现的,令汇率走低的一条更加有效的途径是在更大范围内放松货币政策。

    But as Japan discovered , a more effective path to a weaker currency is loosening monetary policy more broadly .

  28. 试验结果表明,烟气在大空间内的温度并不高,但烟气层下降速度很快。

    The results showed that the temperature rise of smoke layer was very low , but the descending of smoke layer was quick .

  29. 结果:根据观察结果,将肱骨大结节内骨小梁的这些指标的变化分成5期。

    The morphological changes of the bone trabeculae in the greater tubercle of the humerus were observed on the radiographs of each age group .

  30. 同时,建筑企业将在更大范围内,更广领域和更高层次上参与国际竞争。

    At the same time , construction enterprises will be in bigger range , wider field and higher administrative levels participating in international competition .