
  1. 内容之三在于大孝解脱。

    Three of the content is " hateful and Liberation " .

  2. 有如忠、孝&忠乃大孝,孝乃小忠;

    Politics is big economy and economy small politics .

  3. 要根据工作成绩的大孝好坏,有赏有罚,有升有降。只要原料成本不下降,消费品价格也不会下降。

    Rewards and penalties , promotions and demotions should be based on work performance . So long as the costs of raw materials keep up , prices of consumer good will keep up , too .

  4. 小说中,艾衲居士围绕着良心大孝结构起三则故事,这三则故事都与道德伦理有关,主人公皆因其谨守道德伦理而得到好报。

    Among the novel , Aina Jushi structures blow three stories around " conscience old filial piety ", these three stories relate to ethics and morals , protagonists get kind rewards for observing morals and ethics .

  5. 佛教认为,不管是弃财捐货,抛妻弃子,剃发出家等行为并不阻碍大孝,真正的大孝在于是父母修持佛道并获得解脱。

    Buddhism believes that whether to abandon the money donated goods , left his wife and child and shaved his monk does not hinder the hateful , real " hateful " is is parents are practicing Buddhism and obtain relief .