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dà shè tiān xià
  • proclaim a general amnesty;announce amnesty
大赦天下[dà shè tiān xià]
  1. 下诏大赦天下。

    An imperial edict was given for a general amnesty .

  2. 文帝初立,大赦天下。

    When Emperor Wen first came to the throne , a general amnesty was proclaimed to the empire .

  3. 从《北伐檄文》《大赦天下诏》看明代法制建设的特点

    Characteristics of the Construction of Legal System in Ming Dynasty Seen from War Proclamation of the Northern Expedition and Imperial Edit of Punishment-remitting

  4. 7.amnestyn.大赦新皇帝宣布大赦天下。

    The new emperor declared a total amnesty .